Suzanne Poulson Spooner – A Perspective On Suicide By A NDE And By My Father Ron – A Collaborative Report From Angelic View’s

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Suzanne Poulson Spooner ~ A Perspective On Suicide By A NDE And By My Father Ron ~ A Collaborative Report From Angelic View’s Blog And Suzanne ~ 26 June 2012


 From Suzanne: I am sharing a post from my friend, Angelic View  It is a NDE ~ Near Death Experience ~ of a woman who committed suicide but came back to share, as best as she could, what her experience in passing was like. I hope that by sharing these events with you, who have lost a loved one to suicide or any means of physical departure, you can have a peace of heart and mind that all is well, they are well and no one truly dies. 


Some of you may know my father, Ron, chose to end his life in 1991. When TAUK first manifested I had no idea what TAUK was or that I would teach people all over the globe to connect to their loved ones, angels, guides, High Selves and God. All I knew in those first few days was I had a connection again to my sweet, loving dad ~ 18 years after his passing. Once I understood that this connection could not be broken and we could TAUK anytime, I started to ask questions about his passing and his suicide experience. Naturally, I hoped that he had not suffered and that he had been welcomed into God’s arms quickly and without judgement.


Steve Beckow ~ The Pace Of Change Will Cause Our Heads To Spin ~ 26 June 2012

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Steve Beckow ~ The Pace Of Change Will Cause Our Heads To Spin ~ 26 June 2012


One thing the galactics commonly say is that, when change begins, it will occur very rapidly. That’s one reason why we here have been expanding now and getting our new teams underway and through their early days – because we know change is just around the corner.


Let’s look for a moment at what SaLuSa and Wanderer of the Skies, the two galactic sources who’ve commented on this topic, have had to say about the pace of change.

SaLuSa said in January:


“Various desired changes are moving along together, and we can see that there may well be a quick series of revelations that will carry you forward very quickly. It will be sensational to many people and cause shock to those who are unprepared, but through our allies we shall ensure that the necessity for them is understood.” (1)


He warned us on February 20 that “the changes are going to be so far reaching, and happen so quickly that you will need to keep awake in case you miss something.” (2)


Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Ascension You are on a spiritual path

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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Ascension

  • You are on a spiritual path

Everyone and everything is on a spiritual journey through life. Some steps on the journey occur as life altering events, others may be smaller, more simple experiences. All are momentous, all are celebrated by us on this side of the veil. You are about to take  huge step upward in your spiritual journey.

~Space Weather Update~ Approaching Active Sunspot

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SUNRISE SKY SHOW: Venus and Jupiter are converging in the morning sky for a close encounter in the early weeks of July. Set your alarm for dawn and look east. It's a nice way to start the day. [images]


COMING ATTRACTION? An active sunspot on the farside of the sun is only days away from showing itself. During the late hours of June 25th, NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded an explosion which heralds the sunspot's approach:



The farside blast hurled a cloud of plasma over the sun's southeastern limb. Earth was not in the line of fire, but Mars might be. The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory saw a coronal mass ejection (movie) heading in the general direction of the Red Planet. The rover Curiosity, en route to Mars now, might detect something as the cloud passes by. A glancing blow to Mars itself is possible on June 29th or 30th.


Lucas – As Predicted The Fearmongering And Unconstitutional Behaviour Go Further

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Lucas – As Predicted The Fearmongering And Unconstitutional Behaviour Go Further – 26 June 2012

Posted on June 26, 2012 by GLR lucas2012infos 

Lucas:  A lot of the things were already in the  making and predicted.

1- An attack on the Olympics :  The warning is out! What a timing.  Do not let you get into fear about that as it will not happen.  This is via The Times of India:

LONDON: Britain has seen a credible terrorist attack plot about once a year since the Sept.11 attacks – a worrying pattern as security officials brace for an array of threats ahead of next month’s summer Olympics, the head of the country’s domestic spy agency says.

