Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

Archangel Gabriel’s Daily Message ~ Saturday February 1, 2014

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By: Trinityesoterics, 02/01/2014

To wake up and surrender to the highest outcome is a wonderful way to start every day. Practicing gratitude before you go to sleep is a wonderful and powerful way to end every day. We understand that many enlightening human beings do this as they are learning how to navigate their lives with far greater grace and ease. But we would like to suggest one more thing. If you have had troubles with self love or worthiness issues, we highly recommend you add in a third element. We encourage you, at the end of your day, to acknowledge all the wonderful ways you added to the world.


Let us be clear, if all you can come up with is that you woke up and faced the day, you still added delightfully to the marvellous mosaic of energies that are your planet. But as you practice, you will start to find more things about yourself to celebrate. Perhaps you called a friend in need, helped a neighbour, made a donation to a charity, shared your time. Maybe you were kind to your pets, cared for your family, or created something beautiful, read some books or meditated to raise your vibration, which would, in turn, also assist the planet. You might have purchased something, which supported someone else being in their highest service.


Upgrades to the human energy system ~ next linear 48 hours

Lia's picture

As many of you are now experiencing the linear year 2014 as defined by the calendar used by the human race generally upon planet earth has been unlike any other energetically.  It may have taken some of you by surprise how “full on” the energies are and are continuing to be.  Personally over the last linear 24 hours sleep has been erratic to say the least and the influx of higher dimensional frequencies has at times sought to place me in a sort of meditative state, somewhere between full sleep and being awake.  It is vital that when this unfolds that you RELAX into the process, for the human logical mind may try to teach you that you NEED to sleep and then it will DEFINE the type of sleep that you need.

The Second Phase of Our Awakening by Caroline Aguiar

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By Caroline Aguiar

Although a short post today I feel its necessary. Many of you, if not all, are experiencing exactly what I refer to here.

The love you feel growing inside you will continue to do so. With each passing day it grows stronger, and stronger, like a giant wave which will inevitably reach its destination; washing over everything in its path.

The wave is coming soon. If you feel at times as if you heart will explode with a love so strong that it might burst your entire body open, and if you wonder sometimes, how much love can we hold inside of us?  I think we’ll be very surprised as to what unfolds in the days to come.

The second phase of our awakening is underway.

Blossom Goodchild ~ 1 February 2014

OdiStar's picture


Blossom Goodchild – 1 February 2014


bloss_270711♫Here we are again, happy as can be ♫, all good fun and jolly good company♫! Hello my friends … it is always lovely to connect up with you, and one always wonders what ‘train of thought’ we shall go through as we commune … to try and assist our beautiful planet Earth and all who sail in her!


Lia's picture


From - Jan. 30. 2014

HJ: Learning how to read other peoples energy is a crucial life skill because it allows you to look beyond what people are saying and understand who they really are at their essence. While people can control what they say fairly easily, their energetic vibration cannot be faked because it is largely controlled by the subconscious mind, meaning that it is a direct reflection of their personal emotional energy. If you can read this correctly, you can get a very accurate read on someone.

However, the irony is that you must in large part read them energetically as your conscious mind can only pick up on so many details. This means being able to tune into your intuition to readily understand and read someone’s energetic vibration, although there are a few things that can be gleaned from simply observing how someone talks, acts and carries themselves in an overarching sense.

James Gilliland ~ Planetary Update

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gillilandMaui ~ It has been a while since our last newsletter. Many things are unfolding just as expected. I am sure most have noticed Global Warming has shifted to Climate Change. This is mainly due to the fact since 1997 there has been a down turn and things are getting colder. In fact we are entering a mini ice age yet I believe the sun has a few more tricks up its sleeve.

The massive lightning and hail storms hammering England, the polar vortex and now again the massive snow storm stranding hundreds of thousands in the US is turning global warming into a mute point. Although we need to implement the fueless and earth friendly technologies man is not the drive behind this event. All the planets are undergoing severe climate change and this happened many times before the auto was invented. The warming far precedes the CO2 not the other way around. Maui is experiencing record cold temperatures with torrential rain yet I think of all the stranded motorists buried in snow and it really is not that bad.

Archangel Gabriel’s Daily Message ~ Friday January 31, 2014

Silver's picture

By:, 01/31/2014

A very common question we get asked is, “How do I know I’m in the flow?” The greatest indicator that you are in the flow is a sensation of greater ease. If you are trying to force anything, are feeling frustrated, blocked, resistant, or feeling that things are requiring monumental effort, it is a sure sign that you are not in flow. The flow is staying out of your own way and choosing the path of ease and supported movement. And while the flow may have times of tangible movement and other periods of lull, you will always get signs from the universe that you are exactly where you need to be. Watch for them. The coincidences, the angel or number signs, finding information or items that are exactly what you needed with little to no effort, the knowingness of being in the right place at the right time – all are wonderful indicators that you are in the flow. More than anything else, though, your intention to stay surrendered and move with the loving support of the universe, along with the feeling of greater ease, are sure signs that you are in the wondrous and divine flow of creation. ~Archangel Gabriel


We Are Powerful Sovereign Beings~ Ascending Masters a message from Kara Schallock

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It seems that every time I write an Ascension Note I speak to how intense the energies are. This time is no different…more intensity. And yet, this is not happening to you. You have invited it as you agreed to be a part of the shift into mastery. This truly takes changing your perception from being a victim of the shift (ever so subtle) to being a master of the shift. By taking Responsibility for all in your life as being the creator of all of it, you step into your mastery.

The intense energies help this if you change your perception from victim to master, if need be. In this way, when you are experiencing the many and varied physical adjustments so many of us are experiencing, rather than wanting things to be normalized (no more normal), we go with the Flow, realizing that the Flow is nothing but Love. Yes, everything we experience helps us integrate more Love by releasing all that is not Love. Is it easy? It depends on your perspective.

This week especially we have the gift of being clearer about our values and priorities. Who are you in regard to your relationships, work, health and yourself? We all are getting clearer and more refined as to what we want and who we want to be. By being authentic and real about ourselves and showing that to others, we rise to a new level of consciousness.


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