Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

Never a Moment Wasted By Caroline Aguiar

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By Caroline Aguiar

Thank you for your lovely thoughts, and comments about my mom’s current health situation. She’s doing better. Even though she hates it, she’s using a walker now, and we’re taking it slow, one day at a time.

For those reading this post now, my guess is you’ve noticed an increasing surge of change occurring within your lives.  Perhaps you are experiencing what some would call strange or unexplainable occurrences, but allow me to reassure you this is all perfectly normal. In fact, we need to experience these things in order to fully understand the truth of who we are.

As our experiences become more prevalent in our day-to-day life, constant might be a better word, and if the time comes where we think we’ve reached the end of our rope maybe we can teach ourselves to take a closer look at what is being shown to us.  In other words, maybe the edges aren’t as old, and frayed as we think.

I’ve felt like this a lot lately, not only in the situation with my mom, but with a lot of things which are playing out in my life now.  Maybe you would agree if I were to say, it feels as if everything is coming all at once, and from every possible direction?

Tom Kenyon ~ A Hathor Planetary Message The Inner Sun

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tomkenyonAccording to the Hathors, our life force (or sekhem) is “birthed” in the solar plexus (the Third Chakra), and from here this subtle life force radiates throughout the body while simultaneously descending into the First and Second Chakras where it becomes a primal power for the ascent of consciousness as well as “sexual” energy.

This sound meditation energizes your solar plexus and gently elevates the quality of your own life force, which has a direct bearing on your consciousness.

Shortly after hearing that NASA had confirmed the magnetic pole reversal of our Sun, the Hathors encouraged me to visit the sound archives and listen to a sound meditation they had given during a Hathor Intensive in 2009.

They guided me to edit out the beginning and end of this meditation, leaving the middle section saying that these particular tonal patterns would be of great benefit when working with the solar plexus especially now that the Sun has shifted its magnetic poles.

The idea that the Sun is pivotal to the transformation of our human consciousness has been promulgated by the Hathors from the very beginning of my interactions with them.

They are of the opinion that this particular solar shift has vast implications for our future, and it is an ideal time to work with our own Inner Sun (the solar plexus).

Nancy Tate ~ Wake Up Call ~ Horus ~ 27 January 2014

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I am Horus once again, with you to tell you the latest from Hollow and Inner Earth. There is a great deal of activity going on within this great planet. It is a matter of all of you on the surface completing your missions here and then being ready for what we will be bringing for you to the surface. As you all take your places in the cosmic happenings that will be coming as a result of your choices, it will be as a homecoming for many of you, and a complete surprise for others. I speak of the coming forth not only from the cosmos but from inside this planet that you have called home for so long.

As we come forth from the north and south poles, and from the portals that have been readied for our emersion, there will be many sightings that will be welcomed by many of you who have agreed to step forth and tell the people who we are and why we have come forth. It will be a choice that is made by every individual in the way that they agreed to before coming to this planet to play this melody of love versus fear. It will be a blending of the energies back to the perfection of the Eternal Love that is at the root of the All.

The Creator Writings ~ Stepping Out

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By: Jennifer Farley, 01/27/2014


Stepping out of your dark well of despair and into the light may seem painful at first; too bright, too much, too soon. But, once you are breathing in the honey-tasting air and love is all around you, you will wonder why you ever doubted stepping out at all. And the first time you reach your arms and out touch the sky………bliss! ~ Creator

Prayer invocation for spiritual growth & upliftment by Shanta Gabriel

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Divine Presence,
Thank you for blessing me with this Holy Vessel to joyfully fill with my deepest longings and heart felt desires. Help me to recognize the gifts being offered to me and turn my attention to that which I want to see manifest in this time before the spring Equinox. I ask that my Higher Self gently remind me of those dreams that are ready to come forward in my life at this time.

And I invoke the Divine Assistance I may require to fill my life with more Beauty and a sense of accomplishment. Allow me to make friends with the Guidance System that inspires my Higher Self and brings fulfillment of my Soul’s purpose. Remind me to be attentive and alert to the inspiration that is pouring through me in every moment.

I ask that Divine Light fill my being and raise my vibrational frequencies so I may listen with a fuller awareness. Fill my heart with Divine Love so that I may extend this Love throughout my human form and radiate love into the world through my being.

I am so willing to fulfill the impulses of my heart and co-create with the Divine a new way of being that blesses the Earth with all that I am. Help me bring the fullness of my most authentic Self forward into the present moment. Let me use my new-found freedom to create miracles in powerfully conscious ways that serve all of life on Earth at this time.

