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~A Thousand Years of Peace


JUNE 4, 2011




Athena Prepares Us For The Miracles To Come

Athena: It is time now. It is time to come together. I am Athena.

Sandora: Welcome Athena. Thank you for coming.

Athena: Oh, you are so welcome! I am thrilled to be here and have a chat with all of you. It is indeed time for the Lightworkers to make their demonstrations. They will begin to really understand why they are of the planet and what their mission is, in case there is any doubt. Service to humanity. This is huge. Love and service; the reason they came to the planet at this time. Because when the changes truly begin to happen system-wide, there will be so many confused souls, so many unhappy people.


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~The God Manifesto~

~There are no "evil" beings to overthrow, there is but an awakening to the awareness of Love. Do not seek to correct a brother or sister whom you believe to be in error, instead be the Light of Truth. Be a Light to those who have forgotten the truth of their Divine Nature so they too may awaken and experience the utter joy of Heaven on Earth. ~ The God Manifesto - Book II

~Beloved Saint Germain~

"The Great Ascended Masters of Love, Light, and Perfection ...who have guided the expansion of the Light in humanity on this planet from the beginning are no fragment of anyone's imagination. They are real, visible, tangible, glorious, living, breathing Beings of such Love, Wisdom and Power that the human mind gasps at the immensity of it. They work everywhere in the universe with complete freedom and limitless power to do naturally all that the average individual considers supernatural.


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~ Re-minders from Home ~

Steve Rother spokesman for "the group"



From Steve:

The group takes us on an interesting journey about our own personal energy field. They say it is reflected in all that we do and also in our world economies. In a way, the group used the concept of a small world to talk about how much fear we all allow into our daily lives. So the question is: How Small Is Your World?

Have a great month!
Big hugs,

Note: The following message has been rechanneled and edited with the groups oversight for clarity in this format.

Greeting from Home

~A Super Activation for Everyone just after 11/11/11 and so much more!

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Everything is moving faster with each accelerated day. The sheer diversity and yet similarities I am seeing now within the people I connect to, humbling. I laid down last evening and pondered all the information I am so privileged to receive thru you and spirit share a story in the most amazing visualization I have seen yet.


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Erle Frayne D. Argonza


Magandang hapon! Good afternoon!

In case that starseeds—those souls who arrived recently and have lived few lives on Earth—may not be aware of it, Earth has a spiritual hierarchy. The knowledge of this hierarchy should likewise be known to the old-timer Terrans. No one imposes this hierarchy on anyone, it is free will and devotion that ought to get one to attune to the spiritual hierarchs of Earth.

As already mentioned, mahatmas identified over 1,000,000 habitable planets in the very ancient times across the physical universe. While cooling at rather slower rate then other planets, Earth just the same was able to develop life support system, sufficient to evolve sentient beings here. This was part of the core knowledge of Theos Sophia or divine wisdom handed to us by the mahatmas of the East who comprise a part of the Elders of Light of the planet.

~Welcome Home Poem Dedicated to Mother and Father God~

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~Welcome Home Poem Dedicated to Mother and Father God~


There is no words for what is within,
There is only a feeling, and nothing more than that,
There is only Me tasting tears on my cheek,
There is only a big gulp in my throat,
There is vast Space within my chest,
There is only my heart in size of my imagination here,
There is a LIGHT so bright, that shines through in only One direction,
In the Direction of the Sun, and Stars, and Galaxies, and Universes, and Cosmos ...
In the Direction of our Prime Creator, our Mother~Father GOD.

And this beautiful Light lands at their feet at their Central Sun,
And this Light suddenly realizing these beautiful thoughts:

You were riding this beautiful Ride of Compassion,
You were lighting the path so others could found Self,
You were sharing with ONE thought in your soul,
You were screaming of Joy all this time,
Knowing what is upon you:
Knowing what is within you;
Knowing what is around you;
Knowing LOVE now, and ever before, and
Knowing there is no future, only LOVE.

