Mario's blog

GrinD Worrying=Reality

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Worrying is how we come back to reality. Ask yourself what is reality? Another one, in placed out by them to stop you from achieving calamity? No it is manipulation, worrying and reality are what we see. Think they are the one going for something more, e.t's dont worry. No more than you and me, reality is what we see, holding us back from what we don't see. No worry's=New possibility's. Reality=what we see none other than you and me haha.   In GRinD reality=what we see every day, so to go for more, never worry, conect to source and augment sense's, once more don't worry, reality fade's and you see more to what reality is known to be achieve limitless possibility's haha :P


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When we sended a signal to space, think? It goe's receptive all over any one in transmitting waves, receives and come's to see source. Now if they come see, we are of deception's none of their nature, not ready, what they see in us is a reflection of deception's, fear, amazement, unlimited. If they are master's of space, belifes are of deception's so how you know* become free from deception's and all that is left acknowledgement and self mastery, then they see nature and no judging, know we are of good nature no deception's, many are different race's when signal passed, only way to be as them is to be none other from neutrality, acknowledgement, Quantum meditation, help, free from deception's become aware no more, augment to core they see we see and conect no more belief's only conctact respect master's of space for master's of space. Easy, no thought's, from neutrality bring's core anomoly, peace=no deception's, master of space energie, ballance of all that is evolving, when you have conctact, what they see is a reflection of what you are, if from neutrality, understand all for unity.

Compassion grow's creation for hope and truth

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Patience, patience, we grow up cold,

creation augment's, conection to soul,

we see new dawn's, becoming more than pawn's

none other than a shine, we withdraw from time.


To see is creation's none other than allegation's,

as free as we flee, augmenting temptation's,

becoming compassion, allway's a new time,

allway's to be, more than a fine.


Creation's, creation's augment's our soul,

We grow out of cold and connect to core,


Growing our tree's, knever knowing bee's,

Conection to fold none other than a cold.


Oh joy! oh joy! growing our tree's,

Becoming more than any other bee's.


Rise mighty tree, and show compassion,

As for all we see, allway's another bee,

Fleeing to see, we augment and become free.

None other than a tree, rising above me

Augmenting mind we become time,

Being compassion, rising above rimes.


Allway's growing, never knowing,

Allway's showing, growing without tempting,

Allway's tempting, growing without knowing,

Allway's knowing, growing and showing,


Grow, mighty tree, follow the flow and live never below to grow and show,

Compassion arise's, waking up from demise.

Becoming hope, we see a rope,

Conect to core and allway's go for more.


Hahaha :P   I'm getting somewhere? none other than there, what is my flare none other than care. Gaia is more than any other core, augmenting more allway's new shore's.




GRinD Cycle

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I am an' old soul, Brought forth into cold.

Raised by my own shackles,

I took on more than a battle.

Brought me down on a tackle,

It was of my own baffle.


Infinit misery, cold for insanity.

Becoming infinity, bound of calmity.


Brought forth by me, my never ending tree,

I finaly see, what came to be, my never ending tree, has set me free.


Growing cold, was my sanity,

brigning out another calmity it is of insanity.


I'm all of the never, allways been better

Like a river flowing`  never seen me knowing


Allway's showing, growing without me knowing.

Allways' knowing, never of me showing.


Sanity, bring's forth my calmity

How can you see none other than tree,

It is of me, brought me to my knee.


Oh where have I been

How could I of cling

Never to baire again until the very end...

I brought fort my never ending end.


Oh mighty tree how you are free,

how you are free :P


Bringing down calmity, augmenting sanity,

Oh where have I been, never to cling,

never there again until the very end.


Despised allways compromise, being wise uphold and rise.


I'm insanity, can you see my calmity, running down your spine, becoming grind,

free of time, no more sign's, augmenting insanity.

I'm a rime, to become time, augment your mind, what is of mine, none other than grind. Augment insanity it is my calmity, brigning fort time, I am from mind.


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E.T.'s are master's of space, my grind talk's from space, neutrality if we ballance heart and mind will be easyer for them as my struggle is as their's are for me to explain truth it is dangerous, for conctact on earth without any misunderstanding's, augment your sense's. Belief's are of deception's so how you know is of neutrality when harmonized is of great knowledge and great heart I am only of beliefs while writting, understand this is not their nature. peace be with you.

I will try and teach how to master space (Level; neutrality none other than parallel's)

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Space is "unseen" now to understand it you must be from neutrality will do my best to try and make you see** from new sense's. What is neutrality? It can't be from duality thus knowing what is duality. Neutrality most of us are aware of it would be 17D where you take space can hold it and manipulated it. I now understand.... Neutrality is of 17th dimensional up to 24th being parallel's and after parallel's is going to be my newer sense's and experiancing it, this is my path Neutrality. Duality is from unexplainable able to attain neutrality, here as you read with **time** enter quantum though pattern from energy manipulation from space.. own understanding's. For other's it is dangerous not only for me but for you/ thus this is why I create for myself and if I show my creation's to other's from my understanding of this space without knowing truly what it is meaning from neutrality we can easly loose are sense's from? big to none, We confront are faith.


