The universe is full of magick and adventure which, if you have not discovered for yourself already, will be at your fingertips as you ascend into the higher realms of possibility. 3D Earth has also possessed her share of magick and secrets, but these aspects of your experience have been quite limited. Soon to be unlimited are your new powers and your new experiences throughout the vastness of space. You will explore unknown and uncharted corridors and meet new races and species of beings. You will discover countless new varieties of life; intelligent, animal, aquatic, and you will also find all beings possess greater intelligence than you might have previously imagined. Such are the many varieties of the animal kingdom of your planet Earth. The reality of the advanced levels of consciousness of some of your species has been purposely kept from you, as well as even the existence of some of your intelligent life on your planet, although many of you have done your own research and have come to the conclusion, without the necessity to be told what is and what is not by your so-called leaders, of what is myth and what is based on fact.
~ I surrender to the White Light and to the Golden Love of the universe that is coming forth. I surrender to the truth of the new age that has spoken to my heart and guides my soul. I surrender to you who are my other twin who knows my spirit and guides my life. It is time that we come into power as the guard has changed and there is no guard upon the lighted pathway. We are free to become real. We are found in the light. The darkness is past. We are immortal.
~ All is that is and we are given the truth that we are One and in being One we are with a unity of spirit to bring peace and happiness to the Family of Light which we are. You have walked through the darkness and walked through the unreal and now you are moving from death to light.
They have been informed the Federal Reserve Board must be shut down immediately and the new financial system must be implemented or else the United States would be totally cut off from the world.
The more people know the less shock there is when the day of contacting our universal sisters and brothers comes.
We can tell our friends about this so that they understand, because media is not good at doing this. The contact is going to happen in a couple of years, maybe tomorrow. You also know this, but think that it’s going to happen or might happen in the distant future.
The truth is that it lies very close. If you choose not to read further then it’s the right choice for you. We always choose to open ourselves when we feel that we are ready. Now it’s time to get ready for the biggest adventure of the Earth, because that is what is going to happen. Aliens do not just look like as you’ve seen on TV. Most of them look just as we do, you wouldn’t notice any big difference.
2012~The only one who can predict your future is you~
~Galactic Love Reporter Sophia~
As the year closes we naturally look both ways – back at where we’ve been and ahead to where we are going. It is a journey, one we are creating together and walking alone.
This journey, this dream or whatever you call it; is yours. It is mine. There are no prophecies or predictions that will affect the outcome unless I bring them into my reality and make them do so. I make this choice with every word, thought and focus. The choice is always mine. The choice is always yours. We can select love or fear and everything we do and experience will be a reflection of our chosen emotion.
~Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member World~Bridger~
~ Embrace the Love You Are ~
Greetings all, 2011 is about over and whew what a great year it was! Sure there was hard times, but they brought the most growth, I am so grateful for what I have been through, I like many am not the same as I was a year ago. Giving thanks for all of it.
As 2012 enters the scene, the line has been drawn, it is time to choose sides, it is all or nothing, there is no more balancing the energys of the dark and light, the myth that we have to embrace our darkness has fallen to the wayside, it is time to embrace our true selves (((Love))) or the selfishness of our ego. There is no middle ground and there is no faking it.
As the universe closes down the old year with a bang of energy that serves to remind you and I that we are all being called into a point of Light that is excited about us being there let me add my wishes too for a new year that opens and expands you into more options and possibilities. The last twelve months have been about restructuring, reordering, and reorganizing - from the most subtle internal electromagnetic levels to the bigger external commitments of change in physical time and space.
2012 is your year to wear your Light and Soul well. To become the master of your fate by making choices that move you into a space of freedom. To be thankful for all that is you and all that is about you, for you are the creator of your universe.
You can only experience True Joy, By Being Present, and connecting in from within. True Joy is Being the Love you are. This Energy of Love supports the Whole, The ALL, and contributes to Grander and Grander Experiences within Creation. Unless you are Present in the Moment of Now, you never have experienced what it Feels like to be in a Constant state of Happiness. The Experience is one of Constant Euphoria, Joy, Laughter, A Constant High, A Constant Smile, and Wholeness of Being. This is the Experience of Being Fully Conscious, True Reality, and “The Kingdom of Heaven”. Every Moment is a Constant Awareness of Love Everywhere Present, because this Is the Truth once out of illusion.
~Galactic Love Reporter, First Contact and Galactic Free Press Staff Team Member Predrag~
Beloved Robin,
Truly you touched me.... I am so honored that one by one, we are coming out of darkness, out of ignorance toward our soul, we are coming in the Love of MotherFatherGod and Gaia...
There are so many changes going on in all of you at this time that are making the transition from being a 3 dimensional being into a 5thdimensional being, which is happening to so many of you that call yourselves light workers or starseeds.
The term does not matter. It applies to all of you who are consciously learning to be all that you can be and infuse your being with love and light.
It does not matter what language you speak or where you live or what you do to fill your day. It does not matter which church you go to, which religion you follow or whether you just follow spirit as you define this for yourselves. The language and rituals do not matter to anyone but you.
The second thing I wanted to comment on as a result of the reading I’ve done in my recuperative time was how thoroughly we’ve been bamboozled about the cabal and its gold if we consider some of what David Wilcock has revealed on Whistleblower Radio, Dec. 14, 2011 and in his articles on Divine Cosmos.
Gads what a year 2011 was! Mother of gads, what a month December 2011 has been!! The entire year was intensely compressed, difficult, and highly challenging for me personally as I know it was for most of you too. Then December 2011 was a compressed super version of the whole year! December has been extreme and an intense last-minute second chance to resolve and tidy up (mop up the heart wounds and blood and guts!) whatever you/me/each of us needs to before the final year (2012) of the twenty-five yearlong Alchemical Ascension Process kicks in.