Message from the Earth Allie: Friendship and illusion

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Message from the Earth Allie: Friendship and illusion



In a world of separation friendship has been often considered a gift. Being with a friend made people feel less separated, less lonely, but frienship as it was is part of the same illusion as all that pertains to the 3d reality.

A friend implies a note of "someone special", someone you love more than others, someone you put somewhere up there in your personal sphere...

and often fell down and "outch".


It's time to let go this idea of "specials".

For if you look at frienship they came and went as anything else inside this dream. You moved, you changed, you grew, and friends changed as you changed your dream into the next stage.

Sometimes they helped, sometimes they made you cry, sometimes they left... has been part of the play, though if you truly want to make the one step more... 

there's no such thing.

At least not in the sense it was done so far.

~Children of the Sun~ Christ Consciousness

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The incoming of the Divine Feminine aspect is now in full embrace of our beloved planet. She is greatly amplifying our initiations into Christ Consciousness while helping to rejuvenate our bodies in order to transcend into the new Divine-Human... and wayshowers of the emerging I AM Race.   


Christ Consciousness, the Divine Union of Love, Wisdom and Power, is available to all while still in physical embodiment and it is by Divine Decree that we, who walk this Earth during these auspicious times, are the ones to fulfill this prophecy of "the second coming of The Christ". Through our advancement into the 5th initiation, we achieve our ascension while in the formed expression.  

Due to the planetary quickening from the closing of cycles, collective humanity has been granted Divine Dispensation for the fastest development ever undertaken by a race of beings. In this historical evolution of the human design, each of the phases of spiritual initiation must still be taken and cannot, in anyway, be by-passed. This has to do with both the safety of our vehicles and to prevent the potential misuse of power.


~Space Weather Update~ Very Powerful M1 Class Solar Flare has Erupted

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CHANCE OF FLARES: NOAA forcasters estimate a 40% chance of M-class solar flares today as a phalanx of sunspots turns toward Earth. The most likely source of geoeffective eruptions is sunspot AR1504, which has grown into an active region almost 10 times wider than Earth. Solar flare alerts: text, voice.


As predicted, the sunspot has flared. Magnetic fields above AR1504 erupted on June 13th at 1319 UT, producing a long-duration M1-class solar flare. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded the extreme UV glow of the blast:


The ongoing explosion is taking hours to unfold, which means it is very powerful despite its middling M1-peak. Long duration flares often hurl coronal mass ejections (CMEs) into space, and this one is probably no exception. Stay tuned for updates about a possible Earth-directed CME.


Michael by GLR Ron Head, The light and love of Creator is perfect

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  Spanish      Portuguese


Today we will continue, as promised, by adding a most beautiful vision of grounding into the meditation we offered in yesterday’s message.

You will remember that we suggested you breathe Creator’s unconditional love and light into your crown, third eye, and down into your heart.  It is at this point that we would insert a further step into this beautiful exercise.  If you can now, imagine the love and light of Creator filling every cell of your body and flowing down into your solar, sacral, and root chakras.  Feel it getting stronger with every breath.  Allow it to reach downward now, into your loving mother, Earth.  Imagine it becoming roots, a growing system of roots reaching down, down, and down further and further into the heart of your planet, reaching deep, deep into the very center of her, finding her crystal core and wrapping firmly and lovingly around it.

Lisa Gawlas: The U-Turn of Life’s Currents and My Life.

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Before I get into the core of my sharing I do want to talk about the shift within me, what I am writing about and our (mine and yours) journey together.  There are some who are concerned that the man I refer to as Blue Eyes has been placed in my path as a distraction.  I can so understand and fully appreciate why some may feel like that.

About a week or two ago I had seen and wrote about life’s “river” taking a sudden U-Turn and everything changing direction.  My own life included.

For as long as I do phone readings and continue to understand the changes and presence within each day, I promise you, I will share… All-Ways.

I am not distracted…  well not in the way the word could be used.  I am expanding in a way, in a direction that I couldn’t have even imagined possible even 2 weeks ago.

This expansion, the potentials at hand, the pathways now opening up… are the very reason I Am in Life.

We have arrived at a place in life, in an energetic vibrational potential where the gates of Heaven are now firmly on earth, keys are being released and the divine lock is now visible.  To live Heaven on earth is why we are ALL here.  To live fully in our Divinity while playing out loud in the fields of matter.

Oracle Report ~ Wednesday, June 13, 2012

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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Third Quarter Moon Phase

As we continue to adjust to the energy of Jupiter in Geminin, we are trying to come into balance.  Things are trying to correct or "right" themselves.  We are trying to upstand.  Jupiter will be at the degree of the New Moon/Solar Eclipse/Ring of Fire for a little while, keeping the ring (vortex) open for negativity.  Dark forces are certainly strong right now.  Stay vigilent and positive, grounded and centered with the Earth to counter anything that might be around.  Darkness is attracted to bright light.  This is a tough transition of energy, and it breeds frustration, anger, and hopelessness.  Remember that we are just in a balancing time and things will settle out.  Stay on the light side. 

