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Extraordinary ‘Second Sun’ Video, Censored By YouTube! Thursday, July 11, 2013 22:39

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(Before It's News)








This amazing video was shot by an anonymous youtube poster. After I started emailing his video link and the following prophecy to news organizations, his YouTube account was closed within hours. I saved a copy before it was taken down and have now posted it on my channel with most of the coarse language edited out. If they terminate my account or take the video down, it will be reposted on TruTube. The Satanists do not want it known that the Kingdom of Our Lord Jesus Christ is now rising in the earth.

GlaxoSmithKline Chiefs ‘Confess to Bribing Chinese Doctors’

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Posted by sage on July 12, 2013   /   Comments Off

glaxoBy Steve Anderson, The Independent – July 11, 2013

Public Security Ministry announcement says GSK executives paid off healthcare staff to persuade them to prescribe drugs

Executives at the pharmaceuticals giant GlaxoSmithKline have been accused of bribing doctors in China, in a long-running campaign to persuade them to prescribe drugs to patients.

Over 400 Companies who Aren’t Using GMOs in their Products

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Thursday, July 11, 2013 2:59

(Before It's News)

Anthony Gucciardi
Natural Society

gmo project 263x164 Over 400 Companies who Aren’t Using GMOs in their ProductsIf you want to keep eating poison food, you can join the ‘scientists’ who keep spewing Monsanto-funded lies. They are telling us that genetically altered crops are good for us and the environment – that they are, in fact, a necessity to feed the world population. They say all of this, even though we seemed to feed the masses just fine without chemical quackery until about 60 years ago, all while dumping millions of tons of unaltered food right into the trash bin. If however, you believe GMOs are toxic, cancer-causing substances, you have another option.

Mid-2013 Update on Disclosure – Part 2/2

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Posted by Steve Beckow on July 10, 2013   /   Comments Off
Category: Uncategorized  

Welcome_to_Earth(Continued from Part 1.)

Suzanne Lie’s Arcturians tell us that “humans are not yet ready” for Disclosure. (1) They explain what will make us ready: an expansion of  consciousness from embracing only the personal to embracing the planetary.

“As you move into your higher states of consciousness you no longer see yourself as a person. You see yourself as a collective of humanity, then you see yourself as a national consciousness and that’s why nations are going through their throes of battling their darkness.

“And as more and more nations battle their darkness, then these national consciousness move into a planetary consciousness and as a planetary consciousness sweeps through Gaia, then we will be able to land.” (2)

NYC – MTA Gas Test Backfires! New Yorkers Are Angry, And Rightly So! Widespread Health Problems Coming Wednesday, July 10, 2013 4:43

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(Before It's News)

The NYC – MTA subway gas tests, as explained in the videos below, have backfired as New Yorkers are angry having found out what likely health costs the testing brings along with it. For agreeing to ‘participate’ in these tests as human guinea pigs, New Yorkers may now face early menopause, failure of the reproductive organs, thyroid and liver problems and the onset of tumors. Was this ‘test’ AGAINST chemical attacks actually A CHEMICAL ATTACK upon Americans? Now that New Yorkers know the truth about this, what else is the government NOT telling us?

Snowden Reveals Documents: ‘More Intelligent Homo Sapiens Exist Underground’ Tuesday, July 9, 2013 12:51

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Snowden’s testimony was as follows:

“The highest levels of government don’t know what to do about UFOs, and the official story that they are all merely weather balloons or natural phenomena has been clearly dismissed. If anything, these documents speak about UFOs as if they are surely guided by an intelligence beyond our own. As it turns out, the most credible and inexplicable sightings are of vehicles that have been spotted leaving the sea floor at hydrothermal vents and directly entering solar orbit.

“Because ballistic missile tracking systems and deep-sea sonar are kept as state secrets, scientists don’t have access to data about these objects. However, most of the contractors at DARPA are sure that there is a species more intelligent than homo sapiens living in the mantle of the Earth. It makes sense, if you think about it, because that is the only place where conditions have been more or less stable for billions of years. Extremophiles may live at different temperatures than us, but they have been able to thrive and develop intelligence at a seemingly accelerated rate. That’s not true, because they’ve simply evolved at the same rate, but without many of the vicissitudes which set back surface life . . .

“The president receives daily briefings about their activities. Analysts believe their technology to be so far advanced that we stand little chance of survival in any potential war. The general sentiment is that we are but ants from their perspective, so there is little chance they would empathize or attempt to communicate with us, and the current contingency plan is to detonate nuclear weapons in deep caverns to ‘sting’ the foe we have no hope of destroying in hopes it would discourage further attacks.”


Drunvalo Melchizedek - A Must Watch About Our Very Near Future

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Drunvalo Melchizedek - A Must Watch About Our Very Near Future

Posted By: Lion [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 9-Jul-2013 10:46:13



Drunvalo Melchizedek - A Must Watch About Our Very Near Future



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