The Galactic Free Press Newsletter

GFP Newsletter - 3/5/2015

will's picture

Don't sacrifice the present moment for anything, for any philosophy, theology, for any politics, ideology. Don't sacrifice your present moment for any nation, for any church, for any race. Don't sacrifice your present moment, don't sacrifice at all, celebrate and if you celebrate this moment, the next moment will become one of more celebration. And slowly, slowly, when your whole life is a song, that is the transformation.

These ten thousand years, humanity has lived in a kind of nightmare, but now things have come to a climax and something is going to happen, something tremendously important is going to happen.

Either man is going to die utterly, if you go on following the past then you are doomed, or, and there is every possibility that humanity will not decide to commit suicide, there is every possibility that now things have come to such an end that humanity will decide to take a new route.


GFP Newsletter - 3/4/2015

will's picture

The priest, the politician, the pundit have created a hell here, and because they have created a hell you have started believing in hell. And the more you believe in hell, the more you participate in creating it.

This life has to be lived with as much joy as the birds are living it. Have you seen a bird on the wing? Just joy on the wing! Or have you seen a rose opening its petals? Joy opening its petals! Have you seen a river rushing to the ocean? Joy rushing to the ocean! Except for man, have you ever seen misery anywhere? The trees are blessed because they don't have these three poisoners; the birds are blessed. The snake in the Garden of Eden who poisoned Eve and Adam's consciousness must have been all these three together: he must have been a politician, a priest and a pundit. Beware of the snakes! And the problem is that they have dominated your mind so long that you don't think they are enemies. In fact, on the contrary, people like me look like enemies - because I go against your conditioning.


GFP Newsletter - 3/3/2015

will's picture

And the third thing that has been used is fear. You have been made afraid - of hell, of punishment.

And the other side of it is, you have been made very greedy for paradise, heaven, and the joys and the pleasures there: "You will be awarded greatly if you follow the priest; if you don't follow the priest you will be punished very badly, horribly. "

Man has become fear-oriented. No child is born fear-oriented. You can watch any child - he can even play with a snake, he has no fear. He can even play with fire, he has no fear. The child comes into the world as fearlessness, but we impose fear. The child, every child, is love-oriented, and every so-called grown-up is fear-oriented.

I would like you to again become love-oriented. Drop all fears, there is nothing to be afraid of. There is no hell, don't be worried about it; and there is no heaven so don't become greedy for it. All that is, is herenow. This moment contains all hell, all heaven. And it depends on you: if you enjoy, rejoice, if you are in deep love with life, if you can celebrate, you are in paradise. If you cannot enjoy, if your sources of celebration have been poisoned, if you have such heavy chains on your feet and your hands and you cannot dance with life, then you are in hell.


GFP Newsletter - 3/2/2015

will's picture

There are three more things which have been used as a strategy to destroy your freedom; they are secondary. The most basic is substituting the false for the real, but these three are also there.

The second is: creating a division in man, making man split because whenever you are divided you become weak. Naturally, you start fighting with yourself. Then you cannot fight with the society, then you cannot fight with the prison. The prisoner is in such an inner conflict constantly - from where will he gather enough energy to break through the wall? It will not be possible.

So another trick has been played upon you: you have been divided. You have been told your body is separate from your soul; you have been told God is separate from the world; you have been told the other world is the real world and this world is a false world, maya, illusion.

For at least ten thousand years a deep schizophrenic philosophy has been taught - divide. The moment you become divided, split, you are lost, because your right hand starts fighting with your left hand. Then both your hands are engaged, and the politician can exploit you, the priest can exploit you, the pundit can exploit you. Both your hands are engaged - you cannot defend, you cannot rebel.

My message to you is: there is only one world, this is the only world. This earth, this very earth, is paradise. I teach you to be earthly, to be earthy, because there is nothing else, there is no other world. That other world is an invention of the priest. Your body and soul are one unity; it is all one.

Don't fight with your body, don't try to be separate from your body, otherwise you will remain a victim.


GFP Newsletter - 3/1/2015

will's picture

Society does not want you to become a light unto yourself, because if you become a light unto yourself you will not follow all kinds of nonsense that you have been following up to now. And there are people who have a great vested interest in your unconsciousness. Hence your schools, colleges and universities create unconsciousness; they don't create consciousness. They create efficient robots. They give you knowledge but not wisdom, and wisdom is the real thing. Knowledge is a false, synthetic, man-manufactured thing, but knowledge looks like wisdom - and there is the danger. The plastic flower looks like the real rose and that is where the danger is. If you have not seen a real rose for a long time you may start thinking that this is a real rose - because all that you have come across again and again has been a plastic flower.

