Your awakening is imminent! Yes, many messages from those in the spiritual realms have recently been reassuring you of this, and yet it appears to most of you that it is no closer than it was years ago, because you are seeing no signs of it. But your expectations of what awakening means and what it truly is are quite different. First, of course, time is a major aspect of the illusion, yet there truly is only now. Second, at the cutting edge of modern physics, it is beginning to be understood that events that have occurred in the past can be changed, and that future events have already happened. This is a startling realization, although how that might be possible is not at all clear.
From that perspective humanity’s awakening has already happened, you just remain unaware of it, just as, while you are still choosing to engage with the illusory separation experience, you remain unaware of your Oneness with Mother/Father/God from Whom you never have been and never could be separated. You are One. Your awakening is your awakening into the full awareness of this most wondrous knowing. When you know it, then you will know without a shadow of a doubt that you are awake, and your hearts will be filled with joy. To awaken is to cease dreaming and know yourselves as One with Mother/Father/God, and this is what is to happen.