The Galactic Free Press Newsletter

GFP Newsletter - 3/20/2014

will's picture

Our article today is, "How can you be happy when there's so much suffering in the world?":

This is a question we get asked every now and again, and it begs another question: Does sadness or pity do anything to relieve another's suffering? I see a whole lot of people who behave like it does, yet I also see a world that's filled with people suffering. Does being sad yourself really help at all, or does it just contribute more sadness to the world?

You've probably heard the expression "misery loves company", which means that suffering people are usually quite eager to spread their suffering to others. If this provides any relief, I suspect it's only because the mind gets what it wants. The mind gets validation for it's suffering by spreading it to another, which doesn't really relieve the suffering at all, it strengthens the patterns of suffering.

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Donation total: $570 out of $3,000 monthly goal.

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GFP Newsletter - 3/19/2014

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Our writing today is called, "Unconditional Acceptance of What Is":

I mentioned before that "Love is unconditional acceptance of everything" and it seems I should explain more of what I meant. There's the idea that simply accepting things means you don't change them, that acceptance is passiveness, but this is not what I mean by acceptance at all.

Acceptance is not avoidance of change, it's not avoidance of anything. It's acknowledgement and taking responsibility for the way your life is. This is the first step to really creating positive change. If you want to release your fear, you must accept that it is there first. You can't get rid of something you refuse to even own up to. If you don't accept, you reject, which is trying to fix a negative thought with another negative thought!

When I say negative, all I really mean is fear, rejection, denial. People make this a million times more complicated that it needs to be, they make their fears into big scary things instead of the weak illusion that fear really is. A negative thought is only that which negates, it put a "no" into your mind. The mind is likely going to analyze this because it wants to deny it, yet the mind's rejection is what led humanity to disconnect from Source in the first place.

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Donation total: $485 out of $3,000 monthly goal.

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GFP Newsletter - 3/18/2014

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Today's GFP original is, "Real understanding and repeating rhetoric":

Let me begin by explaining what I mean by rhetoric, it has a few different definitions so I'd like to be clear here. In academics, it's often defined as skill or effective use of writing and speech, but that's not the type of rhetoric I'm talking about here. Another definition is "language that is intended to influence people and that may not be honest or reasonable", and this is the rhetoric I'm speaking of. Take a political party for instance, it's as if they've only got one brain to pass around between them and they all repeat the same lines, the same rhetoric, over and over.

So is rhetoric a "bad" thing? No necessarily, but it generally shows a lack of real understanding. If you really understand what someone else has shared with you, you can apply your own unique perspective to it, you don't need to just repeat what the other person said. With a person who's really evolving, their understandings keep growing too. Their perspective gets bigger, so they don't just repeat the same things. They keep seeing life in new ways, and they keep expressing what they see in new ways. They may repeat the same general ideas, especially to people who don't understand them yet, but they don't just repeat the same rhetoric.

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Donation total: $482 out of $3,000 monthly goal.

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GFP Newsletter - 3/17/2014

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We sent out the "wrong" version of the Newsletter yesterday, so just in case anybody missed it, we have a highly recommended read, "Understanding 5D":

First I'll explain how not to do it, as 5D isn't really understood through the ways we're used to gaining knowledge. You can't experience 5D through your physical senses, it's beyond all of those. You cannot touch, taste, smell, hear or see 5D, and this is part of what makes even beginning to comprehend 5D so difficult. Human beings are visually-oriented, which works just fine in the physical realm, but is actually kind of a hindrance when it comes to 5D. Even your imagination is most likely visual-based, so trying to imagine 5D isn't going to work very well either.

5D cannot be understood with the limited mind, though 5D can be felt through Consciousness. The mind is restricted to 4D, it cannot go beyond because the mind itself is a 4D entity. You also cannot have a memory of 5D, since memories are 4D constructs as well. You may have a memory of a transcendent experience, but the actual 5D connection is only truly felt in this Present Moment. Any memory you have is just a pale reflection.

There's a whole lot of people and channelers who get the upper astral (part of 4D) confused with the Celestial Realm (5D). The upper astral contains the religious "heavens", created largely out of what people believe they're supposed to see, and it contains things like the Akashic records. If it resembles the physical realm at all, if it's not a totally ego-eradicating, mind-blowing feeling of transcendental bliss, it's not 5D.

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And here's today's writing, "Why I am not neutral":

GFP Newsletter - 3/17/2014

will's picture

The small man,
builds cages
for everyone he knows.
While the sage,
who has to duck his head
when the Moon is low,
keeps dropping keys all night long
for the beautiful
rowdy prisoners.


GFP Newsletter - 3/16/2014

will's picture

We have an article out today on "Understanding 5D":

"First I'll explain how not to do it, as 5D isn't really understood through the ways we're used to gaining knowledge. You can't experience 5D through your physical senses, it's beyond all of those. You cannot touch, taste, smell, hear or see 5D, and this is part of what makes even beginning to comprehend 5D so difficult. Human beings are visually-oriented, which works just fine in the physical realm, but is actually kind of a hindrance when it comes to 5D. Even your imagination is most likely visual-based, so trying to imagine 5D isn't going to work very well either.

5D cannot be understood with the limited mind, though 5D can be felt through Consciousness. The mind is restricted to 4D, it cannot go beyond because the mind itself is a 4D entity. You also cannot have a memory of 5D, since memories are 4D constructs as well. You may have a memory of a transcendent experience, but the actual 5D connection is only truly felt in this Present Moment. Any memory you have is just a pale reflection.

There's a whole lot of people and channelers who get the upper astral (part of 4D) confused with the Celestial Realm (5D). The upper astral contains the religious "heavens", created largely out of what people believe they're supposed to see, and it contains things like the Akashic records. If it resembles the physical realm at all, if it's not a totally ego-eradicating, mind-blowing feeling of transcendental bliss, it's not 5D."

Read the rest here:

Donation total: $482 out of $3,000 monthly goal.

GFP Newsletter - 3/16/2014

will's picture

You want to know the difference between belief systems and truth? Truth isn't something you believe, it's something you Live. A belief system is something static, dead. Truth is very much dynamic, changing, and alive. The moment you define truth in some rigid way, truth has already gone beyond your definitions.

Working hard for something we don't care about it is called stress. Working hard for something we love is called passion. -Simon Sinek


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