The Galactic Free Press Newsletter

GFP Newsletter - 4/4/2015

will's picture

A great teacher is one who uses all kinds of living situations to provoke awareness in you - but then there are bound to be problems. Then society feels angry. It is perfectly happy if you go on talking about the Koran, the Bible, the Vedas, because it doesn't do anything in the world; the reality remains the same, the vested interests remain the same. Nothing is harmed; on the contrary, all this spiritual talk helps the vested interests. It is safer if people are religious, because the so-called religious people are afraid people. They can't make any revolution, they can't move in any rebellion.

They can't disobey, because all these religious teachers and commentators go on teaching them the beautiful world of absolute obedience, conformity, contentment. They always go on teaching you how to become imitators, they don't teach you how to become authentic.

The authentic person will always be in conflict with the vested interests. If he wants to be authentic and true, he is bound to come in conflict with a false society. With whatsoever is false, he is bound to come in conflict.


GFP Newsletter - 4/3/2015

will's picture

What is the meaning of "the great teacher"? The ordinary teacher only indoctrinates you, he gives you information. In the school, college, the university, that's what the teachers go on doing: they simply give you information, they feed you knowledge. Their whole function is to transfer knowledge from the older generation to the newer generation. They function as mediators between the going generation and the coming generation. They are agents of the past.

That's why your whole education system is always orthodox, conventional, conformist. It is never revolutionary. That's why revolution has not happened up to now, because revolution can happen only through education, only through right education. And your education is wrong education; it is mis-education.

Why is it wrong? It is wrong because it perpetuates the past against the future. It is wrong because it perpetuates the dead against the living. It is wrong because it goes on molding small children into patterns that their fathers and forefathers have decided. It is wrong because these children will not be living in the same world in which their fathers and forefathers had lived, so they will always be misfits. They are prepared for something, for some world, which exists no more.


GFP Newsletter - 4/2/2015

will's picture

Drop all kinds of idealisms; that's the revolution I am initiating you into. You have to forget the future, you have to forget what should be. You have to only watch that which is; and that can be done right now, you need not postpone it. At any moment you can watch what you are. Don't condemn, because if you condemn then you cannot watch. Don't judge; if you judge you have already taken a prejudice. Don't be in a hurry to conclude. Life never comes to a conclusion; it cannot, because there is no death. It goes on and on, it is an eternal process, it never comes to a conclusion. Only stupid people come to conclusions.

The intelligent person goes on moving, flowing, growing. There is no end to it; even the sky is not the limit. The intelligent person goes on learning. He is a learner, and a learner forever. He never becomes knowledgeable.


GFP Newsletter - 4/1/2015

will's picture

If you become really alert about your stupidity, the one who has become alert is no longer stupid. Stupidity is left out. You have become awareness, you have become a witness; and out of this witnessing another kind of life arises which has beauty, which has benediction, which has a grace of its own. But it is arduous to be watchful; it is easier to have ideals.

Drop all ideals. Don't try to become somebody that you are not. On the contrary, just watch whatsoever you are. Watch the fact, don't create a fiction against it; otherwise you will always be divided. You will remain the fact and you will start believing in the fiction - that's the meaning of hypocrisy. Your reality goes on persisting in the same way, and just on the surface you have a painted mask. That is not going to help; that has not helped humanity up to now.

The new man is possible only if we drop all kinds of idealisms. Hindu, Christian, Mohammedan, Communist, Gandhian - all kinds of idealisms have to be dropped. The moment you drop all kinds of idealism, suddenly you have dropped your schizophrenia; you are not two, you are one. You are simply whatsoever you are. Then you have the innocence of a tree, the innocence of an animal, the innocence of a bird, and something more: the consciousness of a human being. And the meeting of the innocence of a bird and the consciousness of a human being creates the Buddha. Buddhahood is nothing but innocence plus consciousness.


GFP Newsletter - 3/31/2015

will's picture

Meditation means you are so conscious of whatsoever you are doing; in that very consciousness the quality of doing changes. You need not have ideals. Ideals are simply postponing the revolution, the mutation.

Just a few days before somebody was asking me, "I feel I am stupid. What can I do to become intelligent?" Now, I had to tell him that if a stupid person tries to become intelligent, he will remain stupid. At the most he will become an intellectual, but never intelligent.

That's how intellectual people are: hiding their stupidity behind words, knowledge, information. If a stupid person tries to be intelligent, how can he become intelligent? In the first place, he will be doing everything out of his stupidity; and when you do something out of your stupidity your stupidity is going to be strengthened. But he can do one thing: he can gather information, he can gather knowledge, he can start having an illusion of knowing through knowledge. That's how people become pundits, scholars, learned professors; that's how it happens, but the stupidity remains there.

