Mario's blog

Interdimensional gates

Mario's picture Thats what happened to me in august my transition when I saide I came close to death and I did not remember anything in part between the time I died I was completly different being and was in an other dimension I remember I was moving so fast spinning around and taking everything in my surrounding till I blacked out and a space in between that time I dont remember where I was yet but in this video it proves possible and with my experience i can say so it is haha remarkable

My transition August playback

Mario's picture

It all began on august 18 close to that date it took about 2 weeks for the process to take on full effect. The first week was a starter up and the second week was an run up of intense abilities constantly unlocking DNA and senses. The weather patterns, earth's grids, electrical grids, the wires on the telephone poles and street lights and the house's electrical system the concepts within it managing from the looking glass, one ability.

What governs everything

Mario's picture

What's the reason behind everything that happens? Have you ever wondered what is divine purpose and why it is so? Does this not make one wonder what could be the possibility for everything happening as it is in this now moment and the past and the future and all the dimensions playing out at Once in this Universal language that we call life in general (Timelines) and all work and happen IN. What happened if we knew? then what ever knew would be looking for something more to KNOW as in god/source/eternal and if we can only learn in the physical and not the metaphysical what is the purpose of This experience? This information this knowledge that we revolve around and governs us and can make us see beyond reality no matter where your at in not only this lifetime but in the MORE. What could be the reason hidden within our cells the DNA and Free will what makes this so and why is it such in a matter of prepositions to help us acquire new info on something that we may or may not have ever experienced with. Don't you ever wonder how everything works, by which I mean what makes it so.

Namaste Be at One

If someone knows plz leave answers below thank you I'm trying to find out the mechanics of this universal knowledge gathering for the higher ups

Let's see how far we can get

Mario's picture


(2) Concepts of new Earth

Nostradamus interceptions

(4) Rally heart uptakes from the many

One concept within the whole

(6) Om Nah moh Nah rah mah nay yahh

Based on beliefs/Based on experience

Now new concepts

(9) Symetrilized new Earth concepts from telepathic communication brought down by Agartha

Time to heal, time to surrender, time to build back upon greatness

(11) Neutrality based concepts brought to the whole perspective command

Are known senses are accumulating new concepts

(13) 1 for 12 in 13 written lines to Neutrality

GRinD Begin synch to new Earth

(15) Arousa mekonaba sinameh norabœñ, Ikèñœarez simoutann, Nikirèz Amouråkoyôñðo, arabë§ simountan. Køràdèze Noyomaketou, Noromoyakou, Iyoundœsrakèñzdôyu, Omala-lesk-domatayo Inez-dontura comalabez Inorkumata, Kamalå§h

Seen past eyes, brought up by intents from long winds, rest assure we are at hand, within tandrum a creation from the rest of the universe.

Monumbanakado rezopritua noramayanèh

(9) Continue from past intents augment senses ceases decrease the amount of time perpetuating the whole command.
Blocks of knowledge hidden within the core concepts of the Universe, awakend to new intraperceptions within the timeline, blood of our ancestors, creators of the universal flow beamed down to us from center core, two left from Infinity based concepts.

Parts passed down by our beloved human eyes and senses acquired trough the sympathy of our lives drilling GRinDiNg to Core Noromasketoúâ.

47 of 39 lines passe by intents of, symetrie.

38 of 49 words passed by lines between symetrie

8 27 4 27 6 27 and 12 47

8 9 4 9 6 9 3 11

83 46 11


11 13 15 (2) 9

2 4 6 (2) 9

Drilling to core, the energies.

Past intents no more up against, rise below the fall to right out the tipidy point of a rock bottom fall.

1's of infinity

Mario's picture

1 of two is 3 of infinity, how many are we, for ones of infinity, 4 6 7 8 one of many 6 to 8 is 12 of infinity

1112 1 12678 is one 12345678 12345678 1 of 3 is 2 of me, how many are we for ones of infinity, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9126810 12 1 3 1 for 8 is 12 of 3, how many are we for ones of infinity, 2468 9 10 11 12 is 3 of 4 to one of infinity 111s 11s 2 of 3 is four of eight how many are we how many are we 111 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 one of 3 is two for me, how many are we for ones of infinity 66241436 6624134 6624 134 662511123 four of 11 is 3 how many are we four 12 to see, 6 of 7 is 1 in many TIME is 11 of four to see, 13 is 12th dimensional train process of 11's to 6 is 8 1124689 10 1 of 2 is 3 of 4 how many are we for ones of infinity 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 6 is 12 of 13 in 4 of me 111 to 4 111 to 4 111 to 4 111 to 4 1 is 3 of 4 in one of me 111 to 6 111 to 6 4 is 3 of 11 in 5 111 to 8 111 to 8 One is twelve in eleven for me 4689 112 13 14 how many are for ones of infinity 11126 11126 is 3 is 3 of 4 to 6, 11 is 5 in one of me how many are we how many are we 11 ss 3 of 4 to 5 12 is 13

Wow long time I didn't here there song I forgot about it from my transition this was times song for contact from extremely intelligent beings able to speak trough me and show me miracles on a constant these codes are extremely fast after a while and what I wright there is only a portion of the speed able to right it all down with the speed it takes to calculate it for me is intense if I could manage it It would become earthquakes, I remember I rememeber YEEHOUU hahaha

Heart content and well being

Mario's picture

Today we would like to speak to you about your heart's and your well being, we have new concepts emerging from your hearts and they are quite large in expansions these keys or codes that will manifest in the upcoming days will bring you new knowledge to wright the concepts of symmetricalized outputs of energies that are occurring within earths new fields. We come in peace and are here now to guide Mario to wright this channeled message he is wrighting as fast as he can... This is Agartha contacts and we have now new imputs on energies flowing trough him the concepts are going to be large on a scale and new info comes from the known symmetrical outputs of your hearts and mind working in conjunction to the infinitys, the infinitys are concepts from our star brothers and sisters and we need them to help us see the new emergences of energies. Every time we connect and channel trough Mario his energies rise to an extent of infinity, his concepts are a large form of matter and takes time and patience. This is the ultaihymaextreme and was created for him to view clearly in augmentational status quo his ability to wright the info we give him. Processing these energies are quite large and to enable full on contact we need to clarify on the needs of your hearts and minds if the needs are in the way of our contact we need to get a clear input of information to grow the connection of our avenues, they are large once again we say large it is because the spherical concepts or higher dimensional traits of thought is clearly as given to those whom need to accel in time the uptakes of energies, "the guardians" of the higher realms they are in nessesity to flow trought us, information gathered from the cosmos, are time here is on an ever expanding scale and this concept might be something new to you. Now we have entered the Ultaihymaextreme lets take time shall we? Ok...


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