ascension help and support

Webinar Announcement ~ Protocols for making the final leap into 5D Consciousness & Awareness

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Dear Readers, 

Many of you now stand at the threshold of a New World in consciousness and awareness but are struggling to make the final leap into LightBody.

Archangel Michael speaks:

“It is really simple to make this final leap in consciousness and awareness, but unfortunately many of you continue