The Galactic Free Press Newsletter

GFP Newsletter - 4/9/2014

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Today's writing is, "The Difference Between Believing In Truth And Living It":

Humans have this uncanny ability to recognize Truth, and I'm not talking about the small temporary truths like "I ate a sandwich for lunch yesterday", but the big Universal Truths. Subconsciously, part of them knows it's true, it sounds good, even if they don't consciously understand why. It's no mystery to us here as to why that is, we're not kidding when we say every Human Being IS GOD, though very few are aware of what this really means. Even to the skeptic and the atheist, something like Love or the profound wonder of the Universe is still very appealing, humans are drawn to those things like moths to a flame.

Now there's a seeming contradiction here, because if people can naturally recognize truth, then why is there still so much ignorance on the planet? Well it's one thing to recognize truth, it's another thing to believe it, and it's something else entirely to actually live that truth. For that, you have to embrace it, truly understand it, and also integrate it into your life.

Let's take an practical example from something I mentioned earlier, that Everyone Is God. There's plenty of people who believe this, especially because it's a fairly popular thing to say in many spiritual groups. Quite frankly though, believing it isn't nearly enough. All that does is toss it on the pile o' beliefs that you call a mind and hope it plays well with the other beliefs, many of which actually deny the idea that You Are God. These conflicting beliefs feed into cognitive dissonance and confusion far more than they create clarity.

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GFP Newsletter - 4/8/2014

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Today's writing is, "Nothing Written Is Ever Completely True":

I'm going to share something that's helped me immensely with understanding spiritual writings: don't believe everything that you read. I highly recommend approaching it from the understanding that the person who wrote it is very much a human being, and still growing in their personal understandings. They're still developing, and they likely have plenty of their own illusions that they're not yet aware of. What they tell you may even be 95% accurate, but there's still that 5% to watch out for.

I recommend approaching the messages this way no matter who they claim to be channeling. A 5D Being wants you to step into your Higher Self so you can be like They Are, that's what they're here for. What They're not here to do is make channelers and their followers completely dependent upon Them. That feeds into the illusion that people are weak stupid cattle, and not the amazing, blessed, and Divine Beings that Humans truly are. You all have this Connection to Truth, not just certain special people.

There's also the fact that our language is designed around communicating 2d and 3d thoughts. When I'm talking about Truth, I'm talking about God, I'm talking about the Transcendent Reality that exists beyond the limited mind. Do you have any idea how incredibly complex God Is? I can feel the wonder of this directly, but I couldn't possibly write it down. We have such a restricted vocabulary to communicate God, only a handful of words such as Oneness, Source, Spirit, Truth and Love.

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Donation total: $267 out of $3,000 monthly goal

GFP Newsletter - 4/8/2014

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It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.
-Jiddu Krishnamurti

If we can really understand the problem, the answer will come out of it, because the answer is not separate from the problem.
-Jiddu Krishnamurti

GFP Newsletter - 4/7/2014

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When Is Ascension Coming?

This is something we get asked continually, "When is Ascension?", "When is First Contact?", "When is The Event?". I wonder if people have any idea how long these questions have been asked? This whole idea that a day or a series of events would come along to solve humanity's problems is ancient, it can be found in Zoroastrianism which predates Judaism. And this belief that it's all going to happen "soon", do you know how long people have believed this? It's part of the bible, so at the very least around 2,000 years, probably much longer.

For thousands of years this day has been predicted over and over and over again, and yet it hasn't come. Even today, we seem to get a new prediction of when "it" will happen at least once a week. It's a shortcut to popularity by predicting something will happen, people like that. We see the stats on our site, and we know how popular those messages are. People really want to believe this, and I wonder if they're conscious of the same patterns repeating over and over again?

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.

We've watched more of these predictions fail than I care to count. Even now, I know there's at least one prediction of something happening sometime this week, and another predicting something 8 days from when I write this. So easy it is to just believe someone else and wait, but is that how real change occurs? How long have people tried this for?

GFP Newsletter - 4/6/2014

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“Listen to your being. It is continuously giving you hints; it is a still, small voice. It does not shout at you, that is true. And if you are a little silent you will start feeling your way. Be the person you are. Never try to be another, and you will become mature. Maturity is accepting the responsibility of being oneself, whatsoever the cost. Risking all to be oneself, that's what maturity is all about.”
― Osho

ISON Fractal - Alison McKenzie

GFP Newsletter - 4/5/2014

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Today's writing is, "What is the ego?":

Our society shuns real individuality and encourages conformity. What you're supposed to wear, how you express yourself, what you do, the way you behave, all of this is supposed to conform to certain norms. If you don't, chances are you'll be cast out, rejected, shunned, and in some places you can even be locked up for being "mentally unfit". Since we're social beings, this doesn't feel very good, and it's understandable that people attempt to change who they are to fit in. We learn to put on masks to hide the socially unacceptable parts of ourselves, and most in our society have worn that mask for so long they have trouble telling between the mask and what's underneath. This mask is what we call ego.

Mainstream society equates ego with self, and this means a whole lot coming from a society full of people out of touch with their authentic self, their True Self. They've lost themselves in the mask they wear, so of course they believe the ego is their "self".

Then there's the "spiritual" people who will tell you that you need to make peace with your ego. The ego is born of separation, it is the source of conflict in your life. If you're really at Peace, there is no ego. There's more than a few spiritual gurus who believe they're masters of their ego when it's more the other way around. The tail wags the dog. They may let go of certain parts of their ego, only to strengthen other parts, such as the desire to control others.

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Donation total: $53 out of $3,000 monthly goal

GFP Newsletter - 4/5/2014

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There was once an old farmer whose horse had run away. When the people of his village heard, they came to his house to show their sympathy. The villagers said, "What bad news!" and the old farmer simply shrugged and said, "Maybe."

The old man's son went out to look for the horse the next day, and found it playing with two wild horses. He managed to capture all three and bring them back home. The villagers came again saying, "What good news!" and the old farmer simply shrugged and said, "Maybe."

The next day the old man's son was trying to tame one of the wild horses, and he fell off the horse and broken his leg. Again, the villagers came saying, "What bad news!" and the old farmer simply shrugged and said, "Maybe."

The following day, the military came and conscripted all the young men of the village except for the old man's son because of his injury. The villagers came again saying, "What good news!" and the old farmer simply shrugged and said, "Maybe."


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