Archangel Michael on Syria, Peace, the Transition and Ascension

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Archangel Michael on Syria, Peace, the Transition and Ascension

2012 JUNE 13
Posted by GLR Steve Beckow

An Hour with an Angel, June 11, 2012, with Archangel Michael

Graham Dewyea: Hello, and welcome to An Hour with an Angel, with Linda Dillon, the channel for the Council of Love and author of The Great Awakening, and Steve Beckow of the 2012 Scenario. I’m Graham Dewyea.

Our guest today is Archangel Michael. So with that, I’ll pass it on to you, Steve.

Steve Beckow: Thank you, Graham. And Linda, I believe you would like to make an announcement before we start?

Linda Dillon: Yes. Thanks, Steve, and thanks, Graham. I wanted to invite everybody to a free, emphasis on “Free,” Ustream class that I’m going to be doing this coming Saturday, which is the 16th of June. And it will be at 11:00 Eastern Standard Time. And the purpose of the meeting is I have written this book, as you all know, called The Great Awakening. And it is basically a step-by-step process for Ascension. But during the course of the last, oh, few months since the book’s been out, there have been many questions, many queries. We’ve had some shift in energies.

Dion - Getting to The Heart of the Matter,Identifying our Soul-kin & Family, Karmic Echos and Timeline-convergence

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  • Getting to The Heart of the Matter /// Identifying our Soul-kin & Family ///Karmic Echos and Timeline-convergence 


    GFP: as we're now in the last cicle, Karma (thought energy you cre-activate) has to be delt with in this cicle as there will be no other incarnation upon this planet as it had been so far. 


    by GLR Dion

    So what's really at the heart of the matter of things for you and all of us right now? ...

    Well, It's Y[our] Heart of course :}

    Since as far back as recorded history (and even further) , the Heart has been at the center of this continuous unfolding. It is actually The Heart , and not the Brain that contains the throne of emotion we sit in.

    The Heart contains the energetic imprint of your Truth and how you have communicated it. In the age of the Ancient Egyptians, When passing in to the underworld Of Osiris , The Heart of the possessor would be weighed against The feather of Maat (divine truth,balance,order,law) in order to determine the course the Soul would take.

Linda Dillon: What is the Thirteenth Octave – Part 2/3

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Linda Dillon: What is the Thirteenth Octave – Part 2/3

2012 JUNE 13

Posted by GLR Steve Beckow


This Saturday, June 16, 2012, at 11:00 AM EST/8 AM PST, Linda Dillon will be holding a free Ustream class. Linda has written a book called The Great Awakening which she calls a “step-by-step guide to Ascension.” The class answers any questions that may have arisen.

To join the broadcast, go to , and click on the Ustream screen in the upper righthand corner of the site.


What is The Thirteenth Octave?


From Linda Dillon, The Great Awakening, chapter 2.

A Time of Decision

“Greetings from the Council of Love. I am Gabrielle, Herald of God and Messenger of One. I come this day to speak to all Lightworkers not only across North America but across the world, of Love and joy, of a new way of being. The time for indecision must come to an end. There is no longer an envelope in time, as you know it, in which to decide whether to go ahead slowly, rapidly, or at all. One must decide now if you choose to enter the Thirteenth Octave or to remain in the cycle of 12:12. Know that this decision is one based on soul desire and purpose.

SaLuSa – 6/13/2012

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SaLuSa – 6/13/2012

June 13, 2012  by Oracles and Healers

All around you changes are occurring and are a sure sign that the impulses for change are getting stronger, and so it will continue all the way to Ascension. The good news is that the outcome has been well anticipated by us, and we have taken all necessary action to ensure that you ascend. Our main responsibility has been to assist our allies to remove the dark Ones. It is proceeding well and is splitting the ranks of the Illuminati, who are becoming disorganized. It will act as a restraint upon them where they may have any remaining ambition to empower their plans to disrupt your progress.

Denise Le Fay – Transitions – Doing In The Goddess No-Doing Way

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Denise Le Fay – Transitions – Doing In The Goddess No-Doing Way – 13 June 2012

Posted on June 13, 2012 by GLR lucas2012infos

I wanted to quote Inelia Benz’s latest article because it’s accurate and great, but also because I’ve been forced to “do nothing” like crazy the minute June 2012 arrived. I’ll share more about that in another article soon but I want to keep the focus on what Inelia wrote as it’s very important right now, and beyond as well. Thank you Inelia Benz. ♥


June 12, 2012

Call to Action – IT’S TIME!
“For the past two weeks every time I sit down to meditate, daydream, doing, or not doing, a strong message comes through.  The words are:


Just that.


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