hilarionra's blog


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and enlightened being is supposed to be. whether its focus on the positive man!
or the complete opposite, or in between the two. honestly, you dont even have
a focused intent on any of it. because you realize theres no need for that.
you dont intend on being this or being that. you can plan though, but thats
from the place where youre being present within the love you are and seeing
that theres a window of oppourtunity, to perform specific actions, like
doing the dishes or walking your animals, the variations range obviously

but the basics always remain, dishes, food, sleep for some, or sleeplessness
here and there, work is always a constant even when youre on a vacation.
another aspect of the misunderstandings of what it means to be an
enlightened being, is "sending wonderful thoughts your way!" or "keep your focus
on this color" or " keep your focus on only positive thoughts feelings
emotions and visions, and make sure to keep out the negative " this is abosolutely
absurd, and futile, because in just doing that, not only are you not being
the enlightened being you are, but youre identifying with that which you have
desired to NOT become, in the here now. and thats the egomind itself.

another example of whats called the spiritual ego, is you trying to control
the flow of the energies themselves, trying to control your thoughts,
your visions, your emotions and your feelings. also included is the
superiority delusion of the spiritual ego, where in you try to control
the situation thats taking place everywhere on the planet. and when it doesnt
go your way, you throw a fit over it. this is a part of the human conditioning
thats being worked through currently. only those who are currently open to
this kind of information are receptive to it, everyone else literally just
discards it and states that they have nothing to gain from it and then they


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its clear to me, that we are not cared about.
from the h1n1 and flu vaccinations, to the medications that are tossed our way
that are said to be helpful in our healing process of our mental status.
from gmo's to marijuana being illegal, to the production of opium,cocaine
and the manufacturing of heroin from opium overseas. we have the "leaders"
of the planet to thank for intelligently working diligently for this.
special ops, to black ops, and in between. we also have congress to thank
for assisting in these processes of continual perpetuation over the
course of human history for these experiences as well.
we also have the scientists in labs working on all available technoligies.

the corporations , which have been working swiftly to eradicate
mom and pop shops all over the planet. monstanto, walmart, you name it.
you know its there. in all the education formats we have to work with.
even in the arts industry. all media as well. religions too.
hereditary unconscious conditioning , generation to generation,
throughout history on this planet. unconsciously taught to fear
the love that we are. stay in line or else! you know the deal that is present
in the here now. 6 months before the twin towers went down, everyone who
willingly kept their mouths shut about this, knew what was coming.

were continually dealing with Diocletian's Problem-Reaction-Solution.
in short, were dealing with beings who know the ins and outs
of consciousness as it is. with this knowing one is constantly dealt with
dealing with the threats of dealing with the governments threats towards the self.
simply because one is speaking out against the established order.
not only from "the officials" but also from "the civilians" who are
totally unaware of these facts. again stay in line or face the firing line.
there have been beings all throughout history who have spoken out against

13, how funny....

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you know these new laws that state if you protest you will be arrested and such? or something like that?
well , ive come to the complete understanding that they are necessary to keep the angry, in between, and peaceful
demonstrators at bay. i look at it like this...you have beings on this planet who actually enjoy going to work.
being able to walk the streets and take in the scenery. having to walk through a crowd of beings who are ranting
and raving, on megaphones, assemlbing in large areas period and protesting what theyre sick and tired of seeing.
viva la revolution eh? what about viva la evolution? studying all that is taking place, within and around you.
being willing to take it all in and learn from it, constant, gradual, shift in perception. one that includes
that complete integration of truth as it stands in the here now. thats ultimately the true offering to those
who are, by contract, here to exprience self realization.

i for one dont want to have to be detoured during a drive, just because theres some egos on the streests
focused on simply the monetary system , and it having been built to perpetuate debt.
how about taking that awareness , and looking at it some more? like ethics for one. starting for yourself
from the ground up. ethics about you and how to go about ultimately living a life that will not only
benefit you, but benefit everyone else simultaneously. applying that learning knowledge to how you spend money.
how you go about your experience when you arent spending money, but simply being present in the love you are.
taking it all in , gaining insight towards how to live ethically, treating yourself as a child, because thats
what you are afterall. its just the unaware in society that see you as an adult, and its also the aware
who are covering their asses around snooping beings who are seeking to shut you down any chance they get.


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we are wired to intake all the energies of all creation.reality, equal to us, is eternal.
the way love is with us, is that we never get to tight , and we never get to loose.
our experience is a gradual one, and it will always be like that.
each of us is interdependent of all life, we walk together, but ultimately do not follow.
we take guidance from one another, and this is a part of our instincts or primal energies.
we deal with selective awareness, and in this there is a form of ignorance, which tends
to lead to suffering, an innocent suffering and an innocence in awareness.
there is also the cessasion of suffering as it is as well, and that cessasion
is experience by being willing to go through ones suffering, to be with it as it is.
the simple acceptance of this experience, will allow one to transcend the suffering.

confusion is healthy, go through your misunderstanding of whats going on
and you will gain clarity within you. the egomind cannot understand any of this,so
it is being dissolved gradually, hence the disorientation within one's self.
choosing that which brings you joy in right action ( ethical conduct) is the way.
knowing the rules to break them properly, and doing all that you can to fix them
is also the way. approaching love and cooking with reckless abandon is also the way.
those 3 are also ultimately effortless when one is being present within the love they are.
when you try to be present within you the love you are, you are identifying with the

more to come.....


