Beloved Humanity (God being Man) upon the surface of this laboratory of learning love, planet Earth, we of the energies and consciousness of the Inner Earth Civilization of Lemuria come to you at this crucial time within your ascension process (raising your frequency of existence to advance and in order to join us) to once again offer daily tools to assist your process and journey returning to your divinity. There were those of you who believed that your ascension would automatically take place during 2012. At this time we wish to review and introduce to many the purpose and continued gift of the Sacred Flames and how to apply them within your weekly calendar. Ascension is an individuated process of inside out, not outside in. You are all destined to arrive at your ascension. You are all in the process of ascending. How and when you arrive is your freedom of choice and will.
Bringing the Wisdom and Teachings of the Divine Realms to Humanity
Each week we share with you messages that come to us from higher realms. In the messages,teachings and lessons we receive, we are guided to move into our heart, to love honor and value ourselves. And from our heart we can truly, honestly and transparently LOVE.
Within your ascension process it is time to review the agreements you made prior to becoming human. You came from the light and surely shall return to it.
1. From the light you agreed to receive/create a dense carbon-based physical body. The evolution of this body is in the process of transmuting back into light, soul to spirit. Within this physical body is housed your emotional and mental bodies that complete your humanity. You agreed your emotions and thoughts are creating your reality all the time; that’s how powerful you are.
“You will know the truth and the truth will set you free,” has echoed throughout the ages within your spiritual wisdoms. Now beloved humans of the beautiful planet Earth, we of The Galactic Federation of Worlds come to you at this time of ascension on your planet to paint another view of yourselves: where you truly came from that will allow you to more truthfully know where you are divinely headed. As with all truth and wisdom (applied knowledge) you will discern through your freedom of choice and will what resonates and what does not.
We of The Great White Brotherhood in conjunction with the Akhenaten/Moses energy come to you at this time within your evolutionary process of Ascension with more truth of your past and how that is effecting your present. It is your divine destiny to know the truth.
Beloveds, the meaning, value and purpose of The Great White Brotherhood is Self-Empowerment within the dimension you presently reside. As with the channel with whom we are coming through now, our intention is to open each divine soul to direct contact with their God Power/Source energy. This will leave no one dependent upon others, but rather empowered in their own soul plan/life with true connection to truth. There is much deceit and denial of deceit within your world. It is your destiny for this to end. True power is never power over another but standing within your own God Power for the good of all with grace and ease.
Many of the teachings/wisdoms within The Angel News Network and many other endeavors are about bringing the tools of Life/Self Mastery to you at this time, to free you for yourselves. Are you ready to receive these tools?