Mario's blog

Gathering momentum

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1:44am 25Nov 2014

Gathering momentum (Written before: Inertia of Momentum)

What we mean by this is paramount to the selective inputs which we will give out to humans on this earth...

Conducive aspects to grow fond of in these messages...

Simply follow greater means or aspects in which these deviations should show you a higher mapping to individually give out, yourselves, aspects of your higher selves in trance...

Above all we want to say we thank you for cooperating...

Coordination in making these mappings possible, go into your understandings, in how you affect these channelings...

We simply want you to know what it is you are doing while these are being transcript...

Simple enough the fall backs are now accustomed to deviations throughout the grids, interplanetary waves of consciousness have been pronounced and we are going to quadruple the effects of what some would term a chain reaction to subliminal records or aspects of our deviations towards greater light within individuals partaking in these formations...

We simply want to thank all of the above templates in people remunerating factions across this galaxy for interpositions have given a new means to possible understandings which currently is set out to explode individual to individual about what, where, how, the event is going to transpire in the upcoming days...

Achieved within a time-lapse

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Achieved within a time-lapse

What we term here as a time-lapse, has eventual means of us gathering intel in moments of greater flux independently at quadrants acknowledgeable in keen constructs as four different times, in which we gather intel parting from the same construct, individually creating a picture as consciousness is formed or being developed, gathered, for eventual reaps in postulations which can adapt to formal effects of some higher attributes.

The after effects of gathering that intel may be having some adverse effects momentarily in our genomes the system, consciousness itself while we are adapting to new former knowledge in keen compositions, crystallites, interactions of something greater than ourselves while we are in search of higher alignments.

What this “disposes” has quadrants of the universe in alignments to higher apertures, openings which enable frequent matters, to fabricate, reformat, energy, for us to have in predispositions, as fields, while embarking on new awareness which can help alleviate the formations of what we want to adapt in possible manifestations which has advance in attempts to fixate on moments of the probability factors. Independently we have achieved the greater flux and are now in moments of balance factors, individually as a whole in commands and concepts numerating the fall, in acquiescence’s which is temporal fields, in adjustments, to never ending light, energy frequency, for a healing flow.

Adaptations, to vibrational flows.

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Adaptations, to vibrational flows.

Once again the interpretations follow through nicely. What was brought up to our awareness has reconfigured some aspects of our lives to eventually dwell into deeper concepts which can help adapt the possibilities of the higher numerated flows which carry on codes for us to resend beyond the constructed concepts, which carry in templates greater avenues for us to delve into while we acquire newer constructs for feedback individually. Some templates are being formed momentarily while we are adapting through new measures in possible flows which can neutralize the effects of undulated minds.

Contemporary the fabrications are in adjustments internally while we are getting conscious about what these fabrics are more so “telling us” within the present moment of now, which implies we are working momentarily as this is being written, within our genomes, the functions, adaptations, what we right, bring forth into (Manifest) has possibilities in how our cells are adapting to new measures independently in acquisitions thoroughly as every moment is, adaptive if we realize into our successive parts or internal parts, in acquisitions.

More so developments are being made internally as external forces are arriving to give about constructs in momentarily basis of what we need into our fabrics which allows us to interpret something beyond the known concepts/ideologies, and interplay links to new events, given our consciousness has shifted to allow and adapt to something which we may not have been able to conceive about in some previous moments. This can be something completely new in fabrics which help us evolve our known understandings of the world in general and psychology, how things work or can be adapted/addressed thoroughly after we have achieved or become aware, of such concepts or constructs being linked through our augmentation within consciousness as experience occurs.

To gather consciousness

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To gather consciousness

The perceptions gathered in moments which kindly gives out prospects, internship on nominations, playing out in the fabrics, of the greater "games" individually, while they work with "visitors" around the Earth contemplating adverse effects, in momentarily conducts/constructs, being achieved gradually at a nexus, forming a nexus, contemporary in the making, the fabrication of consciousness, to achieve and give about a surplus of information quite undoubtedly, while cooperating with individuals of the greater fabrics/concepts individually.

