The Galactic Free Press Newsletter

GFP Newsletter - 5/22/2014

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Today's writing is, "Everything Is Exactly As It Should Be":

From the Soul's perspective, from that place of Oneness, the thought that everything is exactly as it should be is completely true. You could nitpick about the "should", as the whole concept of "should" is rooted in the mind's judgments, but since we're talking about the Soul's perspective I won't get into that yet. To the Soul, everything is divine perfection, not a single atom is out of place. Everything comes and goes at the precise moment it is "meant to".

That's the Soul's perspective, but most human beings on Earth don't operate from the Soul's perspective. They operate from the mind's perspective, which is a totally backwards way of looking at things compared to the Soul. To the mind, "everything is exactly as it should be", is never really true. If everything is as it should be, there would be no use for desire, and without the energy of desire, which is what feeds the mind, the mind would fall away.

Trying to understand things through the mind turns universal truths into spiritual platitudes. The mind takes "everything is exactly as it should be" and turns it into a belief system. Despite it never really being true for the mind, the mind can hold contradictory beliefs, which is a big part of why living from the mind inevitably results in suffering.

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GFP Newsletter - 5/22/2014

will's picture
Tired of Speaking Sweetly
Love wants to reach out and manhandle us,
Break all our teacup talk of God.
If you had the courage and
Could give the Beloved His choice, some nights,
He would just drag you around the room
By your hair,
Ripping from your grip all those toys in the world
That bring you no joy.
Love sometimes gets tired of speaking sweetly
And wants to rip to shreds
All your erroneous notions of truth
That make you fight within yourself, dear one,
And with others,
Causing the world to weep
On too many fine days.
God wants to manhandle us,
Lock us inside of a tiny room with Himself
And practice His dropkick.
The Beloved sometimes wants
To do us a great favor:
Hold us upside down
And shake all the nonsense out.
But when we hear
He is in such a "playful drunken mood"
Most everyone I know
Quickly packs their bags and hightails it
Out of town.

Hafiz, translated by Daniel Ladinsky

GFP Newsletter - 5/19/2014

will's picture

Today's writing is, "Negating Negativity":

So often there's talk of eliminating negativity. Really look at that approach, it's using negative thinking to try to get rid of negativity. Then there's the idea that we just focus upon positive thoughts, which at it's core is still based upon rejecting the negative. Then there's another approach, which is to combine the positive and the negative together, which is supposed to create a whole, though all I've seen it create is confusion in people. If you try to hold two contradictory thoughts in your mind, something most people's minds are already full of, it just creates chaos.

The issue with all these approaches is that they're based upon the assumption that the positive/negative duality is something valid. Positive and negative are inventions of the mind, you're not going to transcend them using the same kind of thinking that created them. The mind tries to take all of Creation and divide it into separate categories. The mind takes the richness and freedom of Creation, the uniqueness of every single atom, and narrows it down to either one thing or another, good/bad, light/dark, positive/negative. The mind interprets everything dualistically, and that kind of incredibly limited thinking makes the unlimited wonder of Creation seem dull and boring.

It's dualistic judgment that divides things into positive and negative. If you really want to release the negative, you must transcend that paradigm altogether. It's not about combining the "two", it's about the realization that there was never any division to begin with. You must go beyond the mind, and into the inherent wisdom of the Heart, then God begins to speak to you, though you, and As You.

GFP Newsletter - 5/19/2014

will's picture

Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn't.

-Mark Twain

GFP Newsletter - 5/18/2014

will's picture

Today's writing is, "How We Sabotage Ourselves Through Pride":

As with just about everything else, people have interpreted pride into both positive and negative aspects. It's easy to see the self-destructiveness of the negative aspects of pride, especially within other people. How pride leads to arrogance, an enormous ego, and thinking you're better than others. But then there's the "positive" aspect of pride, feeling good about yourself and your accomplishments. On the surface it may seem like this sort of pride is helpful. I have achieved something, so I allow myself to feel proud of my accomplishments. This kind of thinking is encouraged by our society, it's very common.

Realize that this is just as much a recipe for misery as the negative meaning of pride. It's linking your happiness and your self-worth to your accomplishments. If you really want happiness in your life, don't put restrictions on your happiness. Don't tie your happiness to accomplishments. Life isn't always going to meet your expectations, not all you endeavors are going to be successful. If you tie your self-worth to your success, what will you do when you're not successful? Do you see the problems you set up for yourself through pride?

You've got things backwards, you think some major accomplishment or achievement is going to lead to self-worth. It's supposed to transform you into someone you can be happy with. That's part of the lie of pride. I say it's backwards because your accomplishments will be all the more grand if they begin from a place of self-worth and happiness. That's part of the "secret" to success, starting out from a solid foundation.

Read the full version here:

Monthly donation total: $253

GFP Newsletter - 5/18/2014

will's picture

It is a little known fact that Jesus Christ was nearly called Manny shortly after his birth. Just before he was, however, someone walking past the stable peeked a look inside to see what was going on. Hitting his toe on a sharp stone he cried out, ”Jesus!”

”Oh, that’s a good name,” said Mary. ”We will call him that.”

GFP Newsletter - 5/17/2014

will's picture

I want to talk about Facebook, which is one of our primary tools for helping spread the Galactic Free Press articles. Many people have noticed that they no longer see our articles on their news feed, despite having "liked" our page. It seems that ever since Facebook started asking for money to promote posts, fewer and fewer people are actually seeing our articles. Even though we know have nearly 70,000 likes, it's usually only a small fraction of those people that get shown our posts.

To be frank, I don't like Facebook, It's a tool for major corporations and governments to harvest all your personal data and keep tabs on you. I always have had a feeling Facebook would destroy themselves with their own greed, and I don't feel comfortable relying upon them. I do, however, love the people on there, and it's a great tool for online communication and interaction with people all over the Planet. For this reason, we continue to use it. We are open to other options though, so if anybody knows any other social networks with strong spiritual communities, please let us know through the "Contact Us" form.

I've been informed that Facebook will remember pages that you've liked and shared posts from and then display these more often on your news feed. If you do want to see more of our articles, please head over to our GFP page, then like and share any articles that you enjoy. If you find any of our articles valuable or helpful, we highly recommend sharing them with others who you feel will benefit, even if you don't use Facebook.

Link to today's GFP newsletter:

GFP Newsletter - 5/17/2014

will's picture

I want to talk about Facebook, which is one of our primary tools for helping spread the Galactic Free Press articles. Many people have noticed that they no longer see our articles on their news feed, despite having "liked" our page. It seems that ever since Facebook started asking for money to promote posts, fewer and fewer people are actually seeing our articles. Even though we know have nearly 70,000 likes, it's usually only a small fraction of those people that get shown our posts.

To be frank, I don't like Facebook, It's a tool for major corporations and governments to harvest all your personal data and keep tabs on you. I always have had a feeling Facebook would destroy themselves with their own greed, and I don't feel comfortable relying upon them. I do, however, love the people on there, and it's a great tool for online communication and interaction with people all over the Planet. For this reason, we continue to use it. We are open to other options though, so if anybody knows any other social networks with strong spiritual communities, please let us know through the "Contact Us" form.

I've been informed that Facebook will remember pages that you've liked and shared posts from and then display these more often on your news feed. If you do want to see more of our articles, please head over to our GFP page, then like and share any articles that you enjoy. If you find any of our articles valuable or helpful, we highly recommend sharing them with others who you feel will benefit, even if you don't use Facebook.


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