Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

~ Laura Bruno ~ 2014 Predictions

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Well, it’s that time of year again when anyone and everyone tries to predict or absorb others’ predictions of what’s in store for the next twelve months. I’d like to begin by quoting Charles Dickens’ “A Tale of Two Cities”:

“IT WAS the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way- in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.”

Between the first and second sentences of this post, I needed to take an emergency shower due to being spontaneously eaten alive by a renegade mosquito (in late December) while I was listening to Drunvalo discuss how global warming has now led us to an imminent Ice Age. Just as he mentioned 12,000 years of pollen and then not seeing pollen for a 90,000 year cycle, I felt the first nips of a mosquito. By the time I finished the video and started typing this post, I was covered in huge red welts, just like summer. Oh, the irony…

Numerology for 2014: Ride this River Wild!

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Blink twice and it’s gone. This is how swiftly things will be moving in the calendar year of 2014. The Gift number of this year is a 5 (1+4=5), and number 5 creates a flow and force of powerful changes and upheaval.

There will mostcertainly be new opportunities amidst this adrenal junkie landscape, you just need to be grounded enough to perceive them. Number 5 also represents the physical body and your capacity for endurance. You can’t be a spaced out yogi in 2014, you have got to be strong and balanced.

Know Your Food Sources

Once upon a time, back in the good ole’ days of Yogi Bhajan’s classes in Espanola, he allowed a space for people to ask questions. This was a very rare event in his classes, and yours truly, sensing the importance of the moment, immediately launched a half dozen auric flares of positive intent, and was one of only five people to be chosen to ask him a question. My question was, “Sir, with all of the increase of disease on the planet, and the ability of diseases to mutate before there is an available cure, what can we do for our health?” His simple answer was, “Food, you are what you eat.”

~ Nancy B. Detweiler ~ This New Year’s Eve, Let’s Make a Different Sort of Resolution for 2014

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Nancy B. Detweiler, M.Ed., M.Div.


2014 is to be a year that will go down in the historical annals of this planet and solar system … one in which Earth Humans are to come together in unity of purpose to begin the co-creation of our New World—the New Gaia.

At the divinely ordered time, we will be joined by our Galactic brothers and sisters, many of the Ascended Masters, and our Inner Earth cousins, the Argathans, who will assist us in returning Earth to its pristine condition.

We cannot co-create the New without first laying aside the old beliefs, prejudices, ego-centered determination to prove ourselves right, and long-held belief in competition and survival of the fittest.

Thus, as we embark on a New Year, let us resolve to set aside our old habits born in a culture of separation and me vs you.

In order to heal our planet, we must first reveal all that has been hidden.  No wound heals without first being cleansed and removing all toxins.  This cleansing process for our planet and its culture will not be pleasant … no cleaning of a wound ever is.  But once the wound is cleansed, the healing process can begin.  While all that is hidden is being revealed, we will be horrified, shocked, sickened, and feel that the rug has been pulled out from under us.

~ Anna Merkaba ~ The Hathors: New Moon. New Year. New YOU!

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NEWYEAR2014THEHATHORS…And so let us then describe to you briefly what is in store for you this coming year.

The new moon that you shall see appear in your nightly sky shall bring with her the opportunities, new life forms, new thought patterns, new understanding of the cosmic gateways of consciousness. For all of you are interconnected with each other, and all for you are interconnected with the eternal OM.

There is much of the new discoveries that shall be revealed to all of you. Much of the ancient world shall be disclosed to your earthling species. Much of the information from the hidden files of your governments shall be made public to all for you. Much evidence shall be revealed proclaiming to the world, more and more informational decree of the truth of who you are, and the truth of who we are. And the truth of who has been behind everything that has been distorting your reality for so long. For eons. Truth can no longer be contained by a small portion of your population, and shall spread throughout your known world with vigor and triumph. Truth shall be the number one leading emotional aspect of your coming year…