The core anomalies are correspondence of greater impact within choices, abolishing the constructs of individuals having the fabrics, interplaying their undulated awareness's, which contemporizes individually the information which gets out, while we are adding, additional data for eventual exempts in pertaining matters, while individually the pressure accumulated within momentarily movements, which are being acquisitioned, will give about a surplus of information in conceptual bonds or mutual (trust funds) within momentary adjustments while composing the greater feeds in effects to have about new eventual matter, created for us to advance in depths of our lives, indifferently, governing adverse effects, within probability factors in abolishment’s of the flows, governed in exempts to the probability factors in the first place.

What conceptualizes the information, while we are independent within moments of greater flux, the pertaining matters are being given for us to understand some higher anarchy, for/to enable new measures which implements fabrics... Greater fabrics, which have abolished some flows in awakening participants.

More so the eventual means of having a greater possibility, probability, governed in momentarily conduct of law's which abide in dispositions of 9:11.

Solar system

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Solar system

Our solar system, what’s important to understand while we fabricate things, universes and more so eventual realms, contending in the matrixes, evolving souls, temporary the fabrics of our solar system is adapting to new life measures altogether. Crystal links in compositions, beings in a trance concensualizing, conceptualizing, experiences embarking on new life missions, independently, controversial feeds, abundant in life movements, advancements which changes the fabric, the matter.

Momentarily the things which allow hacks to be attended worldwide, we are. Above and beyond concepts forming normally in eventual exemptions, machinery, core abilities, concepts, technology above our understandings to have manifested, cooperated within moments, achievable energy in cooperation to matter in evolution.

Simple views are getting complex, the eventual fabrications of energy in, prospects, temporary managing something new in moments crystallizing within core exempts possible future reads within mutual bonds, or a type of trust fund for actual accounts to render within moments of greater flux, incadencienary effects, suspected trough moments of adjustments, independently we are giving something in nominal effects, quarantine within moments of a higher aperture.

Spotting, within moments, actualized for redemptions, counterproductive while we advance in something ratter perplexing.

Formal interdependences are achievable contemporarily while the fabrics evolve to greater lengths individually after gradually falling apart literally, and this will give about momentarily advances in what is being said or predisposed while we attempt to fixate on problems which can be fixed within these moments...

About the Concepts

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About the Concepts

What is emitted here has high frequency active auroral research program in some matters, since the concepts, from before... In 2013 had shown what they could do and utilize those machines for, while eventually they have them around the world in many places... And some are constructed differently, and have extreme advancements being made, things which we may not believe is possible, or think of, until they come out with the possibilities, of those machines, and what they usually attempt to do, in some areas of the world where, frequencies may be adjusted, post for another word, adjusted for eventual effects, either as, a totality or, to give about, make experiments... Simply having eventual humans on Earth experience what they could term god. But given the formations of the effects carried on out individually with all the other concepts and possibilities, as higher dimensional beings and other existences, have as effects while they adjust frequencies, temporary means to connect to those realms, which can allow us to get to, or view, experience many things which can be complex, and perpetual in fabrics which can get us to eventual death or, simply a "brick" as our states of mind are being programmed or worked with, simply while those technologies may be in effects to either do good, or maybe they might call it anomalies or mistakes, if individually the information within a being is not renewed with the concepts which exist in the "new age" they might have a hard time understanding that it’s not much of a big deal, when we are under the effects of said machines, whichever ones may be utilized or worked with.

Aperture pt.2

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Aperture pt.2

Systems growing in complexities, are getting harder to contain and or control, localize as in, secure, and grounded. What we may be having issues with in these moments are in actuality parts of our truths, being emitted or send on out without much disruptions in how or what we may want to contend to, give about a surplus of information in "reason" to have as effects alignments which can help us, people to realize some of the vibrational frequencies emitted, "engraved" within the messages, while we adapt to, or for information, concepts which allows experience in playing, creating. What attaches us is playing, creating, getting in centered awareness or contact point as source or our greater self.

Pertaining matters we are having difficulties in throwing out* a concept which may become opened to us, (a new view point) which is important to accept if we are having momentarily adjustments, from being "small". An extension of ourselves are part of the greater selves in combination forms, shining our divine light to acquire give love more so to others in many ways as enlightenment or usually just generally information which can help us, from being caught up into many things, to help us ascend, resend the information for us to be clear on what we want for the day.

