The Galactic Free Press Newsletter

GFP Newsletter - 5/24/2015

will's picture

The most fundamental stupidity is that one cannot see it. When you start seeing your unintelligence, intelligence is arising in you. When you start recognizing your confusion you are becoming clear.


GFP Newsletter - 5/23/2015

will's picture

"Who am I?" That is the only religious question; all other questions are false. And if you have asked the one question, the basic question, the answer is hidden in the question itself.

If you go on asking deep inside yourself, "Who am I?" and you don't accept any false answer given by the mind, from the labels attached to you - that you are this or that, a Hindu, Mohammedan, communist, Catholic, man, woman, beautiful, ugly, old, young, body, mind - if you don't accept any answer given by the mind and you go on asking and asking, and the question penetrates your heart like an arrow and goes deeper and deeper to the ultimate core, there, suddenly, is the explosion.

Not that you will hear a voice saying who you are; there is nobody. But you have come to your source; you have tasted it, you have known it, you have experienced it. And with that one question solved, all questions disappear. That one experience is the experience of God. It liberates. It is truth.

Truth is in your being, but you can find it only by becoming a quest, an intense, passionate longing to know yourself.

Drop all other unnecessary questions. Only one question is relevant: Who am I?


GFP Newsletter - 5/22/2015

will's picture

Meaning is in life, not in words. Meaning is in living, not in scriptures. Meaning is in love, not in the word "love". Meaning is in loving.

Change the gestalt: that is the message of the story. Change your mind from words to life itself. Become more existential.


GFP Newsletter - 5/21/2015

will's picture

You have to take every care - with whom you are talking, what you are saying, what it is going to become in him; because what you say is not the point, what will be heard is the point. What you give is not the point, what will be received is the point. And it is not necessary that whatsoever is given will be received. In this very exchange, things change. One thing is said, another thing is heard; one thing is given, another thing reaches.


GFP Newsletter - 5/20/2015

will's picture

The real Master will not talk about light but will try in every way to remove the blindfold. But the problem is: you may resist, because you may think that your blindfold is a protection to our eyes.


GFP Newsletter - 5/19/2015

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Mrs. Smith's husband was of a nervous disposition and somewhat inclined towards hypochondria. From time to time he would be taken with strange ailments which for some reason or another never developed into anything fatal. But one morning, just at breakfast time, it appeared that Mr. Smith's time had come. He staggered out of his bedroom with ashen face and terror-stricken eyes. His body was bent forward in the shape of a parenthesis.

"Ah, Carrie! " he wailed, "it has come just like expected. I am due to be an invalid the rest of my days."

"Henry!" shrieked Mrs. Smith. "What on earth has happened?"

"It came on while I was dressing. All of a sudden I found that I could not lift my head. I could not straighten up. Now I feel that I am actually being drawn double."

"Are you in great pain?"

"No, no pain at all - it is probably paralysis! Run for a doctor! "

Mrs. Smith flew. In a few moments she was back with the family physician, and entering the room where her husband lay, she stood by wringing her hands while the doctor made an examination. Suddenly the doctor's shoulders began to quiver and heave.

"Ah, doctor, is there any hope?"

"Why yes, Mrs. Smith, there is," said the doctor presently. "In fact, his condition should improve rapidly after he has unhitched the third buttonhole of his vest from the top button of his trousers. "

All your problems are like that. Sometimes a very small problem is magnified by your ego, because the ego always likes big things. It lives on big things, it is not interested in small things.


GFP Newsletter - 5/18/2015

will's picture

Sometimes - and it happens to almost all - you become puzzled by such stupid things that later on you will laugh at yourself. You will find it very ridiculous - why had you become so interested in such a thing?

Just watch your own questions. How many of them are just useless? and why do you go on pondering over them? and why do you go on feeding them with your energy? Why do you go on carrying their load? Just watch for twenty-four hours, take note. You will be surprised - ninety-five percent of the load can be dropped right now, and you will feel such great freedom.

But the problem is that the ego always wants some problems. It exists through problems. If there is a problem to solve, the ego has some work to do. If there is no problem to solve, the ego has nothing to do; and when there is nothing to do the ego starts dying. The ego is a great doer.

That's why all real Masters in the world have been telling you: meditation is nothing but a state of non-doing, a state of passivity. Sitting silently, doing nothing, and the spring comes, and the grass grows by itself. Meditation is not something which you have to do, it is something which you have to be. It is a state of non-doing, it is a state of utter receptivity. Only then, the ego dies.


GFP Newsletter - 5/17/2015

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You go to a Master and you want something without risking anything at all. And nothing can be attained without risk. You have to pay for everything. And when you want truth, you have to pay with your totality, with your whole being.


GFP Newsletter - 5/16/2015

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Now, a Sufi is just the opposite of a philosopher. A Sufi is one who is not concerned with words at all. A Sufi is one who is not interested in scriptures at all. A Sufi is one who is interested in going into existence itself. He does not want to bother about the word "beauty", he wants to experience beauty itself. He is not concerned about the word "water", he is thirsty and he wants to drink water. His interest is in drinking, his interest is existential.


GFP Newsletter - 5/15/2015

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What is the meaning of love? You can go into the dictionary and you can find many meanings of love - profane love and sacred love, and the love of the mother for the child, and the love of the husband for the wife, and the love of the disciple for the Master - you can have all those meanings in the dictionary. But unless you taste something of love, unless you fall in love yourself, unless you become soaked with love, unless your heart throbs with love, your heart sings with love, unless you feel the dance of love happening within you, you will not know the real meaning. The meaning has to be existential.



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