The Angel News Network Weekly Message 5-11-14
Welcome to The Angel News Network
Bringing the Wisdom and Teachings of the Divine Realms to Humanity
Each week we share with you messages that come to us from higher realms. In the messages,teachings and lessons we receive we are guided to move into our heart, to love honor and value ourselves. And from our heart we can truly, honestly and transparently LOVE.
This week we are sharing with you a message from Archangel Gabriel channeled by Robert Baker taken from The Second Coming by Joel Anastasi. In it Gabriel speaks to us about feeling our feelings.
You can scroll to the bottom to read this week's message.
The Laws of Beingness
New Teachings from Archangel Michael
Beginning Sunday May 11th 2014
"It is now time to balance love in your life. Balance the love of self and the love of another. It is now time to open up to the fruition of the BEINGNESS of you."
-Archangel Michael
We are so pleased to present to you the Laws of Beingness, a powerful new body of teachings presented by Archangel Michael, channeled by Jeff Fasano.
Michael recently came to us outlining these teachings and told us us they provide a "direct connection to the Christ Consciousness."
Adama, the High Priest of Lemuria and father of mankind, explains that this program offers the "final healing of self by plugging you into the megahertz energy of the core of our planet."
Mother Gaia (Planet Earth) calls this program an "emergency infusion" of high vibration energy to energize mankind's journey of rising consciousness called Ascension.
These teachings are about you being you. They offer a step by step process to help you see you and to see you with another.
As light workers and way showers, it is time to look at how you are being with others. That is why it is important to do these teachings with another, so you see how you are with each other and to be open to the image of you in the mirror that is presented to you.
If it is your choice to fulfill your soul fragment's divine plan, you will do these exercises in truth, transparency and authenticity.
We are showing you how to move out into the world using your heart with full truthfulness, authenticity and transparency with yourself and with others.
Are you being you with you? Are you being you with another?
Are you opening your heart for compassion with another as they live their soul's divine plan and begin to move into the balance of giving and receiving, the balance of Love?
The balance of love of self and the love of another should be equal and kind. To the extent that you love you will be the extent that you love another.
This body of teachings will reveal the answers to these questions. Are you ready
to know the truth?
We will be incorporating this program in our Divine Discussions Gatherings.
See the Divine Discussions Schedule.
We are beginning on Sunday MAY 11TH. The first 2 gatherings on May 11th and 15th will be ON LINE only. Thereafter all gatherings will be on line and in the Ft. Lauderdale Classroom and will begin at 4PM PDT 7PM EDT
May 11th Sunday ON LINE ONLY
May15th Thursday ON LINE ONLY
May 20th Tuesday Classroom/teleconference
June 3rd Tuesday Classroom/teleconference
June 10th Tuesday Classroom/teleconference
June17th Tuesday Classroom/teleconference
June 24th Tuesday Classroom/teleconference
July 1st Tuesday Classroom/teleconference
Our Teleconference access information is:
1 805 399 1000
Access code: 565060#
Or meet at our Ft. Lauderdale classroom:
Pt. Pleasant Wellness Center Suite 202
1732 NE 26th St. Ft. Lauderdale Fl.
The Laws of Beingness is being brought to you for a suggested $10.00 love-offering. And you can make this love offering by clicking right here.
Divine Discussions
May 13 2014
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to connect directly with an Angel?
Ask any question you have always wanted and receive guidance from Divine Realms?
We are now offering you this opportunity!
We are continuing our DIVINE DISCUSSIONS gatherings on
Tuesday, May 13 at 4pm(Pacific)/7pm (Eastern) with Phillip Collins channeling that evening.
Incorporated in Divine Discussions will be The Laws of Beingness from Archangel Michael channeled by Jeff Fasano on June 10 and 24.
Please see classroom and teleconference information below.
Our format is to allow the higher realms to have a brief opening message followed by your questions. Any answers to your questions most often have a universal application to all.
Experience the great self-empowerment and energetic shifts that can take place when you have a conversation with a divine being. We are excited to bring this program to you at this crucial time in mankind's history.
Our Teleconference access information is:
1 805 399 1000
Access code: 565060#
Or meet at our Ft. Lauderdale classroom:
Pt. Pleasant Wellness Center Suite 202
1732 NE 26th St. Ft. Lauderdale Fl.
DIVINE DISCUSSIONS is being brought to you for a suggested $10.00 love-offering. And you can make this love offering by clicking right here.
