"This is the pentad of the aeons of the Father, which is the first man, the image of the invisible Spirit; it is the forethought, which Barbelo, and the thought, and the foreknowledge, and the indestructibility, and the eternal life, and the truth. This is the androgynous pentad of the aeons, which is the decad of the aeons, which is the Father.
"And he looked at Barbelo with the pure light which surrounds the invisible Spirit, and (with) his spark, and she conceived from him. He begot a spark of light with a light resembling blessedness. But it does not equal his greatness. This was an only-begotten child of the Mother-Father which had come forth; it is the only offspring, the only-begotten one of the Father, the pure Light (The Christ).....................................
When Love is Present and you are truly Being that Love, Love flows freely. Words of Love glide easily from your lips and never have to be forced, any question you have is answered! Sometimes in what you are saying or writing to another also contains a messagefor you as well. Sometimes something you need to understand in order to release an attachment or to help free yourself from your ego. When Love is Being the mirror for another Everything is given freely.
If what I read before about Planet Earth being a Living Library is true then I feel this message will help restore some sense of balance. If we look at this Planet and especially our ecosystems we understand that there is a natural sense of balance. As an example the Crestone Valley was once a marsh land with beautiful flowers growing and it was natural. Then big cattle ranchers started to divert the streams in order to feed and water their cows...this caused things to dry up. Because we felt the need to have more meat in our diets things like this occurred.
If we look at the Plant Kingdom we known there are plants that will heal us, some that can be used for psychic visions and such and some that will kill us if we eat them and others that if we come in contact w/ them will cause rashes and such. Some good some bad but still when we understand them we know they serve a purpose.
If we look at our animal kingdom we see there are herbavores that eat only the plants, they are gentle and kind by nature. We also have our carnavors which by nature prey on the other animals. Yet it's a balance and the natural lifecycle that was created upon this Planet.
This came up trying to answer a question for a friend of mine and felt the need to share...most in depth explination of how certain sould groups work together I've found yet. :)
On spiritual journies I have found that many of us have searched for our Twin Flames/ Twin Rays. Some of us have found ones they thought to be their twins and found that they really weren't. I had an ahh ha moment today as I was doing some research online. Have you ever noticed how absolutly no one online can agree as to who is really who's twin flame. Here are just a few of the contrasts so to speak. Edgar Cayce says that Jesus and Mother Mary are twin flames, others say that Jesus is Mary Magdelane's Twin Flame and that Mother Mary is twin flames with the angel Raphael. Other sources says Jesus is Lady Nada's twin flame and that Mary Magdelane is John the Baptists and others that she is the twin flame to the angel Azrael. There are stories that say that Lady Nada is John the Baptists twin flame and others that pair her with Lord Maitreya. There are others that show Lord Maitreya and Qwan Yin as twin flames.
!Lilith who was a pagan goddess had her entire history changedthe truth about Lilith
Lilith dates back to the bird-serpent goddess of antiquity. In Sumeria, she was portrayed as having the wings of a bird.is it just me or does she look like an angel?here are many possibilities as to her early goddess names: Belil-ili, Belili, Lillake , or Ninlil
She was a goddess of agriculture as well as the "hand of InannaShe was said to live in the Huluppu-treeHer symbols are the crossroad, owl, serpent, tree, and dark moonLilith the goddess of female sexualityshe is also the Goddess of female independanceThe goddess who once protected mothers and infantsGoddess of womans rights to be equals to menShe Taught women to want sex for sex's sake and not for the sake of perpetuating the speciesand to be sexually Aggressive
What’s the first thought when we see or hear the word marriage? To most it’s a big white wedding between a man & a woman where we repeat words in front of a minister who hands us a slip of paper. So what if I were to say that the slip of paper & those words are meaningless unless you’ve experience a true marriage?
The Divine Marriage Union of Spirit that gives & unites us to our true self, this is a true marriage. It is the union of the masculine & feminine aspects of ourselves. A passages into the Bridal Chamber of the Christ & Sophia that are within us. A sacred union with our spirit that brings us into balance.
I dance across dreams Like the maiden in the spring sowing the seeds, Of the acorn within the oak The Seed within the apple heart Hear the sound of the tinkling bell As they are nurtured to blossom