The Galactic Free Press Newsletter

GFP Newsletter - 4/14/2015

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A divided person is a miserable person, and a divided person is in constant turmoil; he is in a civil war, fighting with himself. And all your politicians and priests want you to continue fighting with yourself so that they can go on exploiting you, so you don't have enough energy to fight with them.

If you are fighting with yourself you can't have energy enough to be rebellious. This is the basic strategy which has been perpetuated down the ages by all kinds of exploiters: divide the man and rule. And they have divided you in two: the outer and the inner, the lower and the higher, the good and the bad, the actual and the ideal, the earthly and the heavenly, the worldly and the other-worldly.

They have divided everything. You are living in thousands of fragments.

Drop all these divisions. See it: that these divisions are your enemies. Renounce these divisions, become utterly one.

And what is the way to become one? Just accept your actuality. There is no other reality. You are the reality. Accept your reality, and in that very acceptance, grace descends. In that very acceptance, intelligence arises, because you accumulate so much energy. Not fighting, energy goes on and on; you become a reservoir of energy. And energy is delight. And great energy is great delight.


GFP Newsletter - 4/13/2015

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Man is unawareness, and man need not be. Man can become a light of awareness. And only when you are a light of awareness is your life worth living, is your life LIFE; otherwise you are simply dragging, somehow managing, pulling. It is ugly, it is desert-like. It has not known anything worth knowing. It has not seen beauty, it has not experienced good, it has not been able to touch anything that is sacred. It has not come across truth; it cannot - if you remain unaware.

The only thing needed is to wake up.

And remember, you can even dream that you are awake, and many are doing that too. Have you not dreamed sometimes that in the dream you think you are awake and that you are going to the office?

And then your wife comes and pulls you out of your bed and says, "What are you doing? And you are getting late, you have to go to the office, and it is not Sunday." Then you jump out of the bed, then you become aware that you were dreaming. That dream was a trick of the mind.


GFP Newsletter - 4/12/2015

will's picture

Sherlock Holmes, that master detective, was sitting in his favorite chair smoking his pipe and reading a book when he heard a knock at the door. It was his loyal friend and assistant, Doctor Watson.

"Ah, good morning, Watson. Don't you find it a bit warm to be wearing your red flannel underwear"

Doctor Watson was astonished by this brilliant stroke of deductive logic. "Holmes," Doctor Watson said, "how on earth did you guess that I was wearing my red flannel underwear?"

"Elementary, my dear Doctor Watson. You forgot to put your pants on. "

People are moving without pants - without awareness of what they are doing, of what they are not doing, of where they are going; and when you tell them the truth, they think you have revealed something great, "a great experiment in deductive logic".

Buddhas have been telling you simple truths. No logic is involved at all. Just looking at you is enough: you are not wearing pants! But you go on believing that you are wearing pants.


GFP Newsletter - 4/11/2015

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Truth always shocks, because we have lived so much in lies that whenever a fragment of truth, even a fragment, reaches into our hearts, it is an electric shock. One is stoned, one cannot even breathe for a moment.


GFP Newsletter - 4/10/2015

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A man who had a few drinks too many fell from a fifth floor window.

Soon a crowd of people had gathered around him. Then a policeman came along, pushed his way through the crowd and said, "What is going on here?"

"I don't know," said the drunk. "I have only just got here myself."

This is the situation that you are in: fallen from some unknown, from the blue, not knowing at all from where you are coming. And if you don't know from where you are coming, how can you know where you are going? Still you think there is great purpose in life; Still you think that your life is meaningful.

You are deceiving yourself.

And you have got all that is needed for you to know, but you are not using it. You have got the guitar but you are not playing it, so the music is not heard. You have got the potential of being aware, which can reveal all the secrets of - from where you are coming and where you are going and who you are, but you have not been digging into it; and that is the first thing any intelligent person will do.


GFP Newsletter - 4/9/2015

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A Zen Master asked a newcomer, "From where are you coming?" and the newcomer said, "The trees are green, and flowers have bloomed, and it is tremendously beautiful here." Now this is the answer of one who knows. The man is saying, "I am not coming from anywhere; I have always been here. "

Raman Maharshi was dying, and the disciples started crying and weeping, naturally. Raman opened his eyes and he said, "Why are you crying?" One disciple asked, "Bhagwan, where will you be going?" Raman said, "What nonsense are you talking about? I am going to be here. I have not come from anywhere and I am not going anywhere. I have always been here and I will always be here. "

Because the innermost core is eternal, it never comes, never goes. It has no birth, no death. If you know, then your answer will be this.


GFP Newsletter - 4/8/2015

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Renouncing is based on a false logic that the world is responsible. You can renounce the world and you can go to the Himalayas, but you will be the same person there. How can you leave your mind? You have only left the outer situation, and the inner is with you; it will again create the outer situation. It is not going to help.


GFP Newsletter - 4/7/2015

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How can a man of understanding condemn women? - they have not done anything to you. But there are scriptures and so-called saints who have been declaring down the ages that the woman is the door to hell. These people must have been in a very perverted state. It is your lust. Rather than understanding the ways of lust, the ways of greed, the ways of possessiveness, the ways of jealousy, you throw the responsibility on the poor woman. And where is the poor woman going to throw the responsibility? Women have not been allowed to write scriptures, otherwise they would have thrown it on the man. Man has been very cunning. He has not allowed them to read scriptures, to write scriptures; no, not at all. They have been kept completely ignorant. Otherwise they would write, "The man is responsible; man is the door to hell. " That would hurt your so-called saints very much.

Nobody is responsible for whatsoever you are. Only you are responsible. This is the beginning of real spirituality.


GFP Newsletter - 4/6/2015

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In the beginning it hurts. It hurts because when you see the stupidity of your behavior - that your misery is created by yourself - it hurts. It always feels good and nice that somebody else is responsible for your misery, what can you do? The moment you see that you have been slapping your own face, nobody is slapping you, then it looks very stupid to continue. Then it seems meaningless to go on crying and complaining, "Why am I being beaten?" - and you are slapping yourself. If you don't want to be beaten, don't slap yourself.


GFP Newsletter - 4/5/2015

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This Order of the Sufis called the "Blameworthy" say, "I am responsible, all blame is mine." Just for a moment let this thought sink into your heart: I am responsible. Then suddenly two things start happening in you: one, if I am responsible, then change is possible; second, if I am responsible, then there is no point in blaming others and constantly quarreling. And then there is no point in waiting for the whole world to change.



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