Have you ever had an idea, an inspiration for something you’d like to create or experience, and feel so excited about it only to move into doubt about it a short time later? We want you to know this is completely normal and why this occurs.
When you discover a new direction your soul would like to expand into, its immediate response is joy and excitement. It feels light and right and full of potential. This is your soul giving you a resounding yes! It is once you start to really sit in that energy and consider making it a reality that the doubt creeps in. Why does this happen? It is the work of your ego.
Your ego is much like a toddler who doesn’t care much for sudden change. It is very invested in everything staying the same and feeling in control, and thus, will rail against moving forward in new, unexpected ways. It reacts strongly with fear and doubt, which you, in your sensitivity, will feel. Do not let this stall your forward movement.
All your ego is really looking for is your assurance that it will still be important and cared for. It simply needs your reassurance that it will be coming with you moving forward. To try to eradicate the ego, which is an essential part of your human self, would be to deny a vital aspect of yourself. Unconditional love for self means loving and caring for all aspects of you, and shepherding them forward in ways that meet their needs.