The Galactic Free Press Newsletter

GFP Newsletter - 8/2/2015

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There comes a moment when nothing is in your mind, not even the question. The question has eaten itself up.

That's what happens in a Zen koan: an absurd question. And why absurd? - for this particular reason: if it is not absurd then the mind will supply an answer. And if the mind supplies an answer, out of that answer ten more questions will arise. And then it will be a regress ad infinitum; there will be no end to it. Hence an absurd question is given to the meditator so that mind cannot supply any answer. If no answer is supplied how long can you go on asking the question, how long? - one year, two years, three years, four, five, six... one gets tired. A moment comes when one is so exhausted with the question and the futility of it all, and one knows there is no answer to it. One day, out of sheer exhaustion, the question slips out of your consciousness. You are left alone, a pure mirror reflecting nothing.

The question has eaten itself; that is koan. The snake has started eating its own tail: now the circle is complete, the perfect circle. The perfect circle has been the symbol of wisdom. The question is the beginning of knowledge, the perfect circle is the symbol of wisdom.


GFP Newsletter - 8/1/2015

will's picture

The beginning of the growth is changing the gestalt from the false self to the real self. The real is already given, it is a God-given gift; the false has to be gathered from people, people who don't know themselves. How can they give you any sense of reality? Beware of it!

The beginning of the inner journey has to start with the question "Who am I?" And it has to become more and more a quest than a question. The question means a superficial curiosity, the quest means a passionate love-affair.


GFP Newsletter - 7/31/2015

will's picture

You see people all over the world growing old, but without growing up. Even in their old age they remain childish deep down, because they never allowed their own real self to grow. They have been piling upon the false self, decorating, bringing more ornaments for the false self, creating new props so it doesn't collapse; but this false self cannot grow. Remember one thing: no false thing can ever grow, it remains stuck. Can you think of a plastic flower growing? The real rose grows, the plastic rose remains as it is. It is dead, how can it grow?

The self that is given to you by others is a dead entity; it cannot grow, it cannot flow. It is a frozen thing! And with that frozen thing you will be imprisoned.

When I look at people, watch their faces and their beings, I am constantly in deep pain seeing them.

Great compassion arises. They could have been beautiful beings but they have remained retarded.


GFP Newsletter - 7/30/2015

will's picture

People are living as if they are closed from everywhere. Their existence is a kind of shut-upness. Their existence is windowless: the sun never penetrates into their beings, nor the wind, nor the rain.

They simply live closed into themselves. They are afraid of coming into the open, because if they come into the open people may change their ideas about them. When they want to cry they laugh, because what will people think? Crying is sissy! They will condemn. They keep a very strong face, the face of steel, and behind this is a child who wants to cry, who wants to play around, who wants to run in the garden after the butterflies, who wants to collect wildflowers. But that they never allow, they remain stiff. They go on repressing the child, and that child is far more valuable than what you are pretending to be because the child is real, authentic. And the people who live in this kind of shut-upness cannot grow, because growth means being in constant communion with existence, being nude with existence, hiding nothing, keeping no secret, remaining available and vulnerable, remaining open to all kinds of risks and dangers. Only then does growth happen.


GFP Newsletter - 7/29/2015

will's picture

Intelligence comes only when you discover yourself. Intelligence is the shadow of that discovery; the great exhilaration that happens when you have stumbled upon yourself face to face, when you have encountered yourself, when you know who you are. Suddenly you are rooted in existence, suddenly you are beyond time. Even death cannot kill you and fire cannot burn you. You are eternal.

In that eternity all fear disappears. And when there is no fear there is freedom. In that beautiful experience of oneself all hankering for possessions disappears, because you possess the very kingdom of God. Now nothing is of worth. In that experience all doubts dissolve. You have come to an absolute rock, and only on this rock can the temple of religion be built. This rock is eternal.

Otherwise whatsoever you are doing is just making sandcastles on the seashore; just a strong gust of wind and all those castles will disappear.

All that you are doing is writing your name on the sand. Time is just sand and nothing else. Time cannot give you any taste of the eternal, and without that taste one remains frightened of death.

The invented self is always afraid, continuously afraid. It lives in fear, it lives in paranoia, it lives in neurosis. The discovered self knows nothing of the abnormal, perverted, neurotic mind. It becomes simple, it becomes ordinary, but that ordinariness is luminous.


GFP Newsletter - 7/28/2015

will's picture

Don't hanker for a self from the outside. It is a wastage of time, and the people can withdraw it at any moment. And their minds are not very stable, they constantly change. Their minds are not very integrated, they cannot retain any state. They don't know of any continuity in their being; they are fragments. One day they will support and praise you, another day they will pull you down and condemn you.

This is what has been happening down the ages, the whole history is full of it. One day they call you great, another they start condemning you. In fact, whomsoever they call great they are bound to condemn. There is a rationale behind it: whomsoever the mediocre person calls great, he starts feeling inferior in comparison to the person he has made great. Nobody likes to feel inferior. Then sooner or later he takes revenge so that he can pull you down and can show you that you are "made of mud as I am made of mud". First they put you on great pedestals, only to pull you down. They enjoy the game very much.

Beware of it! Don't depend on what others say. It is utterly irrelevant. All that matters in the ultimate sense is what you know about yourself.


GFP Newsletter - 7/27/2015

will's picture

The people who were crucifying Jesus were absolutely unaware of the person whom they were confronting. Who was this man that they were killing? They were killing God! They were killing one of the most significant expressions of God on the earth, but they were blissfully unaware.

That's why Jesus said, "Father, forgive these people, because they don't know what they are doing. They don't know me, and what they are killing is their own idea of me. They cannot kill me."

That's why people like Jesus, Socrates, Buddha, are not at all worried about what you think about them. They know themselves; your thinking makes no difference. Your thinking will make a difference to you, but it makes no difference to them. They go on living on their own; they live an authentic life.


GFP Newsletter - 7/26/2015

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Everywhere the society consists of mediocre minds - the middle class, the bourgeoisie; those who have known nothing except chasing after money and power, those who have never seen anything in depth, those who are not aware at all of the vertical dimension of life, those who go on running as fast as they can on the horizontal plane. And then one day they fall in their graves without knowing at all what they have missed, without knowing the glory and splendor of life and existence.

Society consists of the mediocre people, and to adjust yourself to the mediocre people is to become a mediocrity on your own. Beware of it. Watch your steps. The trap is all around and the trap is very alluring because it gives you the cheap satisfaction of being a certain self. And all kinds of selves are available; you can go window-shopping.


GFP Newsletter - 7/25/2015

will's picture

You are not to invent your self. You have to discover it. And discovery means an inward journey. Discovery means not asking the other but asking oneself "Who am I?" asking in one's aloneness "Who am I?" letting this question penetrate deeper and deeper, like an arrow, so that it penetrates your very core - and there, one day, is the revelation.

And the moment you know who you are your whole life is transformed. Your whole life becomes divine because you are gods. Your faces are different, your talents are different, your colors are different, your minds, your conditionings are different, but these are only layers around you; they don't constitute your core. The core is your original face, uncontaminated by the society.

And when you come to know your original face - the face that you had before you were born and the face that you will again have when you have died, the face that has been given to you by God - that face is the greatest experience. Knowing it, one knows all. Not knowing it, you can become very knowledgeable, but you are just hiding your ignorance.


GFP Newsletter - 7/24/2015

will's picture

The most fundamental thing is to know oneself: Who am I. And to know oneself means to discover - because you are already there, you are not to be invented. Whatsoever you invent will be a fiction, will not be truth. And how can you delude yourself? Maybe for one day you can delude yourself, for two days, but for how long? Delusions wear out. They cannot remain against reality forever. Reality goes on asserting.

And there are only two kinds of people in the world: the majority consists of those who invent the self, and a very small minority of those who discover the self. And the difference is vast, the difference is tremendous: they are two worlds apart. A Buddha, a Jesus, a Bahaudin, a Rumi, a Mansur - they discover.

What do I mean by discovery? The first thing to remember is that you already have the self. You are. That needs no proof. That is indubitably there, you cannot even doubt it.

The great European philosopher, Descartes, says, "The only indubitable fact about life is that I am."

Only this cannot be doubted; everything else can be doubted. You can doubt the world; it may not be, it may be just a dream, as Hindus say - that it is maya, an illusion, a dream in God's mind.



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