GFP Newsletter - 6/30/2018

will's picture

Tears should never be controlled, because they are always cleansing you. Even if they are of sadness, they will take away your sadness; they will leave you more calm and more quiet. They are always of great help. If they are tears of joy, then the dimension changes. In sadness they will take away your sadness, in happiness they will increase it. They are just like flowers.

And the third dimension of innocence, which you are feeling, is the highest of all. It will cleanse your heart, it will cleanse your mind, it will make you feel fresh, new. That's what you are feeling - as if you are newly born. The same old trees and the same old people start looking so fresh. The green of the trees becomes greener, and the rosiness of the roses becomes rosier, and the beauty of the human face takes on something of the divine. The same eyes of people start becoming windows to their soul.



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