Mario's blog


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Light bodies interactive in spheres, core spheres, augmentations of their light bodies in chambers, and activating from light ship connectivity (Consort) within all of the above. Explanations exempted in fearsome avenues promptly we give you measures to accommodate some fearsome tactics which exist only in the mind’s eye… What you define as the mind’s eye will allow you to interpret what their meanings are and what they should be utilized for… More so in-depths, probabilities are manifesting at large, while they give about a new consensus of reality in time, for us to ascend deeply within connotations where (Citations) had been given in the Mind’s eye for clear resurgence.

Top of the class what we seem to have manifested at moments interplaying links to infinity above the formations in perpetuated fabrics, seem to give about a surplus of reasons to abide in lower forms of thought where areas would denote things as (Time Fractals)… Seemingly the purposes of these may be in channelings, some opportunities to enlighten while we open up what some may term flood gates to new sectors. Also in acquiring some of the channelings in “Pieces” should allow more adverse effects, potentially the consciousness needs to rise, what we are seeing here is an augmentation in the fluctuating fields, emotional energy which disperses on accounts promptly after assimilating waves from the particle wave effect.


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What seems to bother us in areas where we are in search of better options on certain things, can clearly define aspects of our "predispositions" towards the generated flux which comparts with excess triangulation... What we mean by this is when our greater self "senses" open up (Become about)...

It changes the general structure in which we would like to have momentarily at a type of conclusion, which comes about regularly in predispositions... Predispositions by which our thought process or cognitive "steps" simply has aspects of our commands for the next decisions, usually about on how the energy shifts after it is send on out (Manifest).

But comparting with this... The possibilities to Inquire, on ratter doubtful moments... Has us compromising, in an excess of abilities, the senses which we utilize to discover (retain) compromise of effects...

If we think of the particle wave effect... The summit, culmination has life altering properties when we are in deep processes which can allow (fruition) "evolvement" to take part freely and adjust within our timelines... What it is we are usually longing for... Looking for...

Simply put, aspects of our minds... When we are "Playing" together... Things seem to manifest clearer, after we notice... Get the general assessment, of this planetary system as a whole command, utilizing a lot of secrecy, and lies to either help or manipulate A Totality, which can then become neutral, in saying, this has us pondering on new abilities, which should develop freely once we attain what is needed (The Constructs) in meaning... The constructs... The formation of this Earths history... We as humans... What... Where... How we are at... IN this place momentarily for? And to get about better feats in how we can become intact for contact.

Advancing in our Predispositions

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Advancing in our Predispositions

Quite to the contraire, we are interlinked through various fields, which evolves/help us evolve, to greater avenues, and experiences, which helps alleviate the formations of our “structured” minds.

To have about greater feats in how the managing concepts are becoming formal in dependence programs, while we search for reasons or simply reason, we embark on neutral routes for evolutions of our souls with our soul family (Intact). Now more so, what we want to “put out there” is simply forms of how some individuals may be advancing momentarily. Key notations have about new implementations, constructions, of our bodies, (celestial bodies) counterproductively forming new genesis at realms abiding lower formations of worlds in TRIP. Contemporary the factions which help alleviate the energetic “transparency” which coincides in adepts, for adaptations are becoming crystal clear.

Temporarily the constructs had evolved at greater lengths and now the formations are advancing in bits & pieces, which allows for more “Spectrum” to be added in the near future if all goes as planned… More so individuals embarking on symmetrical TRIPs may as well give out their known consensus if “Impasses” become the norm in minorities which is simply aspects of themselves in communion to lower functions of their genomes. Seaming comparisons, what we touch to our hearts has beliefs in core groups asking us how these things may become the norm in the near future. Simply put they are from a gathering, thinking of reaping* a Gathering of sorts which allows the formations to evolve while we are putting out the momentarily “Conduct or Construct” pick one… And so on with adverse effects (Bypassed) we say no more until they have become intercept, and so on faculties and much more can be part of what we will understand as nominal factors, in formations of flow’s which counterpoises some effects within the fields.

New Messages

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New Messages

Interlocking advent’s, new telemetry, prospections, key notations, abbreviated fabrics, and thought connotations, abrupt frequencies, adjusting interplay (Interlink), quadrants set for manipulation…

Two Interplaying Links: /Sub set deviated fabrications/ - /Interplanetary Core adjustments/

Let’s start with Interplanetary Core Adjustments…

Conforming in minorities, aspects bypassed within sounds governed in intellectual remaps… Cohesive through alignments made at super positions, for symmetric downloads.

