Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

Enlightened Beings ~ How To Transform Pain Into Compassion

Doreen Smith's picture


Jafree Ozwald  January 1 2014


Try this amazing meditation for JUST a few minutes. It can transform all the pain in your entire life!

When you breathe in, imagine that you are breathing in all the darkness and negativity in your life. Welcome it into your heart. Stop trying to resist it, avoid it or destroy it. That has been taking up all of your energy. As you are breathing in this heaviness, let it be absorbed into your heart before you exhale. And then the moment you breathe out, breathe out golden light. Breathe out your greatest lightness, your highest joy, love and blessing from your heart INTO the source of the negativity. You’ll soon transform all the darkness in your life with your breath.

Breathe out all the love that you have, all the blissfulness that you have, all the benediction that you have. When breathing out, pour your love into existence. This is the method of compassion: drink in all the suffering and pour out all the blessings. And you will be surprised what happens when you really do it. The moment you stop resisting all the darkness and heaviness in your inner world, they are no longer sufferings.

Andrew Martin~Your New Normal

Lia's picture
Greetings Dear Ones! We come to you today to share messages of unwavering support and guidance for the upcoming year. So much work has been done over the past 12 months and we know that so many of you have felt like there were moments of being so overwhelmed and so “in over your heads”.

Now you stand with your feet across the threshold, firmly planted in the beginning of your new Earth cycle. The New Moon on the first day of the new year which happens quite infrequently is also lending its loving, powerful, support to all that you wish to create in this new year.

For many of you, we know that there have been moments where you have wondered what is going on? Where is it all leading? You have faced your fears with loving intent so that they could be examined and released to be transformed back into the higher frequencies. You have done much work on yourselves which has in turn raised the collective vibration of your planet to a place that is so beautiful to feel and to see! Many of you celebrated the new year with fireworks, and if you could have seen the additional displays of Love and compassion and excitement and anticipation from our perspective, you would have marveled as we did at the glorious display of Light! 

~ Andrew Martin ~ The Lighted Ones: Your New Normal

Eddie1177's picture


Greetings Dear Ones! We come to you today to share messages of unwavering support and guidance for the upcoming year. So much work has been done over the past 12 months and we know that so many of you have felt like there were moments of being so overwhelmed and so “in over your heads”.

Now you stand with your feet across the threshold, firmly planted in the beginning of your new Earth cycle. The New Moon on the first day of the new year which happens quite infrequently is also lending its loving, powerful, support to all that you wish to create in this new year.

~ Andrew Martin ~ It All Starts With Self Love

Eddie1177's picture

For the last week or so, I have had Whitney Houston's "I Have Nothing" running through my head on a loop. I wake up with it in my head, I find myself singing it under my breath and I have even had dreams about Whitney Houston. Not that I am complaining, I love her and it's a great song. However, when something like that keeps showing up over and over in my life, I know that there is a deeper message within. 

So yesterday I found myself listening to the song again and was laughing to myself wondering what is it that Source is trying to tell me? I mean it's been nonstop with this song!! I spontaneously had the thought that "she is singing this song to herself". With that perspective in mind, I finally sat down and really listened to the song and found myself really overcome with emotion when I heard the lyrics as if for the first time.

There are SO many lines in the lyrics that sound like a plea for love. For self love.

~ Corrina ~ Light Body Infusion with the Golden Light

Eddie1177's picture

Rainbow Golden Light Earth

Listen to this Earth Hive update.

As we near the end of 2013, a miraculous year of New Earth beginnings, a grand light event is taking place that promises to allow many to access their multi-dimensional Self and the infinite realities possibilities.  The event is the marriage of the rainbow light with the Golden Light.  This is the deepening of the union between Ancient Earth and Angelic Earth.  From the Heart of the Cosmos, the timing of this event is synchronized with the turning of our human perceived clock from 2013 to 2014.  This annual clock being an illusion to the Cosmos; yet, in the human collective, there is a powerful intention to re-set reality into a new experience for 2014.  The Angelics and Cosmic Light beings work within this collective force to encourage the Agenda of the Light in activating Heaven on Earth.

Golden Web of Creation Descension

Clarification Given to Happy “Last” Year ~ A God Message Channeled by Suzanne Spooner of TAUK

Eddie1177's picture

Earth TimeJanuary 1st, 2014


[Hi God.] Hi Suzy. [Can I please have clarification over your message yesterday, the part about “Happy New Year & Happy Last Year”. What was meant exactly by “last year”? At the time of receiving the message, I took it as last year, 2013. But I think some people reading the message have interpreted it as 2014 is “the” last year. Thoughts?]

I would be happy to give clarification. What was meant was simply happy new beginnings and happy old endings. ~ Giving thanks for the journey thus far. Life is always in a ‘recycle’ program. Giving gratitude for your experiences last year is a beautiful way to welcome in the new experiences of this year, 2014. 


Time is only an illusion to serve third dimensional experience. It categorizes and marks future and past events. ‘Now” is the time to focus on. You can reflect (past), project (future) and be (now). However you wish to experience is your choice. No longer is Earth tied to time constraints. It is in the past, pun intended! 


So take a deep breath and relax. Give gratitude to your life thus far. Give gratitude to the potential each of you has. And then come back to Now. Now is all there truly is, time-wise. Love is all there is energy-wise. Meditate, allow and be happy. 

Here is the original post, that this post refers to:


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