Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

~The breaking of the CREATED shell~

Lia's picture

Many of you at this time may be wondering why you FEEL as you do, anything from actual physical aches and pains to deep emotion that arises totally unannounced.  Many of you may be placing this at the feet of the New Moon, whilst the moon DOES have an impact on the human vehicle, the human vehicle after all is made up of predominantly water, what is affecting the human vehicle at this moment is the increasing and expanding New Earth energies.  What these energies are attempting to help you with is the breaking of the very dense shell that you have been TAUGHT to place around this your human life experience.

Are We There yet ? ~ Angelic Guides

Lia's picture


energyAngelic Guides: Are We There Yet?, channeled through Taryn Crimi, January 27, 2014 at
Today we would like to focus your attention upon the energy which many of you are undoubtedly feeling. Have you felt the energy come to a screeching halt yet? We mentioned a few weeks ago that you would likely be met with some very strong energy that made you feel as though you hit a brick wall. So we would like to take this time to readdress this in hopes of alleviating many of your worries and concerns.

Most of you are feeling an extreme drop in your motivation to do just about anything. If it is not absolutely necessary then you just don’t have the energy or the drive to pursue it. So what happened? As we mentioned the energy which helped kick start this year gave many of you a tremendous upsurge of energy which left you feeling excited, anxious and the feeling of great anticipation for what this wonderful new year will bring with it. However that energy is stronger than many of you are accustomed to holding and as a result many of you have required the time necessary to help you reflect and acclimate to the strong surge in energy.

~Love and Oneness by Caroline Aguiar~

Lia's picture



By Caroline Aguiar

The more I move into states of BEing with myself, I discover the connection I have with my inner self is growing every day.  I think there is another level to still point, one that goes deeper into ones self, and this is where I’ve found what seems to me as eternal love, and bliss. I say eternal, because it’s always been there waiting for us to rediscover this truth.

If I were to describe the incredible waves of love I’ve experienced at still point, what words would I use?  It’s Love, no doubt about that, but it’s a degree of love which I have never felt in all my life.  It’s so strong, at times I feel as if my chest is gong to burst open. It almost hurts.  It’s at this time when I become at one with my entire being, and with each breath, there are no thoughts, only stillness, connectiveness, and love.

The other day I went for a walk within my favorite oak grove on our ranch, and I began to feel such overwhelming oneness with everything around me.  There was nowhere else I wanted to be at that moment, and there was nothing I wanted to do except BE as close to Gaia as I possibly could.

Marlene Swetlishoff ~ Archangel Gabriel for January 30, 2014

Silver's picture

By:, 01/30/2014

Image Source: http://www.http//

January 30, 2014

Beloved Ones,

Let us have discourse on the quality of love known as faith. This quality when utilized can move mountains and create miracles. This quality has the element of the miraculous within it. When a person activates this quality within them and is consistent and persistent in their daily belief that what they desire to manifest or become visible in their reality will in actuality become manifest. This quality will give a person the ability to persevere in their focus until their objective is realized in their life as actualized. As they believe, so it is given unto them. The world you live in is filled with outstanding examples of those who changed the world through their utilization of this quality known as faith.

Rev. Christine Meleriessee ~ 2nd New Moon of January ~ Progressive Change

OdiStar's picture

Meleriessee - 30 January 2014



On January 30th, 2014 at 1:39 PM Pacific, 4:39 PM Eastern, 21:39 GMT we will experience the energies of the New Moon in Aquarius. 

I am calling this the New Moon of Progressive Change as what we have experienced in the month of January is going to help us move into more changes by accepting the challenges with more ease and grace.


The New Moon energy is going to help us propel further by thinking outside of the box and detaching from our emotions and destructive behaviors.  It is a time to let go of the old way of doing things and step into the unknown by reaching out to others.  As Lightworkers, that can be a challenge as we only want to be with like-minded people and sometimes where we are located does not afford us the availability to spend time in group connections.

Anna Merkaba ~ Urgent Message for Ground Crew – Next 72 Hours 1/29/14 – 2/1/14

OdiStar's picture

Anna Merkaba - 30 January, 2014



Based on the information that I have received from Andromeda and Pleiades, the visions that I was pulled into and the channeling that I have received, a major wave of new information and the destruction of the matrix energies in those who are still sleeping is about to occur which will allow for major intergalactic events to take place.

Archangel Gabriel’s Daily Message ~ Tuesday January 29, 2014

Silver's picture

By:, 01/29/2014

Somewhere along the line, people adopted the idea that to worry about someone was to care about them. There really is not much benefit to the energy of worry. Worry is a lower vibrating emotion. It makes you feel helpless. It strongly demonstrates your lack of confidence that the person you are worrying about has the ability to navigate their own life expression. It also shows a lack of faith in the universe, in God, in the person’s guides and their ability to lead and assist the one you are worried about. We understand that you may equate worry with love, but there are so many wonderful ways to show your caring, faith and support for others! Surrender it to Source. Encourage. Uplift. Envision a perfect outcome for all involved. Show your unconditional love. Empower others. Ask the angels and guides to assist. Do you see? Worry merely contributes to keeping everyone stuck in low vibrating and disempowered energies, and because of that, simply cannot provide the results you desire. There are so many other options that are far more empowering to all involved. ~Archangel Gabriel



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