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In the Waiting Room of the Human Heart

God said:

Welcome. Get over here. Get out of that abyss you have put yourself in while you try to decide about Me. You turn over your thoughts, and I hear your heartbeat. I hear you all right. I hear you say:

"Beloved God, sometimes it is enough for me to say Beloved God, and this is all I have to say -- Beloved God.

"Sometimes the phrase 'God of my Fathers' haunts me. I have no idea of what this means, as if You can be the God of one group and not another? I cannot believe in this, God, that you are my God, and another God is somebody else's God. This seems so opposed to One God. Is there someone whose God You would not be?

"Yet the phrase haunts me. My God. Someone else's God. Here a God, there a God.

"In most things, I appreciate divergence. I like things original and new, and I do like to think inside me that you are My God, mine. Does this have to do with ownership?

There is something I like about the expression:'Perhaps it is the rhythm of it.'

"And there is the expression: 'Personal or impersonal God'.

"For a long time, I was aware of no God at all. I was definitely not against You, God, yet I didn’t knowingly have a speaking acquaintance.

"I accept now that I did deeply know You all the while, the quality of You. However, I did not experience you as my God at all. You were for others to talk about, yet not for me to venture toward. I was stand-offish, yet it was like I was watching You all the while, yet, I couldn't quite acknowledge you. I never said a word.

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Why The DEA and HHS Should Be Abolished

Dr. Mercola, Guest
Waking Times

The use of marijuana for medical purposes is now legal in 25 states and, as of this writing, two additional states (Arkansas and Florida) have pending legislation or ballot measures to legalize medical marijuana.1

Alaska, Washington, Oregon, Colorado and the District of Columbia have also legalized recreational use of marijuana for adults, while 16 states have decriminalized certain marijuana possession offenses.2

According to estimates, between 85 and 95 percent of Americans are in favor of medical cannabis, and nearly 60 percent support complete legalization of marijuana. And, contrary to what you might think, doctors overwhelmingly agree.

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Spiritual Awakening, How Are You FEELING?

Spiritual awakening and feelings

How are you feeling during your spiritual awakening? It can be a positive and exhilarating experience, but at the same time, it can be intense and overwhelming. I want to validate how you feel and tell you that you're not alone.

Spiritual awakening is different for everybody. Some people say to me that that their awakening has been very positive, exciting, mind bending and wondrous. Others relate that their awakening has taken it's toll on them. That all they can see is negativity in the world, that they are powerless to stop it and how they feel lacking in purpose.

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Quiet The Chatter

There will be times when you ask a question of The Universe and it feels as if you are being ignored.  You ask and ask and still nothing arrives.  Rest assured, this is not the case.  The Universe is speaking to you all day, every day!  Today, you are invited to truly quiet yourself, turn down the volume on your everyday chatter and truly listen with and to your heart.  The answer is there. ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Thursday September 15, 2016

Dear Ones, the word we think best describes the theme of the day is allow. Allow yourself to move with the energies. Allow yourself to be exactly who you are without the need to fix or deny anything, embracing your glorious divinity. Allow others to be where they are without feeling the responsibility to fix anything because they are masters in their own right. And lastly, allow yourself to be thankful for the incredible process you are such an important part of, during this time of acceleration and shifting on your planet. Just allow it all to be in all its divine perfection. ~Archangel Gabriel

GFP Newsletter - 9/14/2016

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Without knowing oneself it is impossible to know anybody else.

The trouble is you can be introduced to somebody else, but how can you be introduced to yourself?

Who is going to do that?


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A Sergeant in the Marines

God said:

Sometimes language expresses itself perfectly. Weak with anger is an example of one of these perfectly exact expressions.

Anger definitely weakens. Strong with anger, you might as well foam at the mouth. Your hands may tremble. You are shaking in your boots, not from conscious fear, but from anger, another form of fear.

Why would you be full of anger if you were not fearful? Why on Earth would you feel a need to set the record straight with red-hot anger unless you were fearful?

Talk about righteous anger all you want. You will accomplish much more without the passion of anger. You may well accelerate your anger with righteousness. You can express yourself much better without anger and without self-righteousness.

Do you imagine that you are a sergeant in the Marines, and, if a private forgets to call you Sir, you are to bark at him?

When you are angry, you are not kind. You blow up. Anger begets anger. Anger can make you an authoritative bully. Everyone justifies his immediate anger. You can't help it, for you are under the command of anger. If you can't help but be angry, call it weakness. You can't call it strength.

You have observed anger from others in action. It is not a pretty sight. You have seen parents hot with anger, focusing their anger on their young children. You may cringe for the young children. You may also cringe for the angry parent who has hidden away his or her love and replaced it with hot anger.

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BREAKING: New DNC Leaks Blow Hillary’s Health and Obama’s Corruption Wide Open

by Whitney Webb, True Activist

The new leaks show that Obama operated a “pay to play” scheme for ambassadorships and other positions and also imply that Hillary has a life-threatening condition called sinus thrombosis, helped create ISIS, and was responsible for the death of Americans in Benghazi.

A few weeks ago, Julian Assange of Wikileaks told the world that he had incriminating information that could further damage Hillary Clinton’s chances at the presidency. The DNC leaks, realized by hacker Guccifer 2.0, have already brought tremendous embarrassment and added scrutiny to the DNC, which has since struggled to recuperate popular legitimacy. The DNC, in an effort to divert attention from its criminal actions, has sought to refocus public attention on Russia.