You found Your Home, You found OUR LOVE, You found YOUR LOVE of US.
Welcome Home, Our Beloved Son.
Welcome Home, AdidioUS.

Love you .... Love YOU .... Love US ...


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~Participate in the Cosmic Convergence~





September 23~26, 2011!


“At the time of writing (July 31, 2011) we are at the beginning of the fifth day of the Ninth wave and then also rapidly approaching its end and the completion of all of the Mayan calendar on October 28, 2011. There are three more days (over a time period of three regular months) yet to go as the effects of the Ninth wave intensify in accordance with its high frequency of transformation to unity consciousness. While we may all have ideas of how this final transformation is going to take place no human knows the exact details of what is going to happen. We are sitting in the waiting room of the cosmic doctor and we do not know how He or She is going to treat this patient.

~THE COUNCIL OF 12 ~9~16~11

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The Council of Twelve via Ann, Sept. 16, 2011:

[Ann to the Council of Twelve: Are you on the line?]

Yes, dear. We are always on the line. You need only pick up the receiver to hear us. We are whispering in your ear throughout the day, helping you to make positive choices in the world of duality. Positive choices will eventually eliminate the world of duality, which is the irony and paradox of duality. We refer to one end of dualistic poles: negative and positive. How can focusing on one aspect of duality erase it? There really is only one pole - love. Everything that has the vibration of love is reality. Everything that has the vibration of its opposite—fear—is duality, which is another word for falsehood. Fear is the nightmare, or perhaps daymare is a better word.

If it feels good, do it! That was a slogan from the 1960s, and while it led to some unfortunate excesses, the principle is basically sound. If it feels good—meaning if your heart feels warm and expanded—do it. If it feels bad, meaning your heart feels tight and defended, you've made a fear-based choice.


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Waveform, the next frontier. Divine in origin, eternal in nature, perfectly synchronized. Patterns and ratios, equally proportioned, sequentially unified, living love light. "Jesus, still standing, then said to the twelve, 'You could not entertain this belief as a result of mere human knowledge. This is a revelation of the spirit of my Father to your inmost souls. I am led to declare that upon this foundation will I build the brotherhood of the kingdom of heaven. Upon this rock of spiritual reality will I build the eternal realities of my Father's kingdom'." ~ The Urantia Book

~Sep 8, 2011 Grandfather of the Maya Don Alejandro and Drunvalo Melchizedek~

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~Sep 8, 2011
Grandfather of the Maya Don Alejandro and Drunvalo Melchizedek~



Time to be... the world is changing now .. be part of the change 11:11 the love .. let go the fear ..... let go your attachment to the old world and embrace the new ... MUSIC is the answer is the Key ^_^ ♪ ♫


egypt ancient consciousness energy earth spirit truth light world history universe healing ufo physics ascension knowledge sacred quantum meditation reality prophecy human calendar awakening mind pyramid wisdom time secret alien mckenna life theory divine planet atlantis goddess nature dimension space astral cosmic future peace terence freedom enlightenment power awareness soul order age geometry alchemy metaphysics matrix galactic moors dream technology dimensions psychic native humanity body new psychology mystery babylon matter projection civilization shaman self cosmos aztec psychedelic hidden aliens transformation field shamanism vision isis cairo higher vortex

~Very Strange Space Today~

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~Very Strange Space Today~


I’m in a very strange space today and, talking with a colleague, discovered that he was in the same space.

Very peaceful.

Lots to do. I’m in danger of forgetting what there is to do. But still, overall, peaceful. If I do it, fine. If I don’t do it, fine.

Archangel Michael made a very interesting comment in the last reading:

“But you know, dear heart, what I will tell you is this. Just as I have worked with many of my allies, your sweet self included, and those of NATO, I now intend to bring peace into the hearts of those who are ruling the economic systems behind the scenes.”


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