Visionkeeper ~ Shifting Our Energy ~

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Music to read by below:

I came here to speak to how it is time to shift our energies, but in fact, I guess I need to first emphasize the importance that we all need to understand that we and all beings, ARE ENERGY. Most people think of themselves as their bodies not their frequency. We each carry our own energy frequency that holds our unique story and each frequency is unlike any other. Our energies precede us in life, for the body is merely the vehicle within which we reside while here on earth. We are our energy frequency much more than we are our bodies, yet we pay attention to our bodies and work on how we look to the world but too often we do not even consider our frequencies. They too need our attention. It is critical we become aware of each others frequencies and above all respect them. When we say the world needs more respect and we need to show all others more respect, what we are really saying is we need to show each others frequencies respect. It is we who control our frequencies and how we present them to the world. It requires our self-awareness and our responsibility to offer the world our best frequencies through our thoughts and actions.

~ALL routes lead HOME~

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For many of you the last few linear days energetically may have pushed you beyond where you have gone before, for others you may have hardly noticed a ripple. As I have blogged previously this human life journey is a PERSONAL one and is therefore UNIQUE to the individual who is experiencing it.  The energies over the last linear 48 hours have shifted enormously and this at times may leave you feeling bereft, hopeless and frustrated with no apparent “reason” for the feelings. For those of you who are releasing the denser lower dimensional frequencies the past 48 linear hours may have brought your deepest fears to the surface, with the human logical mind coming up with some fantastic scenarios that have sought only to once more trigger these feelings over and over again at deepening levels.

~Synching with UNIVERSAL FLOW in the New Earth~

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As you move into the New Earth higher energetic frequencies you begin to sync with these energies and to come back into flow.  For many of you this may be manifest in your outer waking life as something your human logical mind perceives as “erratic” patterns, whether this be for sleep or for eating or for general interaction with the waking world.  It depends how far out of balance you are in TRUTH just how erratic these patterns may appear for you, if you have been used to very rigid patterns within the old 3d earth paradigms then you may at this time be in much chaos and confusion when your human vehicle appears to be in a time zone all of itself, it may be confusing to have a full nights sleep and then get up to then feel more tired and nap some more.  Much like going to a different country and adjusting to a new time zone the New Earth is in a new dimensional space, just because the world around you appears to look the same does not mean that it IS the same as many are now finding out energetically.

Archangel Gabriel’s Daily Message ~ Sunday January 26, 2014

Silver's picture, 01/27/2014

Many people read our teachings and think they would like to surrender but, because they haven’t figured out exactly what their beliefs are, they stall because they are not sure who to surrender to. Dear Ones, you do not need to have your spiritual beliefs nice and organized and tied up with a fancy bow in order to surrender! You may simply surrender to “more” if you are not sure what to name it. It is ironic because so many avoid surrender because they do not know exactly what they believe, but it is through the act of surrender, and the experience of the magic that comes with it, that people start to further define their faith and experience it tangibly in their lives. So rest assured it does not matter whether you have the name correct. Source contains all of the possible energies you could call on, so you simply cannot make a mistake. The universe will always respond, in an incredibly loving and supportive way, if the act of surrender is heartfelt. ~Archangel Gabriel

Natalie Glasson ~ Lady Quan Yin – In The Face Of Truth, Divine Mother Activation

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OMNA.ORG by Natalie Glasson –  27 January 2014

natalie glassonIt is with a heart filled with great compassion and gratitude that I, Lady Quan Yun, step forward to greet you. Please know you always exist in my heart as my love is as ever with you as it binds with the light of the Divine Mother aspect of the Creator which is so vividly in existence upon the Earth in this present moment. I bring forth with my own energy the intertwining and connection I experience with the Divine Mother vibrations so that you may unite with the same within and around you. Whether you are male or female in physical form you have the ability to exude the Divine Mother from every cell of your being. You have the ability and even the passion within your soul to express the Divine Mother, enacting her guidance within your reality to enhance her presence upon the Earth.


