Try to learn from every experience - that is the only meditation. Don't allow any experience to just go down the drain - learn something. Learning will remain with you. The experience will go, but learning will remain with you. And when an accumulation of understanding comes to a certain degree, there is an explosion.
It is just like when water is heated up to a hundred degrees: the water disappears and becomes a totally different thing. The quality changes, it evaporates. Ordinarily water flows downwards, but when it evaporates it starts moving upwards - the dimension has changed.
You are like water. If you don't learn you will go on moving downwards. Learn! Learning is a heat, a seasoning, a maturity, a fire. Learn more and you create more fire within you; and then comes the moment of a hundred degrees - and a jump. Suddenly, the downward dimension disappears - you are moving upwards. You are moving higher and higher and higher, you have become a cloud.
This is possible only through experience; when experience becomes learning, and learning becomes understanding - understanding is the essence. It is not a memory, it is just the very essence of all that you have known. You cannot explain your understanding to anybody, no. It is not knowledge, it cannot be given.
- Invite the Sun - Heavenletters
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Tuesday, November 28, 2017 - 11:00