strongwings's blog

Please HEAL Cambodia

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Yuuka and i arrived to cambodia few days ago. especially the energy of Phnom Penh city

is ver heavy ( during 1975 - 1979 a genoside took place on these lands)


while we were chanting for the victims of this country Yuuka watched with clearvoyance.

due to what she saw and what we togather experienced we would like to call help of Light people. please send the energy of your first chanting, praying, meditation to victims of genocide of cambodia. 


many of them are attached to anger and hate, and still looking for and waiting for revenge and not leaving the earth. although it is so hard for them now to continue holding due to increasing light energies. your simple praying, chanting, chanelling, will help them greatly to see the light way.


not only the angry souls but people who survived the genoside , who are still living, need deep cleansing and healing.


not only the survivars but the rocks, trees, soil, rivers, lakes, mountains of this country still holding the painful memory.. they all need healing, they need help.


i am sure our star brothers and sisters are working on this area. As light beings of mother earth , we also have to work.


please send your love here brothers and sisters.




Chi Nei Tsang - Cleaning energy blockages - Very very very deep and effective technique

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Chi Nei Tsang


We all the time read in the messages coming from our galactic, angel and spirit families, that we have to cleanse our self from the old negative energies to open up space in us for more unconditional love energy-ascension light .


Those old negative energies made home our organs. They came in with stressful, fearful, hateful, angry feelings, all kind of negative experiences and traumas. They are called energy blockages. They have to be removed and turned into light.


There are many methods of opening (cleansing) energy blockages.

Some of them:


- Chi Nei Tsang (I will talk on that….)

. Vipassana meditation (very affective, very powerful meditation-teaching of Gautama Buddha)

. Intending to be cleansed and meditating with this intention

-Asking from Archangel Michael to send his blue ray for opening our blockages and cleansing us and meditating in this blue light

-Asking from your higher self to open the blockages and meditate in your own essence energy

I am going to be a father YEHAAAAAAAAA YE HAAAAAAAAAA

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according to higher self; she (yes she) had fairy life (lives) and  never been to earth life.

also she is from the same soul family with me.


i think these answers are showing clearly what kind of change is coming on earth and on us. definately the good sign of the heavens/



have anybody read any article about ascention in pregnancy? if nyone can offer more info-knowledge about this subject i will be glad.


oh god i am going to be a father (most prob march 2013


oh GOD!!!!

thank you thank you thank you


i wanted to share with the galactic free press family. ;)

A true ascension story to inspire beginners and still sleeping souls.

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My given name is Gokhan A., but I am not Gokhan A.

I was born in Turkey; so they told me that I was Turkish, but I am not.

I was born in to Islam religion so I was thought only Islam, but I am not Muslim.


Yes, indeed I was Gokhan A., Turkish, Muslim. They were all written on my Turkish Citizen I.D. card so I believed them and lived accordingly for almost 33 years.

I am 33 years old now. I am not Gokhan A., I am not Turkish, I am not Muslim.


So who am I? Where do I belong? What is my religion?


I am Strong Wings. I don’t belong to any government drawn, bordered lands. Because I don’t believe in borders and I absolutely don’t believe in governments and I don’t believe in nationalist history books. I believe religions are to show the direction of oneness to humanity but most of them lost the purity. I don’t need religions anymore because I am ONENESS. I broke out of the Matrix of Illusions. I broke out the energetic prisons. I am awaken and I am ascending. I am ascending with my soul mate Yuuka Shimada. We met just few months ago in India. She had changed my life. She purified me. 

I will tell you. I will tell you how I broke out of the Matrix of Illusions and the energetic prisons. I will tell you about my first and only novel “Gaak and Baap” which is about two soul mates finding each other and ascending and becoming God and Goddess; is becoming truth for me, my soul mate and for rest of humanity, right now. I will tell you what soul mate is and what the feeling at the moment of finding is. I will tell you what waking up and ascending are. I will tell you how it feels to be God and Goddess. I will tell you what is happening to you in the year of 2012 and what will happen on 21st December 2012.

Landing of the first star people :)

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It happened in my dream last night.


first i have seen a second sun shining in the sky .. than i have seen someone landed down on earth by a big parachute (Dont ask why parachute.. i liked it)

i ran over there to see.. an ET star brother was sitting at where he landed, surrounded by wondering people.

i walked fastly to meet him. i stood by him. i said:

are you okay?

 he said :yes

i said * do you need any help?

he said* oh yes


and we people helped him to take his parachute of from his shoulders.

than i shaked his hand hard

than i hugged him hard.

him and i were very emotional.

i whispered* " we have been waiting for this moment too long"




in the morning as soon as i opened my eyes i told to my wife:

Yuuka, star people allready began landing//

and she said* HUH???????????????


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My given name is Gokhan A., but I am not Gokhan A.

I was born in Turkey; so they told me that I was Turkish, but I am not.

I was born in to Islam religion so I was thought only Islam, but I am not Muslim.


Yes, indeed I was Gokhan A., Turkish, Muslim. They were all written on my Turkish Citizen I.D. card so I believed them and lived accordingly for almost 33 years.

I am 33 years old now. I am not Gokhan A., I am not Turkish, I am not Muslim.


So who am I? Where do I belong? What is my religion?


I am Strong Wings. I don’t belong to any government drawn, bordered lands. Because I don’t believe in borders and I absolutely don’t believe in governments and I don’t believe in nationalist history books. I believe religions are to show the direction of oneness to humanity but most of them lost the purity. I don’t need religions anymore because I am ONENESS. I broke out of the Matrix of Illusions. I broke out the energetic prisons. I am awaken and I am ascending. I am ascending with my soul mate Yuuka Shimada. We met just few months ago in India. She had changed my life. She purified me.


Oh, to be Gods and Goddesses…


Yuuka Shimada. She was already a goddess when I met her first time.

I will tell you all…



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My soul brother Guiding Spirit told me in my dream:


Dont doubt of your ability to channel or the power of the energy. Doubt will reduce the effectiveness. Power will reduce.


This msg can be helpfull to all new energy chanellers such as me. I beleive numbers grow.





About World Liberation Day

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My dear friends,


Nowadays almost all of us, even the most blind ones have heard who and how are controlling the world populations, you and me. Few bloodlines called Cabal and their organisation Illuminati and sub organisations such as Bilderberg, CFR, U.N. etc..


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