~By Creating abundance for others, All will Be returned to you~

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~Galactic Love Reporter BJ~



As we the light workers try not to live in judgement of others, it has become increasingly difficult in this transition phase... I have watched in shock as friends of mine who claim to be light workers continue this path of selfishness and self serving-ness... not wishing to look beyond what they want in their  ego minds. 'I woke this morning thinking of the many struggling families and homeless as I watched a friend waste thousands of dollars on clothing and house hold" nessities"  it breaks my heart to watch all the classes and healing work those that think this is going to save them do... only to go out and wasted money that could have been used for the greater good of the community. I do not judge but simply know that it is more about self worth feeling important with in them selves and impressing a community and not really an act of intention... still in our struggle as light workers, and in what seems and eternal lonleyness these days I see that we ARE shifting and we are moving into our place having to explain to those who have not gotten it that where you are was a choice, when the hard choices need to be made... you choose waste, you choose selfishness never realizing that the joy and happiness you seek would have come in a much more heart centered way.


3/24/2012 -- New Mexico dormant Volcano VENTING STEAM -- Carrizozo Lavic fields thanks to Pray2Chronicles714 for reporting this plume for me to check out!!! Let me know what you think this is... I've pretty much formulated my opinion already.. but Im alw

glr_Andrea's picture

thanks to Pray2Chronicles714 for reporting this plume for me to check out!!!

Let me know what you think this is... I've pretty much formulated my opinion already.. but Im always open to other ideas... so far I've eliminated several possibilities... here is the full website post with screenshots of this event.. plus my idea of what I think it most likely is :http://sincedutch.wordpress.com/2012/03/24/3242012-volcanic-plume-erupts-from...

As Our Projects Begin…. Steve Beckow

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As Our Projects Begin….

2012 March 24
GLR~Steve Beckow

Various spokespeople for the Galactic Federation are telling is that our time to serve is either here or will arrive soon. SaLuSa representing the Galactic Federation had this to say on the subject on March 9, 2012:


“It is as you might say a time when it is all hands on deck, as you enter a period when changes will take place in rapid succession. For many reasons, those who are Lightworkers will be called upon to involve themselves in many tasks, that they have prepared for over many lives.” (1)

The Galactic Federation through Greg Giles said much the same on March 15:


Visionkeeper ~ Where Am I? ~ 24 March 2012

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Visionkeeper ~ Where Am I? ~ 24 March 2012


(picture via www.favim.com)


As we float and bounce around between dimensions these days, do you ever wonder Where am I? We seem to be neither here nor there yet everywhere. We no longer have anchors to throw out in any one location. It’s as if we became like kites flying about depending on the wind or energies to carry us long wherever that may be. This requires a great deal of trust in both ourselves and in the universe. Trust seems to be the optimal word in this ascension process we are undertaking today. You can’t change or shift or become a new being entirely without trust. Seems like trust is an area we best be working hard to feel secure in. We have a great deal to do, all of which demands our trust that the universe will provide for us and what we are thinking and doing is as it should be.


Do not assume that there is nothing you can do. ~ Michael through Earth Allie Ron Head~

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Do not assume that there is nothing you can do. ~ Michael through Earth Allie Ron Head~

March 24, 2012

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Now we must discuss the effect your consciousness has on your surroundings.  Everything in your world is affected by it.  Your higher states of consciousness have even more effect than you have had previously.  That is the reason you have been able to change things so rapidly.



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