hilarionra's blog


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Our nature, is to take in all the forms that the energies of creation come in. Thought, vision, feeling, emotion, negative, positive, pain and fear, along with the indescribable. Our nature is also to take all of what we go through, and use it to learn grow and expand our heart’s, in turn dissolving that which is not our heart’s, by going through that which is not our heart’s, the moment the realization that what we went through wasn’t our heart comes to us, all that energy is used to assist us in learning, growing and expanding ourselves further. That which is not our heart’s is the unconscious reactive controlling believing conflicted conditioned ego mind, this thing, which has creation’s will contained within it, mimics all that we are not, back unto ourselves, and everyone else simultaneously.

All of that happens using all that we are, all that we go through , and using it to uplift ourselves forever.

The true meaning of the enlightened life.

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The true meaning of the enlightened life.

There are misunderstanding’s in society in regards to what it means to live the enlightened life. One of them is the fact that communication isn’t necessary because when you’re enlightened, you see all as they are and have no questions about it, because you see yourself as you are and thus you know it all. You’re able to reveal all the secrets of the universe perfectly as they are. I’m not saying you aren’t able to relay certain details about what’s going on here and there, or able to simply just be the truth and tend to simple matters because you are. What I’m pointing at is the fact that those who identify with the unconscious reactive conditioned ego mind’s contradicting believing conflicted control mechanism have identify with it’s incessant need for internal dialogue which says “this is how an enlightened being is like”.


Due to this fact, they cannot see true reality. From this, they cannot see past it’s projections and they cannot see the truth that is living the enlightened life. Due to this, they genuinely test you to see just how enlightened you are in accordance to their scale of what it means to be enlightened. They also regurgitate as accurately as they can remember, that which you spoke. If that which you spoke, isn’t again aligned with the mind, then it’s not enlightened. Instead they speak of how mentally ill you are, and that you need help. This is because they have no understand in their awareness of what it means to truly live the enlightened life. They all want a free ride in life. They want you to give them ALL the answers to ALL life’s question’s because to them, that’s how an enlightened being is supposed to be.



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we aren’t nurtured in preschool about our natural potential to read the conscious energy of creation, ourselves, and of all life, on and off this planet. Beings (not only human, but also the plant realm, the animal realm, the thought realm, the body hologram realm, the soul body realm, the elemental realm , the realm where higher vibrational beings reside, and the realm of lower vibrational beings reside) both realms of higher and lower vibrational sets of consciousness (awareness) reside on the same level, its just that those vibrating in lower awareness, cannot see you for who you are, they can only see that which the ego projects everywhere, and uses that which is stored in the mind, as to what they know about you , and others.

The higher vibrating consciousness level, is one where you are able to see what i just pointed out, because you yourself experience that, even after the ego mind is gone, we will still have the memory of all our past experiences living within us, for no energy is destroyed, only transformed and re-used forever. this equation that supports the flow of creation which is a law and it’s non negotiable even when you negotiate it, it will always stand. The higher vibrating level of conscious awareness is the complete opposite of the lower and the energy contained therein is a support basin, for where this planet is going, where other planets are, and others are also going, and where all inevitably end up experiencing life in and on, and is that which assists you += all in living ethical lives for all eternity.

we’re also not nurtured in our natural ability to draw forth conscious awareness from within ourselves, which involves the entire drawing forth of the soul into the body hologram , which in turn integrates more of who we are into our body holograms.

Realize This.......

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Just because you're enlightened, doesn't mean you are through with your work. Just because someone passes over, doesn't mean that they stop serving. Just because you have the thought that you're done with clearing yourself out, doesn't make it true. Just allowing yourself to feel that way is willfull ignorance of the love you are. Just because you aren't awake(aware of who you are at the soul level), doesn't make it right for you to just mess around and use “ I'm not awake” as an excuse. We have instincts, they're there for a reason. You may not enjoy reading this, and in that experience, shows exactly what I am speaking of here. You get upset because you would much rather remain in la la land, than remaining in the love you are. This is because you would much rather avoid the reality of the situation, and you just wish for it to be over. Good luck with that path, you'll only end up facing these facts head on in the long run.

The love we are , love's to work on the love of self, for it benefit's everyone all at once, all the time. It's an eternal process, working on the self. This goes against the grain of every false teaching that there ever has been spoken of and shared with anyone throughout all eternity. You can reference eternal inner work as the love you are being a conscious digging machine. A conscious drill, with one objective. The objective is to heal the self, by going through all that pertains to you from all experiences that you've ever gone through, are going through and will ever go through. The conscious act of chewing away at the self, is a beating of the ego. The beating is necessary, for it dismantles it, and allows the being within to live a better life. More ethical, += more loving,+= better living, += the all, += shared equally, += eternity. Heal yourself forever, and in turn the all will also be healed through the simply complex laws that govern creation.

The trickster's demon's lower selves and the love you are

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You trust being's who continually f*** you over. You blindly follow them because they offer you material good's meanwhile, they themselves are completely in conflict with what's going on within them. So they don't have any real conscious understanding of what it means to live a truly abundant and fulfilling life. They're too busy being selfish and greedy, and helping you because it benefits them , they want to look good in societies eyes. They don't get the point of what it means to be present and truly love. This doesn't stop them from saying I love you, holding hand's and giving the appearance that they know what it means to truly love and live life, it's just the trickster within them. They would much rather perpetuate this behavior because “ they don't care.” Notice how all they act upon is showing just how much they do not care. Buying food, drink, movies , cars, making friends, staying close to family and they always revert back to their religion of choice, and are totally glued in survival mode.



