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Waking The ‘Sleepers’

Dearest one, it is time to wake up.  It is time to open your eyes, see past the chaos and know there is a gentle, more compassionate, beautiful existence waiting for you.  Like a sunrise painting the sky with hues of pink, purple and deep blue, your Earth plane is realizing the infinite possibilities available to every human on your planet!  Nudge the person next to you and quietly whisper, “Will you look at that, isn’t it amazing?!”  Slowly, they will begin to raise their eyes and gaze on something you have always seen…a new world, in all its infinite glory, created just for you! ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Monday November 19, 2018

As you continue along your healing journey, many old patterns and habits will be up for review and for change. What often accompanies this is a need for the readjustment of boundaries.

Healthy boundaries have been a major theme for enlightening human beings. Simply put, healthy boundaries are about creating a space that is loving and empowering for all. What that means may shift or move according to each individual situation.

A simple rule of thumb you may wish to use as you explore the creation of healthy boundaries is to simply make sure that you are never more invested in another person’s wellness than they are in their own, and to make sure you are not more invested in another person’s wellness more than you are in your own.  Making sure if you do step up to give assistance you are doing it from your heart and not from obligation or an unhealthy desire to control is important. To give under such circumstances often leads to resentment.

You are wise, Dear Ones, and by simply stopping and evaluating from your latest level of mastery, you will be able to find the place that supports everyone in showing up in their highest expression of self.  Sometimes that might mean stepping in with others to help stabilize them during crisis, other times it might be stepping back and offering encouragement so they can find their own divine capability. Allow your boundaries to be part of the flow of support, love, and wellness for all, and you cannot make a mistake. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Beyond Daily Life

God said:

Beloved, make life easier for you and all those near you as well as those who are said to be far away from you in time or space, neither of which exist except in illusion. Of course, illusion can only appear to be seen, or it wouldn’t be illusion.

GFP Newsletter - 11/18/2018

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Jesus says to his disciples, "Look at the lilies in the field, how beautiful they are! Even the great Solomon was not so beautiful attired in all his grandeur as these poor lily flowers." And what is the secret? The secret is that they think not of the morrow. They live now, they live here.

To live now is to be enlightened, to live here is to be enlightened, to be a lily is to be enlightened this very moment! Don't think about what I am saying. Don't think about it, just be here. This is the taste of enlightenment. And once you have tasted it, you will want to taste it more and more.

Don't make a goal out of it; it is not a goal, it is the most ordinary state of consciousness.

It is nothing extraordinary, it is nothing special. Trees are enlightened, and the birds are enlightened, and rocks are enlightened, and the sun and the moon are enlightened. Only man is not, because only man thinks and goes on missing.


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Fear, as an emotion, is real and has been with humans since the beginning of time.  Implementing a response to fear kept you alive and safe.  But, fear also feeds on fear.  If you choose to engage in that spiral, it will grow and put you in a space where everything is dangerous and ‘out to get you’.

As always, this is where The Universe offers you a choice.  You can let fear run your life, letting fear take over and stop all forward movement and growth….or….you can acknowledge fear, thank it for its service and move through it.  Keep in mind that it may be one of the most challenging things you do but, one of the most rewarding!  Even through the chaos fear is creating on your Earth plane in this moment, if you look closely enough, you can see the light on the other side.  Always focus on the light and know you are supported every step of the way. ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Sunday November 18, 2018

Dear Ones, you are ever shifting beings of flow. What that means is that your needs are ever changing. There may be times of release, or times of integration. There will be times of giving, and times of receiving. Times of connection and times of solitude. Times of activity and times of rest. Times of being love and times of being loved.

What we urge is that you not make yourself wrong over any of it. If you can simply stay present and trust what it is that is needed and supported at any given time, you will embrace your divine nature of being part of a much larger flow, and you will understand that everything you could ever need will be identified and provided for you through the natural rhythm of the universe. You will also discover that the balance you seek is inherently part of that larger flow that you are already a beloved part of. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

GFP Newsletter - 11/17/2018

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Enlightenment is not a goal that you have to decide whether to accept it or not. It is not a goal. Enlightenment is the realization that we have only the present moment to live. The next moment is not certain -- it may come, it may not come.

In fact, the tomorrow never comes. It is always arriving and arriving, but never arrives.

And the mind lives in the tomorrows... and life is possible only in the present.



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Oh yeah, I am happy task, ACCOMPLISHed.

See, I am so me, I am no one else. Imagine that sports fans.

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Right Way?

Many people will have opinions on what path you should be walking.  There may be times when you do not trust yourself and feel the need ask others their thoughts while disregarding your own.  You may receive very strong direction from The Universe and choose to second guess yourself.  This is a part of being human! (Smiling)  It takes practice to be able to hear and understand those messages.  Embrace the fact that each of you has your own way of deciphering.  One way is not better than the other and no one carries ‘exclusive’ information.  The best thing to do is listen to your heart, it will always show you what is perfect for you! ~ Creator

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17 Nov Daily Message ~ Saturday November 17, 2018

The more self aware and self loving you become, the more you allow yourself to move with what the flow is supporting on any given day. That may not seem like much to you but it is a profound shift, for not only does it create more freedom and assistance in your life, it also allows you to be far more efficient in all you do.

It moves you out of effort into flow, which is wisely harnessing the power of the universe in your own life expression. It also lets you experience far more peace and acceptance in your life because you understand if something isn’t being supported it is meant to be addressed another day.

This is working with the operating system of the new earth, and once you become used to navigating through self love and flow you will wonder how you ever did things the old way for as long as you did. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Open Your Eyes

God said:

Beloved, it isn’t just that you can expand your vision. It isn’t just that you can see differently from how you presently see. If you want your life to change, then change.

Unless your life is consistently as you pretty much want it to be, then it behooves you to change. Otherwise, you tend to cut yourself off from the life you desire. Get away from how you presently see. There is something in your landscape to change. You may have a blind spot. Turn the lights on.

GFP Newsletter - 11/16/2018

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Get out of the mind if you want to live. Get out of the mind if you want to live this moment. The mind cannot live in this moment, because first it has to decide, and the moment is lost in thinking. And by the time the mind has decided -- if it ever decides -- that moment is gone already. You are always lagging behind. Mind is always running after life, and lagging behind and missing it continuously.


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Joy Is Arriving!

It is time to get moving again, dearest one!  Like dragging yourself out of a nice, warm bed on a very cold morning…you may be a bit reluctant to begin.  But, begin you must! (Smiling)  This next surge of change will feel a bit different from the others because there is a great deal of joy attached to it, like a child waking up and knowing they are finally going to Disneyland!

Take this wonderful burst of energy and put it to good use; step outside your comfort zone, explore parts of your inner workings that you may not have touched in years, remember what it is like to be unfettered by heavy, cumbersome thoughts.  Play, dance, love with abandon and know, with certainty, the light you creating now will be sent to every single soul on your Earth plane. ~ Creator


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