Dearly beloved children of light,

~ Judith Kusel ~ 2014: The true re-empowerment of mankind as consciousness rises

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993417_573036622733283_660399077_nDear Infinite and Precious Souls
“In the center of ALL LOVE
I stand
And am firmly anchored in.
From that center I,
The one who serves, will work: -
May the Love of the Divine Soul Self
Be shed abroad
In my heart,
Through my contact with others –
And throughout the world.”
As we truly now have stepped into the realms of the sheerest Beingness and with immense high frequencies now coming from inside the earth, with the full reactivation of the pyramid energies inside the earth, above and below the earth and the under the sea, as well as other major energy center, and the most important ones, the Lion gate and the crystalline golden infinite core rod in Africa (my book on this whole scene will be published in this year – even if I have to self-publish), something profound is shifting in the whole consciousness of everyone on earth.
Some are more conscious than others, and this simply has to do with the awakening from deep within.
It is a fact that some souls, just fall asleep when they incarnate onto the planet and are indoctrinated by the parents, the social structures, by the school and educational systems and by whatever is fed to them as the truth – when in actual fact it is all but the truth. That is their own soul choice and this then is their own karma. It is not that opportunities and wake up calls are not there all the time – it is just that they chose to ignore it and most often it is fear which is holding them prisoner.

An Open Letter to the Leaders of Every Government Around the World: Please, Just Tell Us the Truth in 2014!

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Crossing out Lies and writing Truth on a blackboard.By Stephen Cook –  January 1, 2014

Please Help This Message Go Viral! 

An Open Letter to the Leaders of Every Government Around the World: Please, Just Tell us the Truth in 2014!

Dear World Leaders,

As a society, the human collective has been treated with such huge disrespect by you, our leaders, for way too long.

No matter what country we live in, you continue to lie to us every day.

Be it through saying you will do something while trying to get us to vote for you – and then not delivering or changing your mind. Be it through hiding some erroneous error you or your staff has made.

Be it through hiding some scandal you have willingly participated in – and then lying about it. Be it stating one reason for something (say, going to war with another country; or invading another country) when the real reason is something completely different.

~ Ronna Herman ~ Archangel Michael: Ritual of Passage into a Fifth Dimensional Reality

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GFP Commentary: The Mind=Programming=Illusion. No such thing as Sacred or Divine Mind. Divine Heart/Balanced Left-Right Brain are Real.  Discernment, Please.

Beloved Masters, you are presently in the midst of becoming your genuine, authentic Self through the process of Ascension, which involves ever-expanding cycles of Soul growth. Your OverSoul-Higher Self is ever urging you onward and upward into the Light of more complex and powerful fields of consciousness.

The quality of your life’s experience is determined by the frequencies of your thoughts moment-by-moment. The more energy you put into a thought, along with the repetition, determines how quickly a thought pattern will manifest, and how it will affect you in your present reality.

Your thought forms radiate outward in an Infinity pattern where they join with compatible energetic fields of consciousness – a specific level of mass consciousness energy within the sub-dimensional hologram of life in which you presently exist. The frequencies of fear and negativity are very powerful in the third/fourth-dimensional stream of mass consciousness. Whatever negative emotions are the strongest in any situation will constantly be presented to you in different ways until you transmute the discordant energy into higher vibrational Light patterns.

Light It Up! New Moon, New Year, New Energies

Lia's picture

We’re ringing in the fresh energies of 2014 with a Super New Moon! 2014 launches with a powerful New Moon at 11 degrees Capricorn that will set the energetic tone for the year ahead. How so, you wonder? Because the 11th degree in each Cardinal sign (Capricorn, Aries, Cancer, Libra) will be triggered throughout 2014.

~ Pluto in Capricorn (hits 11 degrees in January and stays there from July all the way to November): A slow churning up of debris, karma, relationships, patterns, energies that you are ready to transmute into a more powerful form. This means other things must die, but good news – what is complete can become fertilizer for the new.

~ Uranus in Aries (hits 11 degrees in March): Pulls back strongly on the “what I want” side of the tug-of-war rope and doesn’t care to wait around for a diplomatic solution. It’s GO TIME, baby.

~ Jupiter in Cancer (hits 11 degrees in Feb & March): Connects your heartstrings to your roots and taps into the wisdom you bring back into your sacred space. Redecorate to match your new energy, preferences, life, joys.

The Creator Writings - The Answer You Need

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  The Creator Writings



How will you know when it is time to stay put, move forward, release self-imposed bonds or walk away from a situation that is not serving you? Take a moment, focus on the infinite peace of The Universe and listen. The answer will come into your heart. That is where My Voice resides. ~ Creator



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