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Those on the spiritual path, are going to experience what is called bardo. This as I have read , is the experience of being in between states of consciousness. The way I see it, is that one is hearing thoughts of others. All the thoughts are about you. This is uncomfortable, and the uncomfortable nature of the experience deals with healing, all experience is for healing. Furthermore, the experience of having thoughts of others, “voices” telling you what to do, is referred to in society as shizophrenia. This I disagree with completely. I say this because of my own experience with hearing the thoughts of others and others hearing my own. I also disagree with this because of the fact that I’ve seen these thoughts manifest themselves not only in just being aware of them taking place , but also in action.

The emotional upheaval part of the experience of being completely uncomfortable in your experience as the love you are, += all, is necessary for you to gain true strength through the knowledge of your own ignorance , += all. It brings up fear, this fear is not you, you have just been nurtured to identify with this fear as your own. The fear is the unconscious reactive conditioned ego mind’s fear of you being the love you are, and continually learning,growing and expanding as the love you are and integrating the love you are into the body hologram. The physical vessel in which we need to incarnate into in order to experience life in the physical manifest realm.

to readers of this blog......

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self discipline = genuine inquiry into that which motivates you to make the choices you make everyday throughout the day.To actively and consistently inquiry into that which brings up feelings that you know the ego would rather not encounter. from this you align from your emotional ego centered body to your heart = soul and the more unconditionally willing you are to remain open to learn from your experience the more rooted in love you become , it is in this continual rooting of love that you integrate the absolute fearless logical heart focused being that you are = all and through this awareness you live a life that is ruthlessly compassionately in love with the truth of yourself += all that is. its a never ending process of being the love you are and making choices that benefit not only you but the all simultaneously constantly forever.


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Believing,believability,belief systems, are all egoic conditioned mind reactive unconscious deluded disidentification from the soul, living in identification with the conditioned unconscious reactive controlling superior,condescending ego mind. This activity of continually looking into these specific thought forms within , and words from others, as a support system to keep the conditioned ego mind’s control mechanism of needing conflict to stay in tact ,is the reason for all war. Not just war in the generalized sense of the word where two or more nations come together and use guns and bombs and spy drones to kill one another. I’m speaking of the war that takes place everywhere including the warzones that are found in the media’s talk about war. This kind of war I speak of, is the war in which the ego needs for it to stay in tact, yet what those who identify completely with the conditioned ego mind, is that they currently fail to realize that no matter how much they identify with the conditioned ego mind’s reactivity that keeps it in conflict with all life, including the soul within, is that this will not stop the being within everyone, from continually learning,growing and expanding from their experience of being.

The questioning nature of the self and the non questioning nature of the ego mind

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The questioning nature of the self goes against the ego, the mind, the conditioned state that the ego mind is. Those who identify with the conditioned ego mind, are all over planet earth = heart. They can be seen going through many varying experiences. Gay's,bisexuals, beings with sex changes, excessive eaters, sleeping too much, any activity that's experienced “too much”. This isn't saying that beings who fast, sleep a lot , or don't get any, or eat a lot (kriya yoga), or have sex or no sexual intercourse, are identifying with their ego mind. That's a common misunderstanding on this planet.

Beings who claim to be gay, bisexual, or have had or are planning to have a sex change, will claim that there is nothing wrong with being this way. Same with over-eaters, smokers, sleepers ,drug users,non drug users. Use your own individual ability to seek the truth and discover what it is I am pointing at here. These beings who claim to be in the right, are wrong. They will fight you over this, so look out. Same with beings who claim to know what love is. They get upset with you at the fact that you say that they do not know what true love is, same with the true meaning of what true intimacy is,ethical living, and family oriented living is.

This also goes for beings who go for being violent towards another being, no matter what kind of violent behavior it is, violence is still violence. I'm not saying to watch a violent program, by all means go ahead, but the key here is learning about all the variations that violence can come in. When you go over the line from being loving, to being vicious. This also goes for beings who claim to not care at all

about how it looks, the way they come across, their lifestyle choices. They say they do not care, yet all of their actions show otherwise about this statement. Every one of them has a chip on their shoulder.

Seen unseen seen unseen seen.....

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At home, you have a responsibility to yourself, to take care of all that takes care of your living space.

Clean/organize all dish(es), bathroom(s),shower,all floors,counter tops, sinks, cabinets, fridge(s),clothing,shelves,desks,trash,

All assesories, including all technological items,furniture, bed(under and around), cosmetics,closet(s),all area's outside the living space.This includes the lawn, the driveway, the backyard, the garage, the vehicle of transportation(s). To organize all of this, top to bottom, not

OCD style – that's insanity. Just keep it all in its proper place when it needs to be put back, keep it all organized and clean, not overly sterile like youre boy in a bubble, that again is insanity.

Cooking food = clean hands, clean dishes and silverware. The food itself whether its organic or fast food or a mixture of the two doesn't matter, so don't go all insane in your attempt to find the purest healthiest food on the planet and keep the pattern going, that would be insane.

Water = yes drink the best water you can get your hands on, but if you cannot, drink away. Drinking too much water = insane, same with food, and all over activities.


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