The Divine Mother brings forth and ignites within your being the energy of protection on all energetic and physical levels of your being. Beloved ones know that you are protected completely by the Divine Mother vibrations but know more deeply you are the protection you seek and believe in, you have the ability like a caring Mother to protect and cradle yourself in love, while protecting especially energetically all those around you and upon the Earth. It is your own divine love that is your protection and through your love for others you are safeguarding their energy and enhancing their own belief in their safety in the reality you exist within.
The Divine Mother brings forth to you the energy vibration of sweetness, she speaks of the nectar of life and of your soul, through your recognition of the nectar of life and your soul you are able to experience the sweetness, beauty and blissful miracles of life, human and soul connection, manifestation and the presence of the Creator as a realised vibration within you.
Your ability to experience fully the Creator in all its magnificence is your sweetness; never forget the gift that has been bestowed to you. Through your focus, mastery and awareness of yourself you can experience all that is the harmony, bliss, paradise and ecstasy which is the Creator. Sweetness is acceptance in your entire being of the Creator, a process of surrendering to the flow of the Creator within all, including yourself.
The Divine Mother brings forth the presence of truth, a truth that can only be spoken and exist in love. A truth that changes ones perspective sheds one’s ego and yet has the power to simultaneously inspire a simple expression of essence and a return to the innocence of a child. The child in you now sees past all false energies, scenarios and manifestations, focusing only to what is true and pours from the essence of the Divine. The Divine Mother embraces you asking you to bring forth in her presence, the beautiful child within you, not your child self from your current lifetime but the child of your soul, the essence of innocence of
your soul. The part of your soul that gazes in wonder, acknowledges the sweetness of the Creator in all things, sees past the truth free from judgment and fear, while understanding with tremendous knowingness that all aspects of itself is cradled in the loving protection of the Creator. The Divine Mother will support you as you allow yourself to ignite this transformation; all she asks of you is to trust in her vibration around and within you. Know that all she reminds you of is within your being; it is yourself to share with yourself and all souls around you.
Take a moment and invite the Divine Mother energy to be as one with you;
‘Lady Quan Yin I call upon your support and assistance in my reality now, please surround me in your loving compassion so I may recognise the same within my being, emanating loving compassion in readiness to connect more fully with the Divine Mother.
Beloved Divine Mother, I call your presence to intertwine with my own, bring forth to me your ever loving presence as I emanate to you my loving compassion. I am ready to work with you to aid the ascension of humanity, to allow the Divine Mother vibration to be vividly present in balance and harmony within the vibrations of many people and the Earth. Let me act as an instrument of your light sharing the love and truth of the Divine Mother in my everyday reality.
As I breathe your light and presence deep into my being support me in activating the innocence of my soul and child of my soul so that I may bring forth into complete manifestation the innocence of my entire truthful and divine being. Support me in gazing in wonder, acknowledging the sweetness of the Creator in all things, seeing past the truth free from judgment and fear, while
understanding with tremendous knowingness that all aspects of myself are cradled in the loving protection of the Creator.
I recognise this may be a transformation I may not fully comprehend but let me be conscious of the energies igniting within my being with your support. Thank you.’ Beloved ones, please know you are here as a powerful support for the unfolding of the truth of the Creator on the Earth. You are present within the Earth’s reality to witness the same unfolding of truth within your own being, acknowledging how it will influence the Earth’s vibration. One of your missions which is now coming into play is to support the unfolding of truth within souls newly entering the Earth, the children and new born into a physical body. With your choosing it can be your purpose to recognise yourself as a divine soul and to therefore present these newly entered souls with the same vision, perspective and knowingness. The Divine Mother asks if you feel guided to be a support and presence of truth for children upon the Earth. See within yourself your own truth, the truth of the Creator, be confident with knowingness in this truth whether you mentally understand it or not. Looking into the eyes, souls and simple presence of children that you see with the same knowingness of
truth and as a divine instrument of the Divine Mother vibrations will be of tremendous benefit, it is not about sharing words or wisdom but the process of acknowledgment which can be expressed free from words or actions. Your simple awareness in the presence of children, unspoken or undefined is a powerful foundation and support. They will sense the truth within you, your
knowingness and faith in presence of truth and the Divine Mother within you from a place of humble love which will offer to them a support and foundation, an inspiration for them to ignite more fully the truth of the Creator they align with.
The Divine Mother invites you to access your soul child, the innocence of your soul and to allow the Divine Mother vibrations to flow through your being; energies of unconditional love, support, truth, protection and sweetness let them beam from you with great abundance. Permit this sacred flow of energy so rich with the qualities of the Creator to flow to every child and new born upon the Earth. Let the divine vibrations flow to every Mother and to the Divine Mother vibrations within every being whether male or female upon the Earth. Allow all to be dowsed in this light of the Divine Mother that wishes to flow through all beings with freedom and to ignite from the truth of all beings to bring actions of truth, protection for all, love, sweetness and support into the reality and consciousness of the Earth for all to experience.
After experiencing the invocation previously shared with you, let yourself imagine the light vibrations of the Divine Mother merging with yourself and extending across the world to all beings.  Know that you are activating a new age and era for the Divine Mother, bringing forth the Divine Mother aspects within all beings upon the Earth.
It is forever your purpose to support the unfolding of the truth of the Creator, from your being and support the same in others.
You will see this mission manifests in multiple and diverse ways which constantly evolves in your reality. With the support of the Divine Mother let your face become the face of truth, let yourself show and demonstrate the face of truth to others, knowing that you are only ever showing the vibrations and qualities of the Creator through your expression such as through your smile and
gaze.  It is important to remember that the truth of the Creator can never truly take form or be truly understood for when it does it only becomes a mental projection of the Creator no longer holding the limitless expansion of the Creator. All that you can truly express is a vibration but this can support the entire foundation of all beings upon the Earth, including yourself.
With the love of the Divine Mother,
Lady Quan Yin


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