AdiGaia's blog

CIA-Released 13 Pages of Lyn Buchanan's Controlled Remote Viewing of “Rendlesham Forest Incident”

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© 2015 by Linda Moulton Howe


“I have black on the outside. …that’s where the black,
round, shiny part is. ... Oh, I’m viewing ETs. ... So move me back
to the place with the yellow light. ... That’s when I got … an incubator.

- Lyn Buchanan in July 14, 1986, Controlled Remote Viewing
for DIA's DT-S STAR GATE unit about “Rendlesham Forest Incident”
24 years before Staff Sgt. James Penniston first publicly discussed details in 2010
of the December 26, 1980, telepathic download with binary code he received
in Rendlesham Forest near RAF Bentwaters/Woodbridge after he
and Airman 1st Class John Burroughs were overwhelmed by a bright white light

Computer-generated graphic of the black, smooth glassy, triangular
craft described by Staff Sergeant James Penniston in Rendlesham Forest
in the early morning hours of December 26, 1980, after he and Airman
1st Class John Burroughs were overwhelmed by a bright, white light.

September 25, 2015 - Albuquerque, New Mexico - These are the thirteen pages unclassified and “approved for release 2000/08/08” on the CIA website of the July 14, 1986, practice Controlled Remote Viewing (CRV) session done by Lyn Buchanan in the DT-S unit of the Defense Intelligence Agency based at Fort Meade, Maryland. One page after “E.T.s” notation is missing without explanation.

The Arcturus Ascension Wave Phase 2

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Fall Equinox with Saturn entering Sagittarius



The Arcturus Ascension Wave Phase 2



The Arcturus Ascension Wave is increasing its power to facilitate the ascension of the people of Earth and unify the entire planetary system into its destined wholeness of spiritual life and creative civilization.


This Phase 2 of the Ascension Wave is able to be effective throughout the planetary system, and is empowering the creative life of all people as they become ascended masters of creation and civilization.


Ascended Masters of Creation and Civilization Program

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~~Adi Avatar

Program Administrator


Welcome to the EarthStarNation Ascended Masters of Creation and Civilization Program


The EarthStarNation is the new planetary body of ascended starbeings who are serving the new planet EarthStar as it is creating the new EarthStar Ascended Living Creation and Civilization.


This program is designed to facilitate the ascension of the many starbeings who are becoming EarthStarNation Ascended Masters of Creation and Civilization.  And it is also a universally available program for those who are choosing to participate in it.


It is available by simply attuning to it in consciousness, and it is also available as a tutored program for those who are accepted.


Best wishes,



Here is more background to this ~




Arcturians Begin the Next Ascension Wave

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Sun opposing Neptune



Arcturians Begin the Next Ascension Wave



Now that the Virgo Super Full Moon has occurred, the Arcturians are beginning the Ascension Wave which is culminating at the Libra Super Full Moon.


This Ascension Wave is the most spiritual and powerful development so far, and is also bringing in much needed unification to the planetary system.  The many spiritual streams are penetrating into the very constitutions of the peoples of Earth, and are allowing them to become unified as the planetary human spiritual masters of the planet’s entire body.


Avatar EarthStar Planetary/Universal Ascended SpaceLife Waves

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Sun entering Virgo conjuncting Jupiter


Several Avatar EarthStar Planetary/Universal Ascended SpaceLife Waves are now entering the planetary/universal ascended spacelife system to further the Avatar Planetary Destiny and prevent the further deterioration of the planetary lifesystem.


These Avatar EarthStar Planetary/Universal Ascended SpaceLife Waves are the first of many to enter the planetary/universal ascended spacelife system as the planet continues to ascend to become the Avatar Planet for the entire universe.


Avatar EarthStar Planetary/Universal LifeWave

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Sun in Leo squaring Saturn in Scorpio

Avatar EarthStar Planetary/Universal LifeWave



The first Avatar EarthStar Planetary/Universal LifeWave is now entering the planetary lifestream, and is increasing the ascension of the lifeforms and the lifesystem of the planet.


Mount Shasta ET Event 4

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The Mount Shasta ET Event is now increasing its Ascended Intergalactic Dimensions into the other planetary chakras of the Andes and the Rockies to begin to make them available to more people who are the ascended spacelife creators of the planetary system.

These Ascended Intergalactic Dimensions are the opening dimensions for the increasing development of the planetary ascended spacelife system.

A New Intergalactic SpaceLife Operation

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A New Intergalactic SpaceLife Operation



The present planetary ascension process is now being assisted by a special unique Intergalactic SpaceLife team which has been formed in the Mount Shasta spacelife system of ascended universal spacelife dimensions and beings of highly ascended and competent masters of all spacelife.

This team is working to protect the integrity of the planetary ascended spacelife system from any infringements or diminishments, and is also beginning to provide their assistances to those who are actively creating and expanding the planetary spacelife system.


If you are doing anything to work with the planetary spacelife system, they are available to assist you as may be needed.


New Moon of Leo Planetary/EarthStar Ascension

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This morning’s New Moon of Leo initiates the total ascension of this planetary system as an Ascended EarthStar of Avatar Destiny for the entire creation.


This New Moon Planetary/EarthStar Ascension includes the ascension of all life throughout the planet and the soul/spirit/beings of thisAvatar Ascended Living Creation Organism.


It also initiates the Universal Dimensions of this Avatar Universal System of Ascended Life and Creation Civilization.



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