When I say focus, the word focus** we have been programed and thus if we say focus on focus don't ask yourself what is focus ratter become focus on focus? There is restriction's to it you can use other word's to describe it but I ask of you not to. This way trough quantum meditation you start understanding and becoming unaware of time, more aware of space and what it truly is. 


Do you see how everything is and used this energy aware or unaware* the more you understand space and how WE form it. We can then understand's and create from nothing as nothing is everythin=reason=creation=using ***? can't picture only augment sense's from exoextentional quantumary loop's, take's time an patience.  just pause as about wonder what is paused? many of us can control it* now when you read what I wright. when I say imagine the sun it's orange yellow as you picture it you are using this energy this is taking** haha you just took it.


To understand me further more sry for all of my previous knowledge everything is (Level: of duality reached neutrality)

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Parallel reality, I think I might still be stuck in the parallel's and thus all positive things from my point of view or creations are from the other parallel negatif view's of my understanding and all positif from their point's of view creation's our as negative from my view, it's mirrored within our mind's conscioussnes of self and the ultaihymæextreme is where we go to understand how the systemetrical complexity of positive and negative mirrored at 88's trough consciousness affection of all that is of earth's paradigm. So I still have work to do.... Umm going to be some complexity and will need to figure out a way as 55 show's these parallel's or energy that shift's unseen. Thru the portal in 12:12:12 I could see the shifting of what is impossible for any ascended master's because unless they know this.... And have ever been to core, I'm on my own.

Plasma being's and further aknowledgement, hope this helps (level of duality and neutrality)

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All creation is from source, awakened or not, unconsciously we are working beyond dark and light, to achieve this awareness to higher consciousness and awareness within sense's upbeat differential of other race's capability's. Unity from biological body's capability's of emotion's manipulated by our unawakened unaware state's of unity self to cyclical beingness, cyclical beyond to cyclical eternal and cyclical neverless.

Breaking the cycle the brick wall

Neutrality is only a plaine for state's to build gather information and create without the need's of manipulation from any state's emotion's joy to fear, panic to peace able to attain knowledge beyond and become whom we are without letting our guard down meaning as primal state as frozen or hardened by cold, not to be affected by dark entity's not humans, but one's working unparallel over this earth's electromagnetic capability's that have risen out of distorted mechanic's from time space, we do not see them they see us, as angel's do can neutralize our awakening sense's manipulate from light or dark but none of neutrality, they are LIVING OR DEAD meaning within human body's or the other realm's dormant or manipulating.


My wonder of possibility's (level of deception's neutralize my neutrality equaling in deception's trough deception's)

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My ascension, need to see the 3 extremity's. Good, bad, and neutral from Ultaihymæextreme All the time in an extreme. Limitless is how we attain knowledge when the big all extremeties is to none, is when ascended out of body that I never attained. Realization from my death would of been from others point of view from my created fear transformed to joy. Would of been after death dmt influx within body. Attained like I said once I right out of 3 extremities, knowledge from neutral for bad and good until I die that's when I would of been in crucial state 4-5 days up with alchemy I was going the right way. Upawakening is in primal state "robotic" think of extraterrestrials that are a lot more advance than humans... This was seen as one extremitie, fear from there point of view. Prickles was upawakening. Iowakening is after I die and dmt influx connects to core and then final journy of ascension begins walking with body within core and this would of been final stage joy at extreme's. Writting's would of been good instead of creating fear trough that death Realization* would of changed me from neutral to life and deception's of my point of view would of become joy that was happening before and didn't reach the realization, didn't die* With that infinit joy I can attain freely out of body but never completed it in april. Floats out of body clearly without effort. That was from what I learned in april 8th and has clearly some effects that I would of loved to experiance before doing that rerun and having to confront... I was going on my own path others where able to see what mind is capable of. And was my own path. I guess Ill stay in 3rd dimension since I stoped, until january when it'l start after unoticed. It is amazing what you are all at and It was just my begining of something unexplainable. Next time I wont go posting it on other's cooperation because it has confronted dillusions.

So... cocreating. How much outcomes are left for survival? of extinction if someone knows? (Level of duality trying to explain)

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When I'm watching tv or so interacting with information beyond, in my mind, outcomes are portrayed over what is possible of true meaning of my five sense's so unconsciousness listen's to reality and unconscioussly overlap parallel reality's by having sense's aware and visualization's with thought patterns by the third eye conecting parallel reality's of meaning's in my head for new creation. When machine dont run I can picture the pattern of what will happen thankfully haha might sound insane this is hypothese's:   so the tree's are tree earth's parallel from my understanding close to this earth one magma #1 other one hollow #2 and other green plasma #3 let's say... also known as tree's=to humans on each level of # on earth working parallel to this one. each having an accelerator on planet and in mind's pineal. this will be of further work umm... this is mainly how I work when I dont feel it in back of pineal feels alot more less guided but mostly awakening in information from uknown incredible is the human body over analyzation will decide if I keep changing these thoughts or to trow it away. Its my kind of evolution everything happens for a reason so do not take action on this its only for acknowledgement of creating with um what extraterrestrials would have available at higher precision thought process



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