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Daily Message ~ Sunday January 24, 2021

There is a false belief system that believes that as long as everything stays the same you will be comfortable. The goal of the universe, of your soul, is continued growth and expansion. To deny this would be trying to resist the natural process of evolution.

Think of insisting upon continually wearing an outfit even though it is too small because you have outgrown it. Trying to stay in the same clothing would only make you more and more uncomfortable.

Allowing your expansion is giving yourself permission to take off clothes that are too small and to feel the relief that comes from embracing who you are now and where your soul, with its wisdom, is trying to lead you. Celebrate your growth and embrace the process, for your unfoldment is a glorious thing and is what allows you the joy and freedom that comes from expressing your ever-evolving self. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

GFP Newsletter - 1/23/2021

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A commune is not an organization, it is simply the gathering of individuals. It does not take away anybody's individuality. It does not destroy your dignity, your pride, your self- respect. On the contrary, it gives you dignity, respect, love: it accepts you as you are. It does not demand that you should be somebody else, then only will you be thought worthy; it does not ask you to be a saint. It simply loves you as you are.


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Daily Message ~ Saturday January 23, 2021

“What way is my expansion supported today?” is an excellent question to ask yourself every day. This will allow you to move with and accept whatever the energies are focusing on, whether it be tangible forward movement or internal expansion which will later be reflected outwardly. You see, you are always supported in expansion because it is what your soul is always seeking, it just may show up in different ways. And we wish for you to understand that giving your soul the room to honour and explore that expansion in whatever direction it wishes to take will keep you far more comfortable than resisting change ever could. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

GFP Newsletter - 1/22/2021

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They say there are only two kinds of vegetables, cabbage and cauliflower; the cabbage category is uneducated, and the cauliflower is a cabbage with college degrees. But there is not much difference.

If you really want to live and not to vegetate, meditation is the only way; and meditation means no-mind... just silence.



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Precious Gift

My darling child: I know that wave after wave of change has washed over you and, yes, more is coming. I know that tired, irritable, or cranky may be the order of the day for you. Whether you are experiencing these things or not, be gentle with yourself and others. Each of you is going through these changes the best you can and that is all you can do in this moment. If you reach a point of overwhelm, remind yourself of this; THE UNIVERSE IS PROUD OF YOU! You are beautiful…you are wanted…you are its precious gift.  All you are going through now will be worth it in the end. ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Friday January 22, 2021

Dear Ones, having your belief systems challenged and needing to reevaluate what is your truth is a natural part of your evolutionary process. This can be a difficult time for people, as their old systems crumble and new, more energetically supportive beliefs are yet to be discovered and fully assimilated. Discernment is an essential part of the enlightenment process but it cannot be properly used until a person is clear about their own truth. This must come from within, and is often facilitated by the experience of disillusionment.

Be gentle with those who are in the throes of this right now on your planet, as this stage can be very painful to navigate until they can settle into a new alignment that allows a much firmer foundation for them to build upon. You have all been there at one stage or another of your journey. It is a rite of passage and an opportunity for redirection. Understand they will need time to mourn the old until they can accept and settle more comfortably into the new. Continue to hold the space of peace and calm and you will be a stabilizing force on your planet as others try to work through their disappointment and adjust to their new reality. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

GFP Newsletter - 1/21/2021

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Looking inside is meditation -- just pure looking inwards, a turning of the eyes inwards one hundred and eighty degrees, and you have arrived home. Not a single step has to be taken, because you are not going anywhere; you are simply coming from here to here.

You are already there where you need to be, just you are not aware. Hence, meditation can be called awareness, watchfulness, alertness, witnessing -- but it is not thinking.


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Allowing yourselves to become aware that to be alive, as you all are eternally, is the most wonderful experience, that, in truth, it is miraculous!

Your awakening is imminent!  Yes, many messages from those in the spiritual realms have recently been reassuring you of this, and yet it appears to most of you that it is no closer than it was years ago, because you are seeing no signs of it.  But your expectations of what awakening means and what it truly is are quite different.  First, of course, time is a major aspect of the illusion, yet there truly is only now.  Second, at the cutting edge of modern physics, it is beginning to be understood that events that have occurred in the past can be changed, and that future events have already happened.  This is a startling realization, although how that might be possible is not at all clear.

From that perspective humanity’s awakening has already happened, you just remain unaware of it, just as, while you are still choosing to engage with the illusory separation experience, you remain unaware of your Oneness with Mother/Father/God from Whom you never have been and never could be separated.  You are One.  Your awakening is your awakening into the full awareness of this most wondrous knowing.  When you know it, then you will know without a shadow of a doubt that you are awake, and your hearts will be filled with joy.  To awaken is to cease dreaming and know yourselves as One with Mother/Father/God, and this is what is to happen.

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Dearest one, some of you may have noticed a marked increase in the calming energy surrounding your world in this moment.  Think of this as a short breather before the next round begins. (Smiling) The work ahead will be vital in moving your Earth plane to its new level of wisdom and knowledge so, it is particularly important to keep your wits about you.  Think before you act, think twice before you speak and always be kind to your fellow humans.  Each of you is walking a new and curious path. ~ Creator

GFP Newsletter - 1/20/2021

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It has been an old fallacy that meditation also needs an object to meditate upon. The very word 'meditation' is wrong because it gives the idea that you have to meditate upon something. Meditation simply means that you don't have anything left to meditate upon.

All is empty: there is no object, no chanting, no mantra, no sutra... just pure emptiness. And suddenly all your energy of awareness turns upon yourself, without any effort on your part. And the turning of the energy of awareness upon yourself is the ultimate experience of life, of light, of everything that is really valuable;everything that cannot be purchased but can be attained.


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What is beauty to you? It comes in many forms; movement, laughter, tears and yes, it even exists in what may seem to be an incoherent mess of tangled emotions. Beauty weaves itself through every strand of your life. If you do not see at least one beautiful thing a day, The Universe invites you to take a closer look at what you may have missed. ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday January 20, 2021

Dear Ones, there are no missed opportunities. If someone doesn’t wish to continue with you, be it in relationship, business, friendship, or spiritual evolution, the universe will absolutely honour that person’s free will and lovingly replace them with someone who can offer you just as much as that person/opportunity did if not more. You will always be matched and supported in your growth and expansion! Your path can never be derailed by another’s lack of cooperation, ever, so trust if something or someone has left your life the universe will always immediately respond to that void in ways that will only support you and your life expression. Allow yourself the curiosity to discover and welcome what is now possible and be open to the continual evolution that is inherently yours. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


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