Terri Newlon ~ Djwhal Khul ~ Call Forth The Good In All ~ 14 June 2012
Djwhal Khul here. Tashi delek.
Alright. We are in a very spiritual point of tension, as we put it sometimes, meaning something like you might say, ‘stuck in the frying pan’, or something like that. A saying that things are very heated up and maybe a bit difficult for many members of Humanity right now. So I decided to title this one “Call Forth The Good In All”.
And before I talk about that I am going to explain what’s going on, why people are going on killing rampages, and sometimes harming themselves rather severely, or blowing off steam, yelling at other people. We have quite a bit going on, mostly with the brain and the magnetics.
The magnetic storms in particular really affect many things; they affect the aura, they affect whether or not one can stay grounded and stabilized in their body. People prone to bipolar or other disorders are especially having troubles maintaining. People with unresolved rage or other angers and heavy emotions: sadness, fear, resentment, etc. They are really swelling up now.