to Learn the Truth About everything regarding the Ascension of this Universe, how it all began, what is taking place now and in the future and how the most important thing that needs to be done is to TUNE Into the Frequencies or Vibrations within your own Cellular Structure that aligns you into the Vortex of All that Is and allows that Frequency of Eternal Life and Manifestation to flow through you continuously.
Those who align their vibrations into their individual Source frequencies will begin to soar and gain lift off in 2018. Many of us have been preparing the rest of the world for the past twenty years for this event that has finally begun.
Crystal Magic Orchestra is making a new type of music.
It is a New type of Jazz. It is called Cosmic Jazz.
It is called Cosmic because we take our consciousness out to the infinite unknown and inhale Pre-Light and Pre-Sound and we exhale it into our Neumann Microphone in our music studio.
This Pre-Light and Pre-Sound we record makes Cosmic Pink White Light and that is what is recorded when we exhale into our Neumann Microphone in our music studio.
We then mix this Cosmic Pink White Light recordings into our Cosmic Jazz - it makes it truly Cosmic Jazz.
You are welcome to check out our new ETHERIC SUBSTANCE MUSIC PAGE and discover a few true JEWELS of Frequency of Etheric Substance within the music, such as the Spiritual Carrier Wave of electromagnetic substance that was known as the magical substance that was found floating on the surface of the bodies of high ascended masters in Egypt.
This etheric spiritual substance forms itself from the pre light substance of plasma in the forms of hydrogelaisic, liquid light and pre radiation gold waves. All of this magical transformational substance is what has always been used to raise the body into such high spiritual waves that the body would become a plasma body and then disappear into light.
There have been many masters living on Earth who have been able to levitate their bodies into the level of light that allows bi-location, and there are many who travel with their etheral body that the Soul becomes at night, called the Astral body.
We are being Invaded now. They can only reach those who are not protected by raising their frequencies. Jesus said he wished everyone had this music, and then they would be protected as I am.
The Draconians invaded us, raped our women and created a Demonized Race line millions of years ago. The race is a combination of human and Draconian. Those on Earth who are distant relatives are now being used as puppets and the race line created by the Draconians has come to Earth.
The Great Flood was created by God to remove the Draconian Race line from the Earth. Most of the world's population was removed in order to prevent these creatures from staying here. They swore that they would create a new race line made of our bloodline and then return to Earth.
Crystal Magic Orchestra's COSMIC JAZZ - a new type of American Jazz that heals and Makes one a Better Life and that mostly comes through the Cosmic Pre-Light, Pre-Sound and Pink White Light frequencies in our Cosmic Jazz.
This is why we call it Cosmic Jazz.
Crystal Magic Orchestra's Cosmic Jazz is a 2017 New Type of American Jazz
Crystal Magic Orchestra's Cosmic Jazz is also extremely powerful healing music
People have been healed in so many ways by it
A person has been literally raised from the dead by Crystal Magic Orchestra's music
In order to manifest a new idea, we must go beyond the boundaries of everything that we already know exists. The mind of God will allow anything to become instantly manifest in our reality field when we ask to create something that exists outside of the reality field of the world that only exists within our personality.
Go to the following webpage to hear and learn why Crystal Magic Orchestra has won so many music awards around the world and why John Williams, the Star Wars music composer invited Crystal Magic Orchestra into his office to share his music recording expertise.
Crystal Magic Orchestra's Cosmic Jazz is a 2017 New Type of American Jazz.
Crystal Magic Orchestra's Cosmic Jazz is created, made and recorded through Reason 9.5
The July channeled dialogue that I had with Jesus is on the Music Listening Page.
During the dialogue when Jesus is telling me that we are being Invaded by several Fallen Invader Race lines and that there will be a Great Disaster in the U.S. this year, he also tells me that I am protected because of my music and that many are protected who are using my music. He said the negative world cannot listen to this music. That is the reason why when you have your earphones on the music repels all negativity away from you. This negative world cannot reach those who are listening. The one hour dialogue that I had with Jesus of Nazareth was FULL of very important information. I hope you will listen to it.
This complete channeled dialogue may be heard on the MUSIC LISTENING PAGE
(These events took place in 2016 - I'm re-posting this)
What he said about the PROPHECY of Mother Gaia is Breath Taking. Gaia Twill become the new HUB of the Universe, meaning all star ships will be able to land on Earth or pass through Earth to the other side of the Universe, and this will allow many Beings to Ascend beyond where they are in the Universe at this time as they go through the Portals.