Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.


Lia's picture

I have known about ascension for a few years now...and when I first learned of it, you had to be very very careful who you brought the subject up to because people were not ready for the truth. Lately however, I have noticed a rapid increase in the awareness of people. People are researching and asking the right questions finally....they are taking back their lives. It is a beautiful thing and it fills me with so much happiness and excitement. Life is a beautiful gift when we live it free... without the chains that have held us down for so long. It has begun...and the people awakening will only grow....NOTHING CAN STOP THE LIGHT....ITS A TIME FOR HAPINESS, PEACE, LOVE AND LIGHT....THE GOLDEN AGE HAS RETURNED....WELCOME 2014 WITH MUCH LOVE HOPE AND LIGHT.....



The Creator Writings - The Reality

Doreen Smith's picture


The Creator Writings


The reality of the situation is; you are an infinitely powerful being capable of anything encased in a rather fragile shell. It may seem odd, this supposed imbalance, but there is always a purpose to everything The Universe does. Treat both well because the learning cannot continue for one without the other. ~ Creator


Laura Bruno – 432 Hz And The Wizards Of Oz – 30 December 2013

Doreen Smith's picture


December 30, 2013 


Thank you, Lance! I’ve posted on frequencies before and knew that the resonance of this universe has been under manipulation. This article documents some of the how’s and why’s. If nothing else, have a listen to the amazing cricket chorus slowed down to human lifetime pace. It’s gorgeously haunting.

Reblogged from Tribelight Station:





A Vision for Telepathy----The Intenders of the Highest Good

Doreen Smith's picture


December 30, 2013 

The Vision Alignment Project

A Vision for Telepathy 

We see a world where telepathy in the norm; where everyone is able, to one degree or another, to send thoughts to and receive thoughts from others. We see all secrets having been brought out into the open, all deceptions revealed, all tyrannies gone forever because we have understood that it is far more advantageous for us to develop our telepathic powers than to continue to live in the dark where the truth is not honored.

For we have realized that in order for us to develop and use telepathy, we must become a truth-teller. We must think and speak only the truth as we perceive it.

Accordingly, we see a world where we are all living our truth; where we are all telepathic and that this wondrous gift has expanded so that we are also able to send and receive messages to and from the animals, the plants, the elemental realms, the invisible kingdoms, as well as the star worlds and beyond. Consequently, we see humanity now sharing information across time and space with no delay because we have learned that the speed of thought is holographic and instantaneous; that our minds have the ability to communicate with other minds no matter how far apart our bodies are.

Star Beings message for 2014 Miriam Delicado

Lia's picture

It’s been a year since that infamous day December 21, 2012. The day that many took advantage of an ancient prophecy that many understand very little about. Selling books, created seminars, made movies, documentaries, blog articles and everything else imaginable and sold this to the public. Creating one of the most feared and the most sought after days in human history.

Never, in any of my writing or speaking engagements did I agree that we would have this transformative day on December 21, 2012. What did happen was a coming together of thought, intention, and hearts from around the world. Focused in prayer, in meditation, in contemplation of our future as human beings and as a planet. There are times when transition or change happens in one moment of time and this, was not one of those moments. Transition and the change of this planet as well as all that lay upon it is in a process of change but not through instant gratification or instant manifestation. What is sad is that in my view this day was hijacked by the darker side and we as a human family missed the true potential to create this change.

Linda Robinson ~ Archangel Zadkiel’s January 2014 Message – The Light Of Consciousness

Lia's picture


LindaRobinsonGreetings Beloved Ones,

We are Archangel Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst of the Seventh Ray of Transformation and Manifestation, and we greet you in Love and Light.  Today, we wish to discuss the light of consciousness.

The light of consciousness and enlightenment are intertwined as in a double helix.  When you open your awareness to the light of consciousness, you move toward enlightenment.

When you traveled down through the dimensions into this incarnation, your light of consciousness began as a spark and grew brighter through your desire to experience the ever-present love of the Creator.

When viewed from above, the light of consciousness appears as a funnel or vortex that is infinite at the level of the Creator and tapers down as it enters the consciousness of the individual.  The amount of light that enters into the consciousness of the individual is equal to what the individual is ready to absorb.  The desire to absorb more light opens and widens the individual’s channel to receive more light as the understanding and application of current concepts expands.

When the higher frequency light enters your consciousness, it spreads out to illuminate each potential aspect that is waiting to advance.

The Creator Writings - Comfort

Doreen Smith's picture


The Creator Writings


**The Writing was delayed today because our family was saying good-bye to our Marine son who is being deployed overseas.**

Through all the hurt, pain, indecision, anguish and every moment of not knowing, the love of The Universe is there to support and comfort you.

The ability to see past these human emotions is not impossible; it just takes practice; because, in the end, there is only love. 


Ann Albers ~ Message From The Angels

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 December 28 2013  Ann Albers

Picture of Mystical Angel

As the year draws to a close, we know you have a tendency to look back and say, “Oh it was a good year!” or “It was a hard year! I’m glad its over.” As human beings you give yourselves permission to dream anew at the turning of the clock on midnight, December 31st. But in reality dear ones, you can dream new dreams, and create new realities with every breath you take, in every given moment of time.

2014 The Year of Balanced Relationships ~ Message from Archangel Gabriel

Lia's picture


Greetings, Dear Ones! How pleased and honoured we are to be with you today. What a magnificent showing of souls, willing to come and anchor the energies for all to benefit from. You are blessed and honoured in your role today, and, of course, when we talk about those who have come to participate in the group, we mean not only those who are in the room at this time, but also those who will be enjoying this transmission on your internet at a later time.

May we wish you a blessed and joyous solstice. You have done magnificently. Because you have shifted and purged and so diligently transmuted energies, you are now containing light codes that would not have been possible at any other time on your planet. That is how profound what you have accomplished over this past year has been.

"A Look Ahead: The Year of 2014"

Lia's picture

Today we would like to focus your attention upon the year of 2014. As many of you know we do not particularly like to give “future predictions” simply because your future is not set; rather it is constantly changing based on the decisions you make in the now moment. However the “future” energy of the human collective is far more stable than any one individual is. The reason being is that it is based on the decisions of the masses, rather than simply one individual’s choices. We will not focus upon events or occurrences, but rather the energy and experiences that will likely manifest continually in each of your lives over the course of this next year; your calendar year of 2014.


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