The Galactic Free Press Newsletter

GFP Newsletter - 3/30/2014

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Today's writing is, "The Myth of External Salvation":

There's so many things in "modern" life that feed into this illusion that we need someone or something else to come and save us. It's the basis of many religions, yet the pattern is even still there for many who have given up on religion. We believe some other person is going to come along and fix our life, to save us from unhappiness. How convenient that would be, but I've never seen it work that way except in movies. Trying to find someone else to "fix" you doesn't bring salvation at all, it's precisely why we have so many co-dependent relationships.

Now it is possible for two people to assist each other with self-discovery, and this is the basis for a healthy relationship. It can be very healing to see things from someone else's perspective. Part of what makes things so difficult for people is they believe only their perspective is valid, and seeing things from a very limited perspective can make our problems seem much bigger than they really are.

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Donation total: $2,784 out of $3,000 monthly goal.

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GFP Newsletter - 3/30/2014

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A selection of quotes from Aesop:

A crust eaten in peace is better than a banquet partaken in anxiety.

We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office.

Outside show is a poor substitute for inner worth.

GFP Newsletter - 3/29/2014

will's picture

Today's writing is, "The Worst Thing That Could Ever Happen":

The most horrible thing I can ever imagine happening to a being is for them to believe they're separate from God. I don't think it could get any worse than that. If this were to happen, people would forget what Love really means, they would descend into fear and suffering. They would poison themselves with hate, lie, cheat, steal, enslave and even murder people who are really their brothers and sisters. No, I don't think I could imagine anything worse than that.

The greatest darkness is to no longer be able to see the Light, to be unaware of your own Soul. Isn't this how most people live their lives? Is not the world run by fear and greed? There's always exceptions because of the incredible potential of the human heart, but collectively, humanity is still very much in darkness.

Hell isn't some place you go when you die, it's something you create for yourself through your own mind. Even a pope once admitted the truth about hell, he said that "Hell is separation from God". I could not describe it any better.

So why do I bring all this up? Mostly because I don't believe ignoring the problems is going to make them go away. People have already tried that, it hasn't worked at all. Another "solution" people having tried is hoping for a better future, yet in the thousands of years people have been doing that it hasn't worked very well either. Political solutions have been attempted, and what a joke those have been. There's this myth that's even spread by spiritual people today that a new economic system is going to fix things, yet I don't believe for a moment that's a real answer.

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GFP Newsletter - 3/28/2014

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Today's writing is called, "Take Off The Rose-Colored Glasses":

There's people who view everything very optimistically, and there's many spiritual messages that encourage you to think only positive thoughts. This is what known as "seeing the world through rose-colored glasses". Even mainstream society often encourages it as some kind of solution to what is wrong with the world. It's not a real solution though, as more often than not it just encourages a person to ignore what really needs to change.

One of the big problems that comes from the rose-colored glasses is that you actually miss out on the real beauty of existence. All the "positivity" is often just the mind's rejection of what it perceives as negative, so the person with rose-colored glasses is just as caught up in their mind as a pessimistic person. If you just focus upon your mind's interpretation of what is, you're really missing out, you're only seeing through your mind's filters. A small child, they don't interpret everything as positive or negative, and because of that they can really see the wonder of Creation.

Optimism and pessimism, they're really just two sides of the same coin, dualism. Someone caught up within duality has to interpret everything as either good or bad, and rose-colored glasses just feed into this illusion. That which is judged as "bad" is often ignored completely, the optimist tries to pretend like it doesn't exist. This isn't a recipe for change at all it really just keeps things exactly the way they are.

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Donation total: $2,640 out of $3,000 monthly goal

GFP Newsletter - 3/28/2014

will's picture

Laughter brings some energy from your inner source to your surface. Energy starts flowing, follows laughter like a shadow. Have you watched it? When you really laugh, for those few moments you are in a deep meditative state. Thinking stops. It is impossible to laugh and think together. They are diametrically opposite: either you can laugh or you can think. If you really laugh, thinking stops. If you are still thinking, laughter will be just so-so, it will be just so-so, lagging behind. It will be a crippled laughter.

When you really laugh, suddenly mind disappears.


GFP Newsletter - 3/27/2014

will's picture

Today's writing is called, "How the spiritual community becomes so fragmented"

On the surface it may not seem like the spiritual community is fractured at all, but if you look a little deeper there's very little real unity. I've worked with many of the spiritual teachers, gurus, messiahs, channelers, religious leaders, all the self-proclaimed spiritual authorities and I've noticed they don't get along with each other very well at all. Publicly it's usually all smiles, but when you put them together privately it's something resembling high school drama. These are people who are used to being surrounded by people who automatically believe what they say. When they're out of that element, their beliefs get challenged by other people with strong beliefs, and this almost always results in conflict.

Take channeling for instance and all the people who claim to have "behind the scenes" information. If these are reliable sources of information, their stories should confirm each other, shouldn't they? More often that not, they directly conflict with each other, and there's an excellent example of this with the recent Malaysian airliner disappearance. I counted at least 5 different stories of what happened, and I watched as people fought over which one was correct on Facebook.

I wonder how people determine which story is correct? Is it the first one they read? I bet it's usually the one that conforms to the person's preconceived worldview. The people who want to believe Obama is an evil villain chose the story where Obama was responsible for the plane's disappearance. The people who want to believe that ETs are coming to save everyone believed the version where the plane is now on a starship. So many conflicting beliefs, and being spread by people who are supposed to be about creating peace and unity.

GFP Newsletter - 3/26/2014

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Today's writing is, "Discovering Truth for Yourself":

We don't want anybody to be dependent upon the Galactic Free Press for truth in their life. If that has happened, we're doing you a great disservice. If you put your faith in something outside, if you rely upon someone or something else to tell you the truth, you're really disempowering yourself. We're not kidding when we say every Human Being Is God, and not the religious "gods" created by the mind, but a Living Expression of the Divine.

People are terrified of this though, it's a level of personal responsibility that few want to accept. It's much easier to let society or some spiritual guru tell you how you're supposed to live your life. Much more simple that way and if it doesn't work out, you get to blame something else for the way your own life is. It's very comfortable and convenient, and it's most likely the way you've been taught to behave by society.

What if you gave all that up right now? You could, in every moment exists the possibility of radical change, though most have an abundance of fears that still hold them back. Monetary worries, familial worries, as if fear is the main motivating factor in life and Love is just some luxury. People believe these changes are so difficult and while that's probably true, it's not the difficulty that really holds you back. It's the belief that you're not strong enough to face those difficulties.

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Donation total: $2,438 out of $3,000 monthly goal

GFP Newsletter - 3/26/2014

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Yesterday we posted a quote about going out into nature alone to help you discover yourself. It's great advice, but I wanted to add that it's important to evolve socially as well. It's not just alone, but also through our relationships with others that we really develop. No man is an island, nobody is ever really alone, we're all interdependent. Truly understanding Co-Creation means that we interact with others, and your personal understandings have enormous potential for growth when expressed and shared with others.


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