~ Nice Work, Everyone ~
2012 February 3
Well, just to let you know how it’s going. It’s 2:30 a.m. and wherever I turn, and I’m sure it’s the same way for BZ, we have hundreds of emails. The “comments” and “article suggestion” forms (now closed), the grener11@gmail.com account, BZ’s and my personal email accounts, and any other means of communication – all choc-a-bloc with email.
In the “comments” section to the Flight List, which I’ve had to close as well, people are estimating fairness, etc. But I wonder if you can appreciate that, when one is awash in email, it isn’t possible to sit down here calmly and say, well, in this case, I did x so in this other case I must do the same. I must be consistent. I must take everyone into consideration. I must read every email in order of chronology. Etc.
How can one be consistent when one sits on a mountain of email and must watch for the one email that points to an urgent or special situation that needs to be addressed? I’m afraid one cannot. Mistakes will be made. Some emails will actually remain unread. It cannot be otherwise.