SaLuSa 9~14~11

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  SaLuSa  9~14~11


We would remind you how powerful you are as individuals, and how you have more influence on the conditions that are around you than you might think. That is why we often remind you of the need to be focussed upon all that is positive. In a time when there are many dire predictions going around, you can offset them by concentrating on the many beneficial changes that are about to manifest. Many of you are beginning to realise that where you place your energy is exactly where it will work to bring about your desires. The problem lies with those who focus on the negative not realising that they are empowering it. It may sound odd to some people, but that is how the Law of Attraction works. It knows not what the outcome will be, but powers whatever it is that you have in mind.

9~13~11~~It is to be an event of unprecedented significance~

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~It is to be an event of unprecedented significance~



We – all of God’s divine creation – are almost euphoric as we observe the moment of humanity’s awakening approaching rapidly.  The “we” includes you, because deep within you, where you know that you are divine beings, you too are well aware of the momentous event that has been meticulously planned and whose time is almost upon you.  To understand this with the limited sentience that you have available to you in the illusion is impossible.  But your awakened Selves – at One with God – fully understand, and are filled with joyful anticipation as we wait for the divine dawn to break and awaken you all.

9~13~11~ THE GALACTIC FREE PRESS~SPECIAL EDITION~~ The Finale and Grand Opening~ Zero Point~

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~ The Finale and Grand Opening~ Zero Point~


~They can only watch, and see it unfold,
All this Light is coming and this is going strait into their eyes,
they feel blinded, but only for a moment,
realizing this is what they secretly want,
...all their miserable life. Life of lies and deceptions,
are gone, and it will be forgotten, as soon they
are forgiven. They are forgiven already.

With Love to all controllers, Predrag



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~Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation~




       5 Cib, 9 Zip, 8 Manik   




Dratzo! We return! Your world continues in transition mode between the old and the first intimations of the new. Many on your world who are involved with implementing these changes want so badly for every little thing to go right. However, it is more important in our eyes to just go forward and make the necessary corrections as needed. Our Earth allies are getting some sound advice on this matter from our Agarthan cousins, and we are making sure that initial implementation is carried out swiftly and successfully. What is being done is truly unique in your recent history, but what is vital here is to know when to act and when to let go of what you have so diligently created. Our liaison teams are convinced that the moment has arrived for this bold action, and we are fully prepared and ready to set in motion the moves which will manifest the new financial system and the many new temporary governments. These new governments are an essential precondition for disclosure, and it is disclosure that is so important to the completion of this first contact mission.


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~ The problem with telling the truth is that you piss everyone off. not just the people who want to be slaves, but the people trying to enslave us. ~ William Cooper.



~It's a phony kind of egg-stacy, living deep within your shell.
I don't know why you do it mind, turning heaven into hell.
You're tricky, and I don't trust you;
I'm a love cop, and I'll bust you.~

'Sri Gawn Tu Fahr'


~Love Reporter Shane Derrick Jonker~



~When the power of love is replaced by the love for power thats when life begins to unravel rapidly ***



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...and THE FIREWORKS begin!

"SUNDIVING COMET: A comet is diving into the sun today. Just discovered by comet hunters..."

I'm betting THIS wasn't the first thing on CNN today.




Commentary from First Contact Team Holly

~Uniting the Violet Tribe and Energy Workers~

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~Uniting the Violet Tribe and Energy Workers~



~Hello all,

Things are starting to come together. By the recent choices and actions of the collective Will of the people we have moved one step closer to becoming a member of the Federation Of Free Worlds. One step closer to knowing and participating with our Galactic families in peace and harmony with one another. The more we progress through this transitional period of releasing the old systems and energies. The more people will begin to realize, remember and know their connections with their extended families of love. When the wars and fighting ceases. We as a collective will know our connection with our brothers and sisters in neighboring star systems.


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SUNDIVING COMET: A comet is diving into the sun today. Just discovered by comet hunters Michal Kusiak of Poland and Sergei Schmalz of Germany, the icy visitor from the outer solar system is expected to brighten to first magnitude before it disintegrates on Sept. 14th. The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory is monitoring the comet's death plunge: finder chart, movie, latest images.

ACTIVE SUNSPOT: New sunspot AR1295 is emerging over the sun's northeastern limb and crackling with solar flares. The strongest so far, a C9.9-category blast, did something remarkable. Click on the arrow to watch an extreme ultraviolet movie from NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory:

In the movie, the underlying explosion (marked by the flash of extreme UV radiation) hurls material upward. The ejecta crashes into a loop of magnetism above the sunspot, stretching the loop until the material breaks free. Coronagraph images from the STEREO-A spacecraft confirm that a cloud of plasma (a CME) left the scene.

~The Magnetic Pole Shift is coming in this Fall as Part of Earth's Ascension~

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~The Magnetic Pole Shift is coming in this Fall as Part of Earth's Ascension~

North Pole Will Move to Siberia. South Pole Will Move to South America and Africa

Moon Will be Removed From Earth's Orbit

by Georgi Stankov, 12 September 2011, Copyright 2011

The Spiritual Dimension of the Coming Catastrophic Events of Ascension

In my last article on "Comet Elenin is a Mother-Ship of the Galactic Federation" I explained the role of this artificial celestial body in conjunction with the split of the two earths - the ascending earth A and the remaining catastrophic earth B when the star portal 11.11.11 will be opened in two months from now.

~Lights Going Down, Curtain Going Up~

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~Lights Going Down, Curtain Going Up~







Opera Theatre



Years ago, when the elite presided over America, the “New Pearl Harbor” had occurred, the people of the country were frightened into submission, and the cabal was building its vision, I would have watched what the President said and what Congress said and there would have been a sense of deep import and high drama.


I'd have listened to each Presidential candidate, each Congressional committee leader felt, each bureaucrat, all with a sense of gravity and portent.


But now, even though candidates, and Presidents, and committee leaders ... well, perhaps not committee leaders, come to think of it ... speak, even though they take a deep breath and look very serious before approaching the microphone, little of what they say has any impact on me.



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