Although Britain’s threat level is a notch below what it has been for much of the past decade, it is still at substantial. The level means an attack is a strong possibility. (Read the whole story or better skip it here: link to original article 26 June 2012)

2- The Supreme Court rulings in the USA : The citizens United ruling now twice confirmed by the Court. This ruling  will have with some other ruling coming out this week  impact on us. This will keep people occupied with the unconstitutionality of it.  But people forget to see the bigger picture of what happens.


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Unknown Light Artist

Vipassana Meditation

Ten-day Meditation Discourse Summaries



Universal definition of sin and piety- the noble Eightfold Path: Sila and Samadhi.
The second day is over. Although it was slightly better than the first day, difficulties still remain. The mind is so restless, agitated, and wild like a wild bull or elephant, which creates, havoc when it enters a human dwelling-place. If a wise person tames and trains the wild animal, then all its strength, which has been used for destructive purposes, now begins to serve society in constructive ways. Similarly the mind, which is far more powerful and dangerous than a wild elephant, must be tamed and trained; then its enormous strength will start to serve you. But you must work very patiently, persistently, and continuously. Continuity of practice is the secrete to success.

Aisha North The manuscript of survival – part 157

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The manuscript of survival – part 157


You have been taken on a quite a ride these last few days dear ones, and you have ended up in a place far removed from Kansas, to use a line you might all be familiar with.

Let us explain. As the days goes by, more and more of your internal programming is rapidly being shiftet, from the old and degenerative one to the new and life-sustaining one that will help you to transcend the lifespan of a so-called ”normal human being”. As we have touched upon so many times earlier, this deprogramming and reprogramming process is a thorough one indeed, and it needs to be done in increments, as there is only so much a frail human body can take in one sitting. Or rather, there used to be only so much it could take, but the level of hardiness in you all has risen to such heights, you are now at the receiving end of so much intense energy, it would literally render you helpless if it had been administered earlier on in the process.

Lisa Gawlas: Ego Will vs Divine Will: The Molting Period of Becoming FULLY Awake!

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I was awoken three times last night by Jorge.  Very much like in one of the meditations I had several weeks ago…. he was shaking the ba-jesus out of me saying, quite loudly “Aware is not Awake.”  He repeated that line until I actually woke up from sleep.  The first time, exactly midnight.  I got up and went to the bathroom and felt wide awake (not tired at all) but there is no way I am getting up at midnight.  I went back to sleep.  At 1:30am, once again, he is shaking the ba-jesus out of me saying “Aware is not awake.”   I felt like there was so much more information surrounding this both times, but I could not retain it.  Once again, I felt wide awake and actually thought about getting up for the day, but declined.  I have three readings on my schedule and I will be worthless if I got up now.  The last time he did this, at 3:45am I actually got up.

SophiaLove - I am a light worker ~ Part 1 ~ We are light workers, not light waiters

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It has taken weeks and today I finally figured out what has been gnawing at my heart.  Like many of you I’ve been caught up in watching news and messages from on and off world, predictions and promises laced with accusations and assurances.  None of us know the precise timing or events because all of us are creating them with our thoughts and beliefs.  Somehow we’ve morphed into light waiters rather than light workers.

Visionkeeper: Creating your life

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Creating your life

Posted on June 26, 2012

The time is here to kick back and reinvent your life if you are headed to the new world. The old way of life obviously is not working so why keep struggling to keep your head above water on a drowning ship? With our liberation from prison through our minds it is now time to kick back and decide just how we want our life to be. If we could do or be anything what would it be? Where would we be? How would we be? The only thing keeping us trapped in our present day scenarios is each of us refusing to look outside the box and find the courage to reinvent ourselves.

Saint Germain ~~ The Essence of Life ~~ 26/06/2012 by GLR Méline Lafont

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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Saint Germain ~~ The Essence of Life ~~ 26/06/2012  by GLR Méline Lafont




Dear Ones,
I Am Saint Germain and I want to talk to you about all the feats you have already accomplished in your lives. What used to be so hard has now become a ‘piece of cake' compared to earlier times in which you found yourselves. You all have travelled the long, lonesome and winding road. On your way you were confronted with lots of obstacles only to defeat them again and again. You went ahead courageously and powerfully, never looking back.


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