Hence Jesus is crucified; Jesus is a real rose. He had to be crucified. Otherwise others would have started comparing, and they would have come to know that what they had been carrying as a real rose was not a real rose; it was a synthetic, plastic flower. They would have thrown it! Socrates had to be poisoned because he was trying to make people more aware.

When a person is aware he does not become disorderly, but his order comes from his own being.

He is nobody's slave, he is his own master.


GFP Newsletter - 2/28/2015

will's picture

When I say stop obeying, what I am saying is: become your own self. And the man who has become his own self will know when to obey and when not to obey. He will not be obedient, he will not have a character of obedience. He will decide according to each case when to obey and when not to obey.

When he will see the truth he will obey, when he will see untruth he will not obey. He will remain free to obey or not to obey.

And it is good to be free, because you have obeyed stupid politicians for too long, and they have been creating violence, war, bloodshed and nothing else. You have obeyed the priests too long and they have given you churches and the temples and the mosques, and they have taken the real temple of God away from you. They have talked about the other world but they have destroyed this world - and this is the only world there is.

So when I say don't be disciplined by anybody, I don't mean that you should become a chaos; I mean you should become an inner discipline. Be disciplined according to your own awareness.

Follow your own awareness, be a light unto yourself. This is freedom - to become a light unto oneself.


GFP Newsletter - 2/27/2015

will's picture

To become conscious is to get out of the prison. All that is needed is to become more and more conscious. More knowledge is not needed, more consciousness is needed. You already have too much knowledge, you are burdened with it.

The load is heavy, you cannot move because of this. You have to unburden yourself, and you have to start finding the real and dropping the unreal.

Always search for the real and don't be deceived by the society. And of course people will be angry with you because the moment you become conscious you are no longer under their control. They want you to be obedient, they want you to be disciplined - disciplined according to them, obedient to them. And they go on talking as if there would be chaos if people stopped obeying. And they go on saying that if people stop being disciplined then the society will be shattered.

That is not true. The society is shattered, it is a chaos, it is already a chaos. What more chaos can there be? You are living in a chaotic society, in a neurotic society. It is already hell.


GFP Newsletter - 2/26/2015

will's picture

Character is unreal so it never grows. Knowledge is unreal so it never grows. Morality is unreal so it never grows. And because you become too attached to these ungrowing things you stop growing.

That's what I mean when I say you become unconscious. Consciousness has to be a constant flow; only then do you remain conscious. Consciousness is river-like. The moment you become stagnant you lose consciousness.

People are living unconsciously. It hurts to feel, "I am living unconsciously," it goes against the ego.

But this has to be understood - at least by the seekers this has to be understood: that you have lived an unconscious life. This very understanding is the beginning of consciousness.


GFP Newsletter - 2/25/2015

will's picture

I have heard...

A man was sitting on his porch rocking back and forth. He seemed to be having a long discussion with himself. Every once in a while he broke into loud laughter. At other times he shouted "Phooey!" in disgust.

A policeman passing by stopped to watch the man and asked him what was going on. "I'm telling myself jokes," the man told him. "And if I say so myself, most of them are very funny. "

"Then why do you keep saying 'phooey'?" the policeman asked.

"I only say that when I've heard them before."

That's what you are doing, that's what everyone is doing. All the so-called original thinking is just nonsense. Thinking is never original, thought is always borrowed. It comes from the outside, no thought is yours.

But people start fighting, because they say, "I have to fight for my thought, for my ideology, for my religion, for my philosophy." The Christian fights, the communist fights, the Hindu fights - for what? They have been persuaded to believe that "This thinking is yours, this philosophy is yours."

No thinking is yours and no ideology is yours. You have been deceived - but you can remain in this deception because you are unconscious.


GFP Newsletter - 2/24/2015

will's picture

How can you think about truth? You can think only about something you already know. Thinking can exist only within the boundary of the known. Truth is not known yet - how can you think about the unknown? The unknown cannot be thought about, the unknown has to be experienced.

But people go on thinking about truth, about God, about love. People go on thinking about things which have to be experienced and not thought about. But you have been told, "Become great thinkers and you will attain to truth." And a thinker is just a bio-computer, a thinker is never original.



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