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the conditioning of the all, gets passed around, like a merrygoround. its REALLY amazing. infact you can actually see it
from the conditioning, to the gradual dissolving of the conditioning to the actual reality that stands firmly for eternity.

whats revealed over and over and over again, from what ive seen thus far, is not only what youre going through inside
which is the mirror, but also the fact that that which you used to identify with as who and what you are, isnt really
the truth of your experience. what is also revealed is the fact that were all similiarly uniquely equal ,eternal,
and interdependent of all that is. in this experience, you are gradually introduced to the intimacy that is the truth.
in that experience , you can feel that humanity is one big family, a clan if you will. We are in the cosmos, the only
species of our kind, just as all other species throughout the universe, as that as well. you can also see that weve been
lied to , and we've also not had the truth told to us by the government for a very long time. those who work in government
in the "higher" levels (which are equal to those who dont use a card to get through a door in an underground base)
know about whats happening on this planet, in the here now. they are by contract working with the inevitable outcome
for this planet and its inhabitants. this is done by contract, to challenge the rest of us to live life ultimately, but its not an issue i worry about. its a simple situation, that will inevitably dissolve right before our eyes. and everyone will mutually agree that this drama

is over and that its time to move on together as a family. creation has everyone.


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this is very hard to type about, seeing as how i dont have 50 years of cosnciously enlightened exprience integrated into
my awareness. i have my contract with creation to thank for that, along with many other splendors, one of which is
the gift of being that which can never be taken away from me, myself.

for a very long time, we have been dealing with living on a planet where the inhabitants live out their cellular
conditioning, by contract. some understand reality , some do not. this again, by contract. the challenge there in
is dealing with the experience of being that which was not tolerated by the conditioned thing, the egomind.
this also includes those who by contract remain unaware of this, and act it out. there is strength in knowing
what ones contract is, when it comes to dealing with others who do not know that they even have one, and what
that experience entails for not only them, but you. so there is strength in knowing ignorance as it is, both within you,
and in others, along with the varying perceptions contained within and projected outwards. the variations of awareness
on this planet are just like the alphabet. our bodies are precisely tuned truth detectors. anyone who disagrees with you
is expressing their unconsciousness. one example of how good the body is as talking to us, is when you get those "puke"
feelings. and another way of noticing the egomind within you, is when you feel those feelings of nooooooo ,towards
puking. this is the resistance of the egomind towards the inevitable that YOU know is going to happen.

another challenge that may arise, is the inner struggle that has arisen within you, whilst you are on your path
of self realization. this is you dealing with you resurrecting and having to move through all the resistance of the
conditioned thing, the egomind. another challenge is all the talk about "the illusion of reality." what also arises from


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were taught at a young age, that we must compete , we must fit in, we must earn our rights as humans in order to attain the best life in town. pay your dues, dont break the laws that are set before you, obey every command and do not be the love you are, be that which we project unto you, and in that we gaurentee you that you will be happy content and full of hope for a brighter future. < all of that is a load of bullshit. all of that goes against what lies within the heart of every being on this planet.
were taught to unconsciously identify with that which we have been taught to identify with, the egomind. taught to pursue our happiness, do what it takes to manifest what you perceive to be your happiness, without ever having been taught ethics in preschool, morals. taught to obey the specific religious doctrines handed over from the nation that youre born in. infact were surrounded by truth and lies constantly. we have to pay to live on the planet were born on. pay for ALL that we desire to experience. and if were one of those who are considered to be of under the poverty level or the lower class, or middle or "elite" , then we have all those challenges to meet, no matter what the experience is, no matter how many material posessions we have or have not, we all still suffer equally. its from being with our suffering, that we learn how to truly live and love.


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you know its funny how all over the planet, there are similiar examples that point out how we all live with tyrants. whether its through presidents, congressman, police officers of all types, and your "average" being. i look at history and i see how when america was being formed into the planned vision for it, that through behind the scenes cooperation with other beings in other nations, that those who were not told about it, were simply informed that america is the land of the free, home of the brave. that it was better than all other nations put together, and would be the successor in dominating all other nations. meanwhile while that was put into place, once again behind the scenes in closed doors, away from the general publics eyes, were continual talks about perpetuating a similiar plan for each nation. ultimately of which is known as the illuminati's plan for a new world order.


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were taught at a young age, that we must compete , we must fit in, we must earn our rights as humans in order to attain the best life in town. pay your dues, dont break the laws that are set before you, obey every command and do not be the love you are, be that which we project unto you, and in that we gaurentee you that you will be happy content and full of hope for a brighter future. < all of that is a load of bullshit. all of that goes against what lies within the heart of every being on this planet.
were taught to unconsciously identify with that which we have been taught to identify with, the egomind. taught to pursue our happiness, do what it takes to manifest what you perceive to be your happiness, without ever having been taught ethics in preschool, morals. taught to obey the specific religious doctrines handed over from the nation that youre born in. infact were surrounded by truth and lies constantly. we have to pay to live on the planet were born on. pay for ALL that we desire to experience. and if were one of those who are considered to be of under the poverty level or the lower class, or middle or "elite" , then we have all those challenges to meet, no matter what the experience is, no matter how many material posessions we have or have not, we all still suffer equally. its from being with our suffering, that we learn how to truly live and love.


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one cannot expand the egomind. but one CAN expand the heart, where you reside.
i have learned from experience, that i instinctively use all experience to uplift myself. no matter what it takes. no matter the pain and the suffering that comes from it. no matter how it looks , no matter what it is that i do not know. what i represent, cannot be destroyed, cannot be stopped and will succeed in establishing heaven on earth for all to experience living a truly abundant and prosperous life. there is always consequence for all action.


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