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Pharmaceutical and Agrochemical Giant Bayer Buys Monsanto for $66 Billion

by Whitney Webb, True Activist

Bayer, who made it rich selling heroin to children and financing Nazi concentration camps, is set to pay over $128 a share to buy the world's most notorious GM seed company.

German pharmaceutical and agrochemical company Bayer has finally succeeded in its attempts to buy US GM seed company Monsanto. The merger will create a company that commands more than 25% of the world’s agricultural market for seeds and pesticides.

Bayer first attempted to buy Monsanto for $62 billion this past May but was unsuccessful as Monsanto demanded more money following its failed takeover of the world’s largest GM seed company Syngenta. Antitrust authorities in the US and the EU still have the ability to prevent the merger, the possibility of which has kept Monsanto’s real value well below Bayer’s offer of $128 per share. Due to the complexity of antitrust approvals, the actual merger will likely not take place until 2017.

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Infinite Choices

At the end of your Earth plane existence, do you want to look back and say, “Yeah, I coasted through, pleasing others and staying as small and quiet as I could” or do you want to say, “I went out, searched for and found life!  I said no when I knew it was not good for me and yes when it was.  I took chances that scared me to death and was happy for them afterwards”.
During the course of your time here, you are given infinite choices that results in an infinite number of lifetimes….choose well and choose to live, my child! ~ Creator

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Breaking: Riot Police Begin Mass-Arrests at Dakota Access Pipeline, FB Censors Video

by Nick Bernabe, The Anti-Media

North Dakota — It didn’t take long after the National Guard was activated in North Dakota for militarized law enforcement to descend upon the site of the Dakota Access Pipeline. Today, mass arrests began as riot gear-clad police attempted to break up Native American opposition to the construction of the pipeline, which has been halted at one location but continues elsewhere.

According to independent news outlet Unicorn Riot, at least 20 protesters, or “water protectors,” have been arrested at gunpoint along with medics and two journalists. Police issued a one-time warning to “water protectors” that any trespassers would be arrested. The warning came after several people locked themselves to construction equipment in acts of civil disobedience on Tuesday.

Unicorn Riot, which has been broadcasting live video of the tense standoff in North Dakota, says Facebook has been censoring their link from

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday September 14, 2016

Your awareness is allowing you to fine tune your energies more and more to match who you are and what you are intending to create. Shifting into including what is wanted rather than excluding what is unwanted, practicing energetic clarity rather than self-protection, BEing rather than doing, surrendering with intention rather than efforting, are all subtle but profound shifts.

You have done the bulk of the heavy releasing and now you are in the stage of energetic refinement. Now is the time to start to play with the energies of co-creation and embodying what is desired with grace and ease, for these are the new ways that are being energetically supported and the gifts of shifting into the empowered operating system of the enlightening human being. ~Archangel Gabriel

GFP Newsletter - 9/13/2016

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There are a thousand and one directions the world is pulling you. It is pulling you in so many directions that you are falling apart. It is a miracle how people go on managing to keep themselves together. Otherwise their one hand will be going to the north, another hand to the south, their head must be going towards heaven; all their parts will be flying all over the place.

It is certainly a miracle how you go on keeping yourself together. Perhaps the pressure from all sides is too much so that your hands and legs and heads cannot fly. You are pressed from everywhere.


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The Insane Things the 1% is Doing With the Wealth They're Stealing From Us

Alex Pietrowski, Staff Writer
Waking Times

For decades, independent researchers and real investigative journalists like Bob Chapman warned us about the financial bubble that was being created by the world’s political and financial elite. It was intentional, another planned cycle of boom and bust made possible by central banking institutions in corroboration with corrupt legislators and regulators, designed to create a debt bubble that would ultimately make it (supposedly) necessary for governments to bail out ‘too big to fail’ banks. Public money was then to be given away to the most complicit private corporations, destroying the middle-class economy and widening the enormous gap between the uber-rich and the rest of us.

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All the Blessings

God said:

Beloveds, how do you get beyond smallness? You don't like it when you find your heart begging for more love, nor do you receive more love this way either. Never were you meant to be a beggar of love.

Accept love. Do not fight your acceptance of love. Do not pout about lack of love either.

Let love be. You don't need to pump yourself up. I recognize you. There is never a moment when I am not recognizing you. You are ever in My awareness. Allow My love for you to fill your heart.

What? Do you want the people whom you desire to give you more attention lay themselves down before you daily? Do you want their daily avowal of you to be a gift to you every day? Why are you so hungry for their approval and gratitude? Do you need daily proof that you are worthy? Avow yourself.

Remember this: It is not for you to demand from others. It is not for you to demand overmuch from yourself either. There is more to take care of than your fragile feelings. No one is to be at your beck and call. No one. Loosen your need to be served.

No longer pine for love. It is one thing to desire love and another to desire to give it and/or to command others' reactions to you.

Gratitude from others is not a requirement from life. Be you more appreciative, beloveds.

You have been gifted with so much. Give up your ego. Serve ego no longer. Why would you ever be under the thumb of mercenary ego? Why parade ego before you as a strident emissary?


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