~Portals as Pathways into other Dimensions and Realities~
Because portals are pathways into other dimensions and realities, they exist in consciousness as energetic fields. These energetic fields can help us heal, create works of art, shift our consciousness to a new timeline or identity, connect with others in consciousness, perceive other locations in time and space and much more.
There are many different ways to view, access and experience portals. By raising our vibration to access spiritual vision, we can begin to perceive the many portals that exist in consciousness. Though we may be able to perceive many portals, our energy, thoughts, vibrations, beliefs and attitudes determine the portals we're able to access within a given moment.
Things are opening up for all beings on Earth, no matter where they are in life. By that We mean both those embarked on a spiritual path, aware of the emerging energies, and those who are blind or oblivious to all happenings in the invisible and happily living in that man-made reality of yours.
Yet, no matter where you are located in that spectrum, two distinct reactions or patterns are appearing: One one side complete acceptance or allowing of what is and what is becoming, on the other, complete refusal or resistance of that same situation/experience.
As time passes Earthlings, there is a lot less gray in your world, so to speak.
And for those who willingly allow all experiences or who have learned to do so, peace and knowingness is settling in.
~From James Gililland email: Mary Magdalene on Earth Changes~
In a transpersonal release session Mary Magdalene came in as the main teacher and guide. After the clearing session she had a lot more to say about the upcoming Earth Changes. We asked if Nibiru was for real she said yes. She also said between Sept and November to expect major changes on every level building up to a great crescendo. November 2011 could be the passing of the Red Kachina the great purifier and people need to come back into alignment with Spirit and Nature. She also said there would be protection for those who listen and act but to be aware of spiritual ego and attachment. Some areas will not be safe no matter how connected one thinks they are and if they really were connected they would be moving from these areas. Beware of the feel good messages and those that avoid personal responsibility maintaining the be lie f that the status quo will continue. She said the Pleiadians, Sirians, Orion Council of Light, Andromedans and several other races 12 to be exact all have played a major part in our evolution.
This is a time of preparation for soul awakening. 2010 has been a time of bringing you into the presence of healed duality, bringing together the pairs of opposites. 2011 will be called a Year of the Revelation of Truth and Integration.
In the Overview of the Year, we have talked about the three quadrants (four-month segments) of the year. This channeling will be about the final four months of the year specifically.
Love: "The hearts immortal thirst to be completely known and all forgiven." Henri Van Dyke
Great Spirit moved throughout the vast and infinite universe gathering information, sensing frequencies and amassing energy. Imagine, if you will, a very lonely soul; somewhat of a Hermit, who longed for companionship and interaction; whose contribution to a day was a restless shifting of harnessed, creative power. In this manner, Great Spirit moved continuously, caressing the boundless star system with cerulean light.
Do Not Fear what we shall begin to witness in our skies and on our Earth, as those who have held the power have been replaced, the guards have been changed, and our dear Planet Earth is preparing for the imminent arrival of a life altering energy!
As it approaches, the vibrational signature is causing the Earth to reverse polarity, thus shifting us back into harmonious codes, alas replacing a historical era of patriarchal enslavement. Sensitive ones have felt the energy of this approaching presence for many years.
Our mission has been linked with you for a long, long time. We have followed your progress even going back to the earlier civilisations, of which Atlantis and Lemuria are the most recent ones known to you. We have always had some influence on your evolution, but that is only to the extent that we are allowed to do so. The freewill factor has played an important part in your experiences, and we would not interfere with what you have created for that purpose. Guidance is permitted, and assistance to Mother Earth that has been more direct in recent times. The Creator decreed that Ascension would complete your cycle of duality, and we have the honour and responsibility to see you through to completion.
I A.M. Archangel Michael 777, and I come to you today through my beloved Channel, to assure you, that everything is going according to Plan, even if it might sometimes seem frustrating and uncertain for some of you.
Planet Earth is going through intense Changes, and every Moment, the Energy is intensifying more and more, the Light coming from Heaven is getting stronger and brighter in the Blink of an Eye.
I would like to address a very important Issue: The global Economy.
Our topic for this week is Pluto Direct in Capricorn which happens on September 16. This is kind of an ongoing influence here, Pluto in Capricorn. Pluto has a very long orbit so it stays in a particular house for a long time. It will be in Capricorn until 2023. The lessons called forth by Pluto show up in your birth chart, so you might have a Pluto in Sag or Pluto in some other sign depending upon your age, moving back through the time including Pluto in Leo, etc. So you have strong influences.
Pluto, in this going direct, ties in with political campaigns, financial organizations, and truth or truthful communications in general. In other words if you’ve got something that you’re hiding, it probably won’t stay in hiding. Transparency is the better way to go anyway so I would say go ahead and bring forth as much truth as possible.
Laura: Good evening SaLuSa. You have seen questions for this week and comments. Would you like to give us on update, perhaps taking into account relevant questions and touching on them also.
Tuesday, 28 April, 2009 (posted 13 September, 2011)
** This message from the Angels was originally published on my website in April 2009. The Angels told me this information was to be shared again at this time. I pray it blesses you. ~Christina
This past month, Spirit has shown me so many things. There are things going to happen on Earth that have the possibility of knocking you out of your balance. Those who can see or hear spiritually may already have caught wind of some of the things that are coming. For our purposes, it's not so important to know the details of what is coming as it is to help you be prepared when they get here. Let me explain.