In their very foundation, the stupidity goes on remaining as an undercurrent. They just have a good show on the outside; deep down they are still stupid.

Then what to do? How to get out of stupidity? The only way is, watch your stupidity. Go into its working, its mechanism. Go into how you act, go watchfully into it. See it, how it is there, how it affects your behavior. Watch it in its multidimensional reality, and in that very watching you are becoming intelligent - because watching is intelligence.


GFP Newsletter - 3/30/2015

will's picture

The violent man cannot become non-violent by any effort. Then is there no possibility? Yes, there is a possibility, but it is not through effort, not through will, not through practicing being other than you are. The possibility is by becoming aware.

Rather than trying to be non-violent, become aware of your violence, of how your violence functions.

See the roots of it. Go deep into it, into how it arises, into how it permeates your being and your activities. Watch violence, and in the very watching, becoming aware of it, you will be surprised: it starts disappearing.

Nobody can be consciously violent: this is a fundamental law, the secret. Nobody can be consciously violent; so all that is needed is to bring consciousness, to become more conscious, to become more meditative. Nobody can be meditatively angry; that is not possible.


GFP Newsletter - 3/29/2015

will's picture

Those who are moving on the path have to be aware of this stupid ideological camouflage. It is very easy to have beautiful ideals. And you will be surprised if you watch people: if you know their ideals you can be certain that they will be just the opposite of their ideals. Knowing their ideals, you can deduce logically that their life must be the very opposite of it. The ideal only proves that there is something that they are hiding behind it.

A conscious person has no ideals at all. A conscious person lives through his consciousness. He is one; his inner and outer are not divided.

But all kinds of idealism divide the outer and the inner. It does not allow you to be natural, spontaneous; it forces you to be something other than you are. It gives you shoulds - you should do this, you should do that. Because of those shoulds you start believing that you are aspiring very high, that you are soaring very high: "Look what beautiful ideals I have got" and behind that empty talk your reality is just the opposite. The greedy person wants to become non-greedy. The angry person wants to become compassionate. The unloving person has the ideal of love. All the religions talk about love, and all that they do on the earth is create hate. All the nations of the world talk about peace, and all that they do is prepare for war.

See it. This is what we have become: pseudo, hypocrites.


GFP Newsletter - 3/28/2015

will's picture

AUM represents your waking consciousness, your dreaming consciousness, your sleeping consciousness, and the beyond - the turiya - the fourth state, where one becomes Bhagwan, where one becomes Christ, Buddha, where one is one with totality. It is a tremendously important formula; it contains the whole metaphysics of the East. But it is not a mantra. Please never repeat it. Repeating won't help; it will deceive you. Try to understand it, and then start becoming more and more aware of your waking consciousness. Walking on the road, walk with full awareness, knowing that you are walking. Then slowly, slowly transform every act into awareness.

De-automatize every act.


GFP Newsletter - 3/27/2015

will's picture

MAN IS UNCONSCIOUS, ALTHOUGH HE BELIEVES HE IS CONSCIOUS. That very belief protects his unconsciousness. Man is ignorant, although he believes he knows. That very belief keeps the ignorance intact. Man is just the opposite of what he thinks he is. To understand this is the beginning of a great revolution.

To see where you are, what you are in actuality, needs courage. It is nice to believe in beautiful ideals. All ideals function only for one thing: they hide your reality; that's why we go on creating beautiful ideals. Not that we are really interested in those great ideals; our real interest is how to hide the ugly facts.


GFP Newsletter - 3/26/2015

will's picture

And the Indian masses are very much against anybody declaring himself Bhagwan because then a great competition arises. This has always been so. Mohammedans don't want anybody to declare that he is the prophet of God. Why? Because if he is the prophet of God, then he is the latest prophet of God: then Mohammed is just an antique model. Then Mohammed can be discarded. So they have decided that there will no more be any prophet of God; Mohammed is the last.

Why? Has God gone bankrupt since then? Has he abandoned humanity since then? Has he nothing to say to humanity again? He stopped with Mohammed? Why? Why didn't he stop before?

For Christians he stopped before, with Christ; he is the only begotten son. But why didn't he stop before Christ? He stopped for the Jainas, he stopped with Mahavira; he is the last teerthankara.

And so on, so forth. Each religion wants his prophet, his teerthankara, his messiah, his godman, to be the last. So whenever somebody becomes the blessed one and declares it, all other religions will be against him.

How can God be finished? God is creativity. He will go on creating more and more Buddhas. They will be coming, they will be coming forever and ever.



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