The Galactic Free Press Newsletter

GFP Newsletter - 7/13/2015

will's picture

I condemn all those scriptures which have condemned women as the source of evil. Those scriptures are the source of evil!


GFP Newsletter - 7/12/2015

will's picture

In the first place, I have no philosophy of life. All that I am teaching to my people is to live without a philosophy of life - to just live! I am teaching life, not a philosophy of life!

Secondly, I am not teaching any doctrine, any dogma. I am not teaching thinking. On the contrary, I am teaching my people how to be without thought, how not to be in the thinking, how to disappear from the world of thinking, how to be utterly silent so not even a single thought moves in your mind.

When the screen of the mind is utterly empty, when the projector of thinking has stopped functioning, meditation arises. And meditation is the door to God.


GFP Newsletter - 7/11/2015

will's picture

Democracy means everybody has the right to think in his own way, to live in his own way.

Democracy means that the government is not going to impose its own ideology on everybody, that the government will keep away from interfering in people's freedom.

What I am saying, what I am, has nothing to do with [Morarji Desai] or his government. But this is how it happens to every politician: when he is out of power he talks about democracy; when he is in power he becomes a fascist. Morarji Desai is another illustration of Lord Acton's famous statement: Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Just within one and a half years he has forgotten all about democracy? It always happens.

It is something strange that power changes people. My own observation is that power does not change them, in fact, but only exposes them. It brings whatsoever is real in their being to the surface. When a person is not in power, he cannot be fascist; he has to hide that trait. He cannot be arrogant, he has to create a facade around himself so nobody comes to know about it; otherwise he will never be able to get into power. Once he gets into power, then there is no need; he is no more afraid of the people, now he is in power. Now he can do whatsoever he always wanted to do but was not capable of doing.


GFP Newsletter - 7/10/2015

will's picture

I create inquiry here, not an inquiry that can ever be satisfied by anybody else, even I cannot satisfy it. I simply give you a thirst; I make you more and more thirsty. One day that very thirst will take you into your innermost shrine.

There truth waits for you. There God abides.


GFP Newsletter - 7/9/2015

will's picture

Curiosity is good as a triggering point for a quest, but there are many people who simply remain curious their whole life. Their life is a wastage; they are rolling stones - they never gather any moss.

They remain childish, they never become mature. They ask a thousand and one questions, but they are not really interested in answers. By the time you have answered them, they have prepared another question. In fact, when the Master is answering the question, if the disciple is only a curious one, he is already thinking about other questions to ask. He is not listening to the answer at all. He is not interested in the answer, he has enjoyed asking the question.

And then your curiosity can get you hooked on something utterly nonsensical. There are people who are curious as to who made the world. Now this is utter nonsense. Buddha said it so many times, that "How is it going to affect your life? It is not going to deepen your meditation, it is not going to help you become enlightened, it is not going to give you freedom, it is not going to give you any light; why are you concerned with who made the world?" Whether it was A or B or C, a Christian God, a Hindu God or a Mohammedan God, how does it matter to you? Even if it is decidedly known that A made the world, what are you going to do then? Then you will start asking something else; that question is finished.

But these questions are never finished, because these questions are utterly meaningless, absurd - so they are never finished. One can go on asking and asking and asking, and the whole life can become just a wastage.


GFP Newsletter - 7/8/2015

will's picture

Curiosity is good, curiosity is beautiful, but don't stop at it. It is a good beginning, but not the end, because curiosity always remains lukewarm. It is an intellectual gymnastics.

It is good to be curious because that is how one starts the journey of inquiry into existence; but if one simply remains curious, then there will be no intensity in it. One can move from one curiosity to another - one will become a driftwood - from one wave to another wave, never getting anchored anywhere.

Curiosity is good as a beginning, but then one has to become more passionate. One has to make life a quest, not only a curiosity. And what do I mean when I say one has to make one's life a quest?

Curiosity creates questions, but your life never becomes a quest. Questions are many, a quest is one. When some question becomes so important to you that you are ready to sacrifice your life for it, then it is a quest. When some question has such importance, such significance that you can gamble, that you can stake all that you have, then it becomes a quest.


GFP Newsletter - 7/7/2015

will's picture

We are so obsessed with the idea of the right. No wrong should ever be committed. Why not?

And the person who never commits any wrong never grows. Growth needs that you should go astray sometimes, that you should start playing around, fooling around, that you should find original things - they may be wrong; and you should come to the right by your own efforts, by your own growth; then there is intelligence.

To be simple means to be intelligent. Simplicity is intelligence, living without ideals, without guides, without maps, just living moment to moment without any security.

Our concern with the right and our fear of the wrong is nothing but our fear of the insecure. The right makes us secure, the wrong makes us insecure, but life is insecurity. There is no security anywhere.

You may have a bank balance, but the bank can go bankrupt any day. You may have the security of having a husband or a wife, but the wife can leave you any moment, she can fall in love; or the husband may die.

Life is insecure. The security is only an illusion that we create around ourselves, a cozy illusion. And because of this cozy illusion we kill our intelligence. The man who wants to live simply will have to live in insecurity, will have to accept the fact that nothing is secure and certain, that we are on an unknown journey, that nobody can be certain where we are going and nobody can be certain from where we are coming.


GFP Newsletter - 7/6/2015

will's picture

Watch children and you will be constantly surprised. But we just start destroying their intelligence because we are too concerned about the right answer - not the intelligent answer, but the right answer. That is a wrong concern. Let the answer be intelligent, let the answer be a little bit original, let the answer be the child's own. Don't be bothered about the right, don't be in such a hurry; the right will come on its own. Let the child search for it, let him stumble upon it on his own. Why are we in such a hurry?

We simply drop the child's growth of intelligence; we supply the right answer. Just think, the whole process is that the child is never allowed to find the answer himself. We give him the answer. When the answer is given from the outside, intelligence need not grow, because intelligence only grows when it has to find the answer itself.


GFP Newsletter - 7/5/2015

will's picture

Look at small children, how intelligent they are, how alive, how fresh, how tremendously ready to learn. And look at older people, dull, insipid, not ready to learn a thing, clinging to all that they know, clinging to the known, never ready to go in any adventure.


GFP Newsletter - 7/4/2015

will's picture

Intelligence is not something that a few have and a few don't have. Intelligence is the fragrance of life itself. Life has it - if you are alive you are intelligent - but then if you never trust in it it starts slowly, slowly disappearing from your life. If you don't use your legs you will lose the capacity to run.

If you don't use your eyes for three years and you remain with a blindfold you will become blind. You can keep your senses alive only if you go on continuously using them.

Intelligence is a natural phenomenon; every child is born intelligent. Very few people live intelligently, and very few people die intelligently. Ninety-nine point nine percent of people remain stupid their whole life - and they were not unintelligent in the beginning. So what happens? They never use their intelligence. When they are small children they trust their parents and their guidance.

In a better world the parents, if they really love their children, will teach them to trust their own intelligence. In a better world the parents will help the children to be independent as soon as possible, to be on their own.



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