Inertia of momentum, has aligned one of two formations in conforming a gradual map, (Path way) to selective formations, interplaying links to higher consciousness… By symmetric alignments they (We) adjusted the known frequencies, Interlocking advent’s to new predispositions in minorities.

Prospections have “clipped” the nominal factors, and brought us to higher citations in remembrance programs, which have brought about a surplus of information (Intel) in accountants.

Post traumatic responses, were acquired for sub selections, (Forms) of “Subliminal* Contact” to advance in predispositions towards what we had termed greater flux (Unification) in totality of a “System” which was predisposed to greater fabrics, abbreviated trough citations … Careful now, we think “misuse” of the (Intel) can be carried on towards simplified world commands for understandings* … What we think as misused, can become something of greater clarity, once we open up portals for ascension protocols.

What is misused? Contraire to this moment, what is achieved in a (Time lapse) has differing causes of affection towards a momentary flux, adapting “crystal links” to new heights, (Interpersonal relationships) confined within transcending space X energy multiplied by Y and adjusted by Zero space (X) Energetic fluctuations (Z).

Sub set deviated fabrications…


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Good morning, we say, above all when we imply (on) things we should get things (on) “hands”, which carries codes for us to resend at this moment to eventually gather moments which compromises the intellects and so now we can begin, start channeling.

Foremost what we want to do today is tell you of some amazing feats that have come up… Independently while we are channeling the information rises into a more succumbed accountant (state) which allows us to view the flow of what we could not perceive indefinitely.

Now what comes to fruition trough this channel should be accompanied by an individual having a ratter perplexing time in the "accountants program" what is termed here may have after effects within abilities… Carry on codes, to resend beyond the void, for temporal flux.

Now momentarily what we want to do is simply give about numbers for you to calculate or so demonstrate aspects of how or what you can do with them and give about a little message with it... Ok so... {22}, 23 (44) 66* 27 and *11 let’s start with {22} this gives out {4}, with (44) this gives out {4}(44), 23=[5] 27=[9] [59] 5+9=14 which 1+4=[5] 66* and [5]*11=55 66* and 55... 444, 66 and 55 66+55=121=4=22=2 444*2=888 and there you have it that string of numbers got us up to 888.

Now in the end 888 was accounted for good measures while we were doing what some would call magic, more so that number helps alleviate the moons, “spell” and crystallizes pathways for creativity once this shifts from 88 to 87 by {state transferences/references}, which relates to 77 while in transcendence. This is known from two different points in time which we connected 77’s state while in another moment, after gathering the “Intel” we went up from 88 to 87, which is 1 in unity commanding grids, superimposing awareness at intellect’s sub-deviated within (temporal states shifting by fluctuations while gathering the Intel) which aligns the greater fabrics momentarily.

Frequency adjustments

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Frequency adjustments

Temporarily we are giving out neutral adjustments, in fabrications, temporary the constructs are going to evolve if we let it become… From better quotations, temporarily they (we) give out the best times for us to re (ascend) to function beyond the "void" which is complacent because of all the noises we hear around... Implying this has greater effects on our understandings...

What seems impossible to manifest while we "gather" some momentum within the fields... Has as effects an energetic shift, which is composed (scrambling) the energetic flow...

Setting out a block, for a "replay" (playing out) of frequencies, while we adjust the surmounted "drama" as for eventual reaps are in postulations, which adapts at frequency specifics, for us to contend to greater fabrics, in the future, while we advance in our predispositions ... More likely...

Now then, what's left has us wondering how we will accumulate enough "consensus" for us to "develop" the necessary parts in our accountants. More so... Symmetrical trips, should allow for better transparency in the near future.

We are advancing some concepts, while interplaying some other concepts... To move about... (Get to) what is needed in the next month... Which should surprise many, in ways we may have not thought about in the first place.

Contemporary, what the fabrics will evolve to in the near future should allow some humans to comply within greater rules, functions of something which was hidden from plain view and undoubtedly they gave us a mapping, geometry, to have as a sphere of knowledge... Implying greater effects in the aftermath which was considered rather extraperidimious.