More energy and clarity can come if we are sending out what we want usually every morning for adaptations naturally to give about some kind of remembrance to allow us to open up the flows to get that connection and greater possible flows which help us adapt to the many constructs being carried on out in these days, while we say there are aspects of our minds trying to control some things which keeps us held in a spot...

Temporarily we do not want those kind of things to happen...

Undulated Awareness/Energy

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Undulated Awareness/Energy

Compositions within these moments are recrystallizing flows in virtue around the world in attempts to fabricate new exempts in postulations for gathering Intel within moments of connection at accountants, prosperity is deviated at fabrics larger than what we can contend to. The more advance realizations keenly ignited in fabricants are advancing some soul complexities within states of our beings independently growing at large extents on nominal factors interplaying the fabrics in keen analogies while they select sub groups in these pertaining matters.

Frequencies will settle in the near attempts while gathering prosperous amounts of intel into bonds, from those accounts, forming gradual maps, to help others attend to the fabrics, (vibrations) or law’s which inherently adapts the knowledge in experiences of those altered states. Frequently the attempts of those bodies in outer space getting in alignment has as effects some chain of events interplaying energies which we are adaptive with/within while condoning (tuning into) the greater fabrics altogether (The fields).

More so what can be left out for us to have resurgence within energetic moments from gathering effective impasses on aboriginal scales of complacency, we are simply activating some parts of informational flows which will help others develop the nominal factors needed for adjustments to take place inherently. The above mentions are prospected within moments interlinked to higher eventual realms in postulating forms of awareness, (Interdimensional beings) and having those prospects, intentional aspects pertaining to/within has greater effects implying on undulated interpositions.

Co-extensional loops

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Co-extensional loops

Adapting to new measures, we are growing the nexus for reasons above the abolishment’s which contended in formal awareness’s at times where we had individually gathered within some darker constructs. More so to advance individually at higher length/aptitude we enabled new world views in predispositions within time frames where greater fluctuations where being played out for advances beyond the quarantine at quadrants set for some universal alignments*.

These alignments had been attempted (Made Globally) after successive missions were accomplished.

Now we are renewing them for advents in predispositions which will allow the greater fabrics to evolve further. Since past results where a bit “different”, not what we would of liked to attain or see… It was accsensual from what was expected and “in hopes” has helped gather enough Intel (experience) to manage better causes after we get within those points, effects/experiences again, with ratter less difficulties.

Now we will form in groups, classes which allows for telepathy, in our dream states or in light chambers, which can be interplayed, downloaded, actualized, organized, and experienced anywhere, anytime once we open up to the greater fabrics individually or as a group experience enabling us, aligning us, for those things to happen. By selecting it within choices for advancements, not as a “try out”, but individually as our (greater selves) calling us out to align to those choices in attempts to help us understand what these may be, an in actuality, experience it.

It will help us in achieving the training needed to commence new missions, which are already ongoing and have been for some while, simply never “noticed” at large because of secrecy or the type of programs we had chosen to experience.


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Opening the new fabrics of our lives, frequently accepted as eventual means to develop our senses to a greater exempt in our generalized functions.

Pertaining matters, we seem to have lost the sense of self, now more so the “deviant” programs running out there, saying, contemplating adverse effects, momentarily we give about new measures for you to understand what these may be while we become accustomed to these “new life measures”.

Independently the formations of our genomes are interlinked trough complicated avenues forming gradual bonds, reselecting prosperous amounts of info in time for us to understand what we may be condoning to in these moments, simply put adverse effects have taken place and now we are abolishing the newer flows, derivatives of a ground crew member while we seem to have his known connotation gradually at higher end points for the “game” to progress quite indifferently at higher aptitudes.

More so the effects of our souls while contemplating new advents eventually by gathering some information within the fields above all else when we fail to contribute in time of the greater anomalies playing out. (In definitively) we are growing about a new conceptual awareness in the keen programs, adaptations are running through our systems for advances independently in more than one individual at these times… The federations are in some momentarily stand by, awaiting new constructs developments from many individuals. Until we embark on those concepts/constructs we don’t get above contributions of their knowledge, effective means of gathering telepathic messages an frequencies for eventually delving deeper in cosmoses for aftershocks of events interplaying links to new world orders or affaires all together.


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