Divine Discussions Schedule
May 13 Phillip Collins Channel classroom/teleconference
May 27 Phillip or Jeff will channel classroom/teleconference
June 10 Law of Beingness classroom/teleconference
June 24 Law of Beingness classroom/teleconference
July 8 Phillip Collins channels classroom/teleconference
July 22 Jeff Fasano channels classroom/teleconference
Aug 5 Phillip Collins channels classroom/teleconference
Aug 19 Jeff Fasano channels classroom/teleconference
Archangel Michael's 2014 Outlook
We also are pleased to share with you Archangel Michael's Outlook for 2014. This is a year he tells us to raise our resonance and vibration and move "up the ladder" to take the next steps in our soul's purpose and mission in this lifetime.
As we have done in previous years we connected with Michael through trance channel Jeff Fasano and he gave us this wonderful message as to what we can expect in 2014. You can go right to the home page on our site to read and listen to Michael's entire message.
Just click here. Archangel Michael 2014 Outlook
Our mission is to bring universal wisdom and teachings from the higher realms to the world and you. The Eight books in The Angel News Network library were created to help give you guidance and support to transform your life.
To bring in the New Year we have created these special offers for you now!
THIS IS A $127.00 VALUE FOR JUST $99.95!
To take advantage of this offer and to purchase our books please click directly on
Gatherings with Archangel Michael
with Trance Channel Jeff Fasano
This is a sacred gathering, bringing together like-minded and spirited individuals, to experience trance channel Jeff Fasano as he brings in the energy of Archangel Michael. It is an interactive gathering as Michael connects to us with a group message then individually you will be able to speak with him and receive a personal message.
Jeff Fasano is currently facilitating gatherings in Southern California. The next gathering is:
May 9th and 23rd
The Path Spiritual Learning Center
800 Torrance Blvd.
The Angel News Network on You Tube
We have updated our You Tube channel with brand new videos and would love for you to take a look. Simply click on this link for easy access:
You can see all of this as well as everything we offer to you.
So Please visit our site
An Excerpt from The Second Coming
by Joel Anastasi
Archangel Gabriel
Channeled by Robert Baker
Everything that you see around you is an aspect of you. Everything that everyone experiences you can identify with on one level or another. Now you can accept it or not according to how you are able to accept and integrate it into yourself. So, in other words, when you can accept all of your feelings in yourself, then you are no longer ruled by your feelings or your emotional body because you are no longer trying to avoid anything, which then keeps it in your face as resistance and produces the pain of avoidance.
If you are able to accept all of your feelings within yourself, then you have no problem in relationship to others because you will not be using them to either get rid of a feeling or give you a feeling. Therefore, you will no longer be creating desires and attachments with other people for them to determine your experience of reality, your feelings or lack of feelings, your positive or negative feelings.
When you can accept all of your feelings and take responsibility for your own behavior, your own choices, so that your choices are not determined by someone else, then you don't make someone else responsible for the experiences that you have in life.
You are responsible for your own experiences in life by what you choose, how you choose and through what kind of commitment you choose. Whether it is to try to avoid something or whether to accept and love something. That makes you free. Every aspect of another human being is an aspect of yourself because you are a part of the collective consciousness and you are a part of every experience that every human being has. And you will go through all the growth patterns that they go through. And they will experience the same thing with you because everything that you see around you is a part of your growth process, your learning process, your unification process.
You will then see where you are able to unify within yourself or not according to what you are able to accept within yourself or not as you see mirrored around you. For instance, you know that if you are fighting a feeling, you will have people and circumstances around you that will give you the opposition necessary so that you can continue to fight that feeling.
Joel: So if I don't like certain people, they'll keep showing up?
Gabriel: Oh yes, because it'll be based upon the feelings they evoke or seem to evoke. It's not that you don't like the person. It's that you don't like how you feel when you're in relationship with him or her. You don't like the things the person does that evoke certain feelings with which you're not at peace. You can't love that part of yourself or accept that part of yourself; therefore, you're not going to accept that behavior in the other.
In any given situation all you need do is ask yourself: how do I feel? Then when you ask yourself how you feel, ask yourself: am I honoring what I need in this situation-or not? Now, based upon how I feel, if it's a negative feeling that comes up, obviously there is something within yourself that you are not honoring because it's evoking a feeling you are having a difficult time accepting. So you need to ask yourself, what is it I need in this circumstance? What is it I need but have not expressed that is taking me out of balance, is making me resistant to what feelings are coming up? Because those feelings are coming up for a reason.
They are coming up to indicate to me that there is a need behind this feeling that I'm not acknowledging. Behind every feeling you have is a fulfilled or unfulfilled need. If it is a negative feeling, then it usually is evocative of a need that has not been exercised, fulfilled, and/or identified.
For most people it is a need that has not been identified. So maybe somebody is dominating the conversation and I feel left out. I feel unheard. I feel unseen. What is the need behind those feelings that I am making the other person responsible for? The need for me is to speak up, to express my feelings or my opinion or my point of view or what is important to me in the situation, to give myself equal space and time in the situation to express who I am.
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