Thirsty for More by SophiaLove

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by GLR SophiaLove

  What is sizzling is kept beneath the surface, while we move forward with day jobs and holidays, purchases and chores that seem at best mediocre and pale in comparison to what we feel is the real “juice”.  Nothing we do on a day to day basis holds much fascination.  We are having a tough time caring.

What’s the point?

The point is whatever we declare to be the point.  All that we’ve created up until now holds relevance as it is our life; no one forced us to create it as we have.  Yes, we’ve been led to believe things that are not, in fact, true, but we’ve had our hands on the wheel the whole time. 

Heavenletter #4152 Oneness Rising

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Heavenletter #4152 Oneness Rising, April 7, 2012 

God said: 


When your cup runneth over, enjoy it. You are meant for brimful. A cup empties only so that it may be filled. You are ascending to love. Ascension does not have to be something that happens to you. Rise to it. Rise closer to your True Self.

Sometimes you feel in a daze. You didn't see it coming, this True Self. Others may see it before you do. Why be the last to know how much love you are? If you see love all around you, you can know that you sparked it. This is no mistake. This is revelation. This is when you reveal yourself to yourself. This is when you stand up and say, as I do say, "I am here."

~Ho'oponopono~ Heal Your self

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"I asked Dr. Len how he went about healing himself. 'I just kept saying, 'I'm sorry' and 'I love you' over and over again,' he explained. Turns out that loving yourself is the greatest way to improve yourself, and as you improve yourself, you improve your world." 
  -- Author and Inspirational Speaker Joe Vitale on the ho'oponopono healing process

The intriguing message of love and forgiveness below was spread widely over the Internet a while back. Many who have read this message have found it to be incredibly inspiring, but question whether the story is really true. The author is highly respected Joe Vitale, an inspirational speaker, prolific author, and one of the main individuals featured in the popular inspiring film, The Secret.

Joe Vitale personally verified the story about the humble Dr. Len – which he also originally found too good to be true – and has gone on to work with Dr. Len and co-author a book with him about ho'oponopono healing. Materials are included after the story for you to verify what is presented and explore further.


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