Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

Happy New Year & Happy Last Year ~ A God & Gabriel Message Channeled By Suzanne Spooner of TAUK

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December 31, 2013   Suzanne Spooner

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God & Gabriel

[Hi God & Gabriel!]

Happy New Year & Happy Last Year! “Time” as you know, is an Earth requirement. Time is most definitely speeding up and is doing this so that you (humanity) and Gaia enter the 5th dimension “on time”. ~ That was a play on words! However “time” is no longer able to be measured as it once was. This is felt now as time-lapses, as instant manifestations, as days and hours seem to vanish into thin air. This is a necessary requirement to help humanity make its jump into the new consciousness.

Imagine no longer wearing a watch. Imagine that all events happen when and how they should for the highest-greatest good of all those involved. Imagine having true faith that all is well and doesn’t need to be kept on schedule.

THE FREQUENCY IS GOLD: The New Earth Energies December 2013/January 2014

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Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn

Solar WingsSolar Wings

Beloved Family of Light, in this montth of December 2013 and into January 2014, your Earth is making major shifts and adjustments in Frequency as it begins to anchor the Frequency of the Gold Ray.

The Sun has been assisting with this frequency shift, and the intense Solar activity of the last six months has been assisting in recalibrating the frequency of the Earth and allowing this new frequency to settle and anchor.

Beloved Family, we know how difficult this has been for you. As Light Family, you have had to work to hold your Light despite the challenges that have confronted you at many levels.

Now, in this month of December, you are completing the work of 2013 and beginning a new path of Manifestation and Abundance. In this message we will discuss first the shift from 2013 to 2014, and the powerful energy of the 12/12 and the Solstice, and then we will look at the incoming energies of 2014 and the role of the Crystal Children who are becoming young adults.

2013 : The Year of Transcending Duality

The Earth shifted into her 5th Dimensional timeline in December of 2011. In December of 2012, the Earth began her New Cycle of Time as the “New Earth”, and now in December of 2013 you will be given the opportunity to enter into your Mastery of Light by transcending duality in your life and anchoring the Gold Ray of the Cosmic Christ Consciousness.

Rainbow Light Body Infusion with the Golden Light

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Rainbow Golden Light Earth

Listen to this Earth Hive update.

As we near the end of 2013, a miraculous year of New Earth beginnings, a grand light event is taking place that promises to allow many to access their multi-dimensional Self and the infinite realities possibilities.  The event is the marriage of the rainbow light with the Golden Light.  This is the deepening of the union between Ancient Earth and Angelic Earth.  From the Heart of the Cosmos, the timing of this event is synchronized with the turning of our human perceived clock from 2013 to 2014.  This annual clock being an illusion to the Cosmos; yet, in the human collective, there is a powerful intention to re-set reality into a new experience for 2014.  The Angelics and Cosmic Light beings work within this collective force to encourage the Agenda of the Light in activating Heaven on Earth.

Golden Web of Creation Descension

Our Rightful Place Within the New Paradigm~ Caroline Aguiar

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By Caroline Aguiar

This morning’s vision was perhaps the most significant yet.  It comes at a time, just hours away from the 2014, when we are standing directly upon the threshold of a New Era, and a new way of being in it purest, and most magnificent form.

We have the opportunity to leave duality behind forever, and step into our divine roles, and our purpose in this life time.  Incredible quantities of  information are readily available to us, but again, we’re asked to trust with all our heart in the powers of the universe, in the loving guidance we are so abundantly receiving, and in ourselves.  No matter how scary, or unsure it may feel at times, we can do this.  We are so much more than what we’ve been led to believe!

Just a note here, I write this in the first person, because this is what I saw, but the entire message is for everyone which you will see if you continue reading.  I think this is the way these messages will come forth from now on.

Again, I’m guided to relay an important message which came to me after a night of deep energy work on my physical body.  My body was worked on from the lower spinal area up to the top of my head.  My Higher Self lovingly guided me through it while tingling, and energy coursed it’s way up, and down my spine during the night.

Birth of the New Earth into the waking reality of the human life experience

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Under the old 3d earth paradigms and the linear time frame into which you have been TAUGHT to place your waking reality today is the “last day” of the linear year of 2013.  Many of you may be caught up in the preparations that human society makes, the rituals that are gone through in order to ANKHOR linear time over and over again.  The “end” of one year and the “beginning” of another, the transition period usually fueled by alcohol and replaying the “old” year.   All of this works to ANKHOR within you the lower dimensional frequencies that are based within a linear context. As you go “back over” what has happened throughout what you are TAUGHT is a linear time frame, you begin to RE TRIGGER the emotional responses to the very frequencies that are attempting to re-embed themselves within your human vehicle. If this was not done then you may release the frequencies and the old 3d earth NEEDS them to run within you in order to continue its very existence, hence the rituals that are known as christmas and new year on planet earth.

~ Carol Ann Ciocco ~ HAPPY NEW YEAR

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Hello friends,

As 2013 winds to a close, I just wanted to take a moment to wish all of you a Happy, Prosperous, Joyful and Amazing New Year, 2014. 

2014 begins with a bang as there is a powerful New Moon in Capricorn on January 1, 2014. To have a new moon fall on the Gregorian calendar's first day hasn't happened for 19 years.

New Moons hold the energy of new beginnings, so this timing aligns nicely with the sometimes refreshing quality of New Years Day, when many of us look ahead and see a blank slate of 365 days before us, full of potential.

Setting intention for how you would like to change your life and find more purpose and success is all the more perfect for this New Years Day. Write out your goals, make a list of what you'd like to accomplish in 2014. The actual, true energetic beginning of any year is the seasonal new-life moment of Spring Equinox (in March for the northern hemisphere). But January 1, 2014 offers a real whoosh of new energy to set us on our course, for some practical thinking and intention-setting.

New Years Day is simply a small taste of the many planetary processes which will take place in 2014. The Cardinal Cross that I've written about so much will return, bringing transformation, challenges, freedom and clarity.

~ Shanta Gabriel ~ AA Gabriel: Drinking in God's Love

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Our current theme for Inspiration for the Week is going back to the basics.

The Gabriel Messages book and the companion cards, though I wrote them a number of years ago, are basic tools for me that seem powerfully relevant for these challenging times. We are drawing on the compassionate and timeless wisdom of the book and cards now to provide insight each week as we go into the new life that 2014 promises..

For this week's issue, the card I chose is about asking for what you need and then allowing it to enter your being.

The Gabriel Message card for this week

Ask to be a receptacle for pure Light, then allow the empty chalice within you to drink in the sweetness of God’s Love.

~ Judith Dagley and the Celestial Team ~ Yeshuwah Begins the Story of Your Light

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6/5/11 Love/Light Message from the celestial team

We, the celestial team, greet you most lovingly as always!

This time, however, we do so in excited frequencies of anticipation, for we are suddenly surrounded by much fanfare! Our atmosphere has begun to crackle with a sense of occasion, and we feel ourselves moving into a state of awe. This does not occur simply because we gather to share a transmission with you! No, something important is about to happen. Imagine your air all at once resounding with the achingly clear and majestic notes of Archangel Gabriel’s trumpets, simply because you “opened your mouth to speak,” and you’ll get the idea!

Well, the announcement has been made, and now there is silence, and so we will begin and see what happens. Our intention is to tell you that the movement you are feeling within you and among you energetically now is “normal” for this phase of your ascension process, and not to be shaken by. If you understand its purpose and allow yourself to open to it, you will find that it is a Godsend. What is occurring is that “all is coming to the light.” All else is only illusion anyway, no matter how “real” it seems, or how “illogical” it seems to call it so.


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