Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

by Zen Gardner ~Hit, Hype and Run

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Have you ever wondered how they can pull off these massive staged media driven stunts and so few seem to notice what’s really going on? Look at the Boston bombing or Sandy Hook. There are more inconsistencies than you can name, yet nothing contrary to the official narrative is allowed to be introduced into the news stream.

Unless of course it’s derogatory of anyone challenging the party line.

They’ll usually give a token acknowledgement of the “other side” and then move on so people figure that was covered and accounted for.

It’s almost alchemical how they’re able to utilize staged high impact news events, shove across their pre-planned “solutions” that need immediate, unthinking and unsubstantiated action, and then dissolve the emotionally driven issue with new distractions before there’s time to even find out what really happened.


Lia's picture

Here you are, reaching a stage in your life where you are a capable and respected adult in your world, and you are in charge of the many aspects of your life. However, one of the things that still keeps you in your past, and feeling like you did when you were a child, are your old relationships.

Angela Hope: An Account of My Ascension ~ Part 2/2

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(Concluded from Part 1.)

About mid-December 2013 I woke up and the first thing I opened my eyes I heard an audible voice that said clear as day “I am the seventh ray!!” I jumped up like WHO IS IN MY ROOM?

I live in Los Angeles and there is a restaurant in Topanga called Inn of the Seventh Ray. I never knew what a ray was or the numbers of them. I was totally perplexed but I knew what I heard was real.

So in doing a search, Saint Germaine came up! Then I did the reading and this is also further proof for me that what happened to me is authentic, real, and so special I want to tell the world about it! I believe I was visited by Saint Germaine.

Angela Hope: An Account of My Ascension ~ Part 1/2

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Angela Hope has sent in a moment-by-moment account of what appears to be Ascension, which I think is about as interesting as any share I’ve seen. We know that there will be waves of ascenders and Angela seems to be one of the early risers. Let me post her description here. Thank you,  Angela.

My name is Angela. I found your writings on the web. I’ve been looking for things to explain what I am experiencing. Before it was all the symptoms of ascension process which were soooo unpleasant for sooooo long!!!!!!!1 I cannot even tell you how amazing life is now and I’m so happy I documented my life by messages, posts on FB, etc. I want to tell this to you.

In December last year my ascension symptoms were so horrible I couldn’t stand to be in my own shoes. It was like everything in my life was breaking down inside and out.

It All Seems Different…

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By: kauilapele, 01/30/2014


I’m sitting here in Java today (and “Java”, on this blog, always means “Java on the Rock“) and it seems that everything about this moment, and at Java, seems (senses) different… than any moment prior.


All of “the past” seems to have dissolved, and all of “the future” seems to have no hold on me (and likely others as well) anymore.


And although I’ve live on this island for more than a few years, today, in this moment, it comes through as (“feels like”) a completely new place.


And I’m loving it… each and every moment of it.


Maybe others know what I’m writing about here.


~Anchoring the new earth grid with our higher frequencies~

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The anchoring of the new earth grid is now complete and the energetic paths have all been secured and finished.
We have done it my brothers and sisters.
It is time to walk in the Light and live in joy.
As the bridge builders are now securely anchoring the space for our brothers and sisters at the higher vibration, the new earth is now fully anchored and awaiting for the rest of the souls that have chosen to experience ascension.
Free will has been restored.
This option opens up once again all infinite timelines for expansion, an option that had been taken away by the controllers.
Those that chose to experience the old earth grid will continue out their timelines, yet those timelines are now filled with healing and ability to fully express BE-ingness.
For those of us that are anchoring the new earth, all timelines are converging and the final detachment to the old grid is almost finished, if not completely severed.
For NO THING from the old earth not for the highest good(relationships,places, things, ideas...)can anchor into the new earth.
The incoming energies will fully anchor into the grids, as they are both again connected(yes this is 4d grid as well) and massive shifts are occurring at all dimensions which are now all fully connected as one.
Soul and galactic families are in the process of uniting and the acceleration will be very quick for all of us.
: )
So stay in the heart my beautiful family, and continue to anchor your TRUTH.
For the old earth will try to reconnect us to the old, as these massive energies shake out all the density all around us.

The Creator Writings ~ Standing In Your Power

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By: Jennifer Farley, 01/30/2014


When you state a circumstance is beyond your control, you are giving your power away and releasing your responsibility to it.  Step back, breathe deep and know that it was you that asked for the experience.  You do not necessarily have to like it, but when it arrives, it deserves to be honored as much as any other. ~ Creator.

Archangel Gabriel’s Daily Message ~ Thursday January 30, 2014

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By:, 01/30/2014

Dear Ones, do you put off your enjoyment, your passions, what will bring you joy, until later? Do you think work takes precedence and enjoyment will occur if you have time afterwards? Have you noticed that the time for fun never happens? Are you so exhausted from all your obligations that you simply fall asleep before you can even think about what would bring you pleasure, only to wake up and do the same thing all over again?


Your joy is absolutely vital to your life expression. It is through your interests and pleasures that you find balance, connection, enjoyment and beauty in your life. It is through those interests you embrace the Now moment and align with Source. There is nothing noble about ignoring those things, in fact, to do so will ensure your falling out of balance and will lead to a life of drudgery, discomfort and unhappiness.



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