Namaste (This was from the past Month)

Interchanging transgress

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Interchanging transgress

Compositions within these moments, we are glad to have you, readers to have about a surplus of info/intel in here for you to have while we are giving out some speed to help humans in remembering what speed programs may be in the first place...

What was governed back then had given about a devious accountants his ability to channel quite ferociously and this depended on some important aspect (speed) amphetamine, was the developing cause while he held stable in the position the attempts the vortex’s more so, he held stable with speed as the main trigger and manager for delving deeper within moments inherently adapting and delving deeper in cosmoses and sorts of those connotations.

We bring back in actuality some after effects of those whom had the abilities to give the whereabouts of which persons had achieved some internal programs (states) which hacked the norm for individuals while advancing further to get to a conclusion, a point which merely never existed within those moments... More so in attempts to fabricate a fall, what was given back then has resuscitated the remaining parts of this message to fruition (fruitful) abundance worldwide... What we mean is a diversity of colors and shapes in which the energy could have been and is being decoded while we are giving about our known consensus individually as adaptations are going through the "end games" which simply implies aspects where we had no governance (governing factor) in remaking (holding) the map* in position for better accords to be taken into account...

While we say accounts, our accountants are at a really large dispositional field in these instants and they are gathering intel ferociously as they would say give something and receive as equal amount if you work or pertain to the higher matters which shifts accordingly the effects of said given fields in postulations.

Now wiring

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Now wiring

Advance beings, setting themselves in light chambers and getting ready for their advance rewiring to take place accordingly.

Simply viewing them there side by side in those pods with glass as a cover over, when it slides down and locks them into those small pods...

Awaiting singularity

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Awaiting singularity

What we mean by this is moments which are interposed ferociously on top of another without giving out the consensus of why it’s there in the first place... What we would simply like to say to you all is that we have achieved it momentarily at greater avenues in our lives where things where "munching" up altogether at one singular "time dispersion" place where enacting in that moment was part of the greater purpose since that moment of singularity help us see the totality of how things may be coming to fruition while under some type of guidance altogether.

This purposeful avenue while it is achievable and viewable we can delve into the singular moment when everything at least 3 or more things arriving at a synchronous moment, by actualizing things which we create momentarily by gathering from our surroundings, what is “active” and help us align matter at that singular moment showing you something as a singularity towards what you are doing.

We sure hope you understand what we meant by that singularity... Momentarily our body, was able to adapt to some higher intelligence and "calculate" with innate sense some things which helped us achieved those singular moments, quite amazing. More so, the effects of the messages coming out back then had greater clarity and effects on how or what to get people within (time flux identification programs) which are simply avenues where you become a part of the channeled materiel here, while its being written... Some folk’s took part in it without their consent...

And so with greater parts in creation, creating to it, doesn’t bother, it creates parts in which the totality transforms into something new and beautiful in the end. Good day.



Flexibility Programs

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Flexibility Programs

What's implied here has parts of our connotations in a ratter sub divided manner.

Ok now reconstructed... We now have new measures for implementations of the sub divided fields which are in predispositions towards greater flux once we are in tremendous amounts of construed parts for you to have while we are in writing/channeling, simply some aspects which are becoming known worldwide has us in worrisome advents while implying (forms of) channeling quite indifferently...

The aspects which are helping folks embark on ratter perplexing accounts (events) understandings from those (channelings) has aspects of our greater fields in a type of combination form, for us to attend to differently while construing some concepts within concepts, forming a ratter new concept altogether.

Now what we would like to achieve has as effects a renunciation in adaptations brought forth thoroughly after some complex emotions surface at "compounds" assets, or presets, asserting something which imparts from our beliefs… Greater subliminal effects to have given about new implementations in the near future where areas of our known world ideologies have evolved to allow a ratter perplexing amount of time to individuals partaking in the greater feeds, to adapt some possibilities in manifesting coherency for gradual augmentations of… (Mastery) is in a way what is being received while they interpret the formation of it…

We simply gather moments of higher or better alignments to help them (receive from them) prosperous amounts of information which is conceived at the imposition whereas mastery was written for sub selective avenues to surface in deep connotations, and new pronunciations can then become in "format" to allow this individual to gather what is necessary within these moments to either finish this in totality or post it out as is, and either way, the information is there, simply not put in a simplified format…


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