
Finding Your Way Through The Birth Canal

Anonymous's picture

16 March, 2012


We've all been "born", but it was so long ago that the instruction manual has probably been written over with illusions of life challenges throughout the years.
It's surprisingly simple. While Gaia pushes with these final contractions, we simply keep our focus on the beautiful new world that is nearly here. Not the madness going on around us.
We can see both worlds, but as we are moving head first through this birth canal of the evolutionary shift, you've got to understand that what you focus on is where you will end up. If you don't like where you land, you can't crawl back up the birth canal for a "do-over". 
To ascend with Gaia is a one shot deal. We will never allow her to experience these lower vibrations again.  

The Marriage

Yojman's picture

The Marriage

At this chime, within this particular moment,

the White Fire Light and the
Violet Fire Light are neck and neck; shoulder

to shoulder in theirdeliberate action

here on Earth, and within all life. This is the long
awaited moment of Prime Creator showing up

in full interface with life as it is on Earth:

Without having to go through major upheaval on the
atomic//cellular level. Contemplate this, if you will.

Y-our cells, which is to say your memories have

recorded several collapses
of “golden ages,” physical perfection of

Dear Dorkness (the ex-master of darkness)

Anonymous's picture

U really thought U were the darkness.  U really thought U could manipulate the inevitable awakening of Darklight, the true light in Darkness.  U feared it as U worried it may have your qualities and use those on U.  Maybe it can be tamed U thought.  Tamed with tricks and emotional deceit.  How could U think innate wisdom of being wouldn't know.  Out of fear U made attempt after attempt to protect yourself from this Being.  These in turn just made this being pursue U more.  U of all  should have known fear attracts the very qualities U fear.  U created a predator that will not kill U but only plays with it's prey like a cat playing with a rodent.  The play eventually does cause the death of the exhausted and injured rodent.  Darkness alone would find your actions unforgiveable, but lucky for U it is Darklight, open to the knowledge of both darkness and light.  Your actions of feinding love and surrender have created a rift instead of a liferaft.  U only needed to be honest and cooperation would have been effortless.  Now your fear is more than doubled and yet here U are.  Now what?  What do U do when the old tricks don't work anymore?  Answer- U become New and learn new ways to cooperate with life.  Can we create a new world?  A new world free from all the things and ways that never worked anyway?  I hope so.  I pray for US.

The Ancient One

Anonymous's picture

You're as old as the darkness before there was light

As old as the blackness that birthed a spark of light


The harmony of oneness existed without a conscious thought

Repetitive rhythms of nothingness

A being without bounds

A sea of constant rhythm

But not a single thought, just sound


Just movement, sound, then the awareness of light

Some color and then came

     the horror of life

A spark of consciousness birthed primal fear

The first feeling that something else is threatening ME here


The fear, in an instant, birthed a will to survive

The will became action and pulled itself off the sea of it's so called life

A primal reaction without a thought of where it would be

After the moment it pulled off of the sea


Once free from the sea

It lashed out in rage

At whatever it was that rattled it's cage (that woke it up) and disruped the harmony of nothingness with individual consciousness.


Everything and Nothing

Anonymous's picture

Let's find everything in nothing playing mother earth's game

Live life's quadraphonic circle of scenses with only the nothingness of spirit to take the blame

Nothing from eternity to give sacrifice to our material world of infinite thirsts

Cosmic naturalization put mankind in equality putting the Blackhole of Nothingness in our world first

To each my own is entrusted to all who call

His or her feelings will dictate the spirit lying to all

Tangible to intangible the scenses of light

Contain shipwrecked vessels in the sea of flight

The nothingness set sail for lands far and unseen

To go like spirits of the lighthouse into everything's dream

From nothingness of an infant child of gold

To a great channelling of sacred new and old

Life's spirit in the force of true being

Loving everything as nothing we can duel the waters gold lust that's in between

Pimp Daddy

Anonymous's picture

Guard at the door and he's got a stern face

Observing all behavior with his Budda grace

Knows best for all which comes naturally

Because he knows the king of mystic monopoly

    Pimp Daddy he's no fool

    He only goes by the golden rule

    Pimp Daddy he's no fool

    His lovelight from the heart is his energetic tool

Live and let live is his social call

Taming all the burdens of his instinctive walls

Do as I say and as I do

Compliments the attache of his social rue

    Pimp Daddy he's no fool.....

Common sense regulates his social play

As he personifies the king with his sympathetic sway

Rules are rules

And bygones are gone

He has done away with societetic scorn

    Pimp Daddy he's the one

    He rises with the unselfish sun

So let these simple words become a beacon to you

Society today could sure use a  lesson proved

Look at the unconditionalists not in disbelief

Let your heart examine what's locked in underneath

    Pimp Daddy Pimp Daddy he's the one

    Because he understands the prophetic son

    Pimp Daddy Pimp Daddy he's the one

    He sets the unconditional goals of the rising sun


Anonymous's picture

Like a moth that is drawn to a flame

The goodness in colors from the ultraviolet it came

Energy that shines so soft, gentle and full

Sparks of hope that enable the twin flame to grow

Teaching wisdom's nourishment to let itself go to play an earthly game

Becoming the true nature of a child of integrity balancing the egos and the pain

Learning and teaching the lessions of compassionate gravitational love

Offering instinctual pure wishful feelings that fit like a glove

Unbounding glow of the purple hazed prism so true and stern

Sometimes actions will repeat so humanity can learn

We eventually open our isolated gates within the heart's mind and justly let ourselves free

This is the gift of joy in which my mother has brought to me

Let the feeling of this light find thier way to you

The meanings in the feeling of the light will stick like divine glue

Although infinite time has not changed the colors that reflect from her face

Feelings with impulse love illumanate the color to time and will eventually take times place

Shine the flame of mother's deep purpled love to wherever your thoughts may travel

In this particular ocean you might be in some wet air on a ship that you can't paddle           

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 3/15/12

Greg_ Giles's picture


The number 144 has been spoken of on many occasions, and we at this time would like to clarify the properties of this energy. The number 144 denotes energy properties of a higher structural frequency. This number is the building block for higher dimensional structure and form, and based upon this number, your new home will be designed and constructed.


Much of this universe has been created through mathematical systems, and your world today is no different. Your world today is a product of a lower dimensional mathematical formula, and your experiences here are a direct result of this equation. The mathematical structure of your world is now changing, breaking down and being reconstructed through the use of a greater mathematical formula. The result will be that you will begin to experience higher dimensional states and experiences, and these will be based on the number and its accompanying energies of 144. This is why you are seeing this number often at this time, and seeing and recognizing this number will assist in your restructuring process.



Len's picture

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Ashtar says: Time to Get Serious! (plus additional Ashtar Command Details) channeled through Janisel of Sananda's Eagles Now

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Do you FEEL a strong pull on your heart-strings to begin a Mission Now?
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...first you will fly, then you will soar...

Time to Get Serious



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