The Galactic Free Press Newsletter

GFP Newsletter - 6/23/2015

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Each Master has his own way, but the truth is the same forever and forever.

A monk asked, "When I wish to become a Buddha, what then?"
Joshu said, "You have set yourself quite a task, haven't you?"
The monk said, "When there is no effort, what then?"
Joshu said, "Then you are a Buddha already."

YOU ARE TRUTH. There is no need to know about it; you have to be silently listening to it in your inner world. You have to become still, calm and quiet, and suddenly the truth arises in you. Truth is already the case.


GFP Newsletter - 6/22/2015

will's picture

Truth is eternal. Truth is. Truth simply is. It is never new, it is never old, or, it is as old as mountains and as new as the dewdrops on the grass leaves in the early sun. It is both and it is neither; it is both and beyond.

But you cannot arrive at this conclusion only by thinking, you will have to move into experiencing.

Truth has to become an existential phenomenon to you: you have to live it. Only by living it will you be able to know it, not vice versa; not by knowing it will you be able to live it, no.

That's what has been traditionally told to you: know about truth so that you can practise and live it. That is utter nonsense. Live truth so that you can know it. Living comes first, experiencing comes first, and then the shadow falls on your intelligence too and your intelligence can make an understanding out of it.


GFP Newsletter - 6/21/2015

will's picture

Man has existed for centuries; truth has been discovered again and again and again. Many people have reached to the ultimate light; they have expressed it in their own ways. Their languages are different but their message is the same.

It is like, a few people go to see the sunset. One is a painter; he paints it. He is thrilled by the beauty of the sunset. He immediately goes to work - he is lost in his painting, he forgets everything, he has to paint the sunset. It has stirred his whole heart. That is his way of expressing it. Another man, seeing the same sunset, may simply sit silently and watch it. He is also thrilled, but he goes into a deep meditation. You can see the grace on the man's face. You can see that it is not only that the sun is setting, something is disappearing in the man too. Maybe it is the ego that is setting. He has fallen into a deep harmony with the sunset; he is no more separate, he is part of it, part of the whole scene. He has disappeared as a spectator, he has melted into it. And the third may start playing on his flute; the sunset has become a song in him. And the fourth may start dancing. The message is the same, but the mediums are very different.


GFP Newsletter - 6/20/2015

will's picture

A real intelligent person is not clever. When you have intelligence, what need do you have of being clever? Your very life shows your intelligence. The clever person is trying to show that he is intelligent, and only one who is not intelligent tries to show that he is intelligent. Remember it! Only the ugly person tries to show that he is beautiful, and only the ignorant tries to show his knowledge.

The man who knows never tries to show. It is seen by others; it happens on its own accord. When the spring comes and trees bloom, they are not advertising, "Come and see." But their perfume spreads to the winds; people start coming. And if people don't come - because people are so blind, they have lost all sensitivity - then at least bees will come, butterflies will come, birds will come, and that is enough. But they come on their own.

When the perfume is released to the winds people start coming. There is no need to brag about the fact.

The person who is trying to be clever simply shows that he is not clever. He is afraid; if he does not show, he will be caught. If he does not show his knowledge, he will be caught: people may come to know that he is ignorant. Before they come to know he has to make much noise.


GFP Newsletter - 6/19/2015

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Bahaudin gave an address on the principles and practices of the Sufis... There is only one principle, and there is only one practice. What is the principle? The principle is that only God exists. There is no god but God: that is the principle, that is the very seed of Sufism. Only God is - in millions of forms. Forms are different, personalities are different, but deep down, if you go on searching for the innermost core, you will always find God and nothing else. So this is the fundamental principle; all other principles are secondary. This is the cornerstone of the temple of Sufism: God is.

And God cannot be new or old. You cannot use words like "was" in reference to God; you cannot say "God was", you cannot say "God will be". You can use only one tense, the present tense, for God: God is. God always is, so how can it be new or old? Yes, expressions can be old, but not the truth expressed. Bottles can be new but not the wine. What I am saying is only a new bottle for the eternal wine. That's what Bahaudin was saying.


GFP Newsletter - 6/18/2015

will's picture

The politicians have always been stupid; this is nothing new. Otherwise why should they be politicians? They would have been poets, they would have been mystics, they would have been painters, they would have been musicians, they would have been dancers. But when a person cannot be anything, when he has no talents, no intelligence, then, the last possibility is he becomes a politician - because in politics, stupidity is an asset. The more stupid you are, the more is your possibility of reaching to the top - because it needs arrogance, violence. It needs insensitivity, it needs hatred, jealousy, ambition, to reach to the top of the ladder. And it needs utter unintelligence.

Otherwise who should be interested in just becoming a ladder climber? Life has much more to give.

Just sitting under a tree and playing on your flute is far more satisfying than being a president of a country. Just being in love with a woman or a man is far more satisfying than having all the riches of the world and all the power that it can give.


GFP Newsletter - 6/17/2015

will's picture

The professors and the pundits were against Jesus, the great rabbis were against him, the so-called virtuous people were against him. It looks really very paradoxical that he was understood by a prostitute like Mary Magdalene. He was understood by fishermen, woodcutters, villagers, innocent people; and the rabbis? and the professors? and the priests? and the politicians? - they could not see anything in him. They only saw some kind of danger. They only saw that this man's existence could be a beginning of rebellion; it was better to finish this man, it was better to destroy this man, so the seed was destroyed. Otherwise this man would bring chaos. That's what they are seeing again in me. In fact, they have started becoming afraid.


GFP Newsletter - 6/16/2015

will's picture

I am NOBODY'S imitation. I am not here imitating Christ or Krishna or Buddha or Mahavira. I am living in my own way. I have to sing my song.

So if you listen to the songs, just to the words of the songs, they will be different, and then they cannot be compared and that is true; but if you listen to the soundless source of the songs, if you go deeper into the music of the songs, into the rhythm of it, then you will find the same rhythm, the same music, the same melody. Words are different: Krishna was speaking in Sanskrit, Mahavira was speaking in Prakrit, Buddha was speaking in Pali, Jesus was speaking in Aramaic. Now, I cannot speak in Aramaic and I cannot speak in Pali. That would be utterly meaningless. Even if I could speak, with whom would I speak? What would be the point of it?

I speak the language that can be understood, and I speak in the metaphors that can be understood.

In that sense - if you look at the personality, at the form, of a certain Master - no Master can be compared to anybody else, because personalities cannot be compared. But if you look at the deepest core, not at the circumference but at the center of the cyclone, then all Masters are one.


GFP Newsletter - 6/15/2015

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When you drop your mask, when you drop your personality, when you look inwards, when you see the inner sky, then who is Rajneesh and who is Mahavira? Then who is Jesus and who is Abraham? Then who is Gorakh and who is Adinath? All have disappeared; it is the one truth.


GFP Newsletter - 6/14/2015

will's picture

In time there is a sequence - the father precedes the son, never otherwise - but in the world of eternity nothing is preceded by anything; all simply is. There, distinctions, distinctions of time, disappear; only one remains...

Essentially, there is only one truth. Lies are many, truth is one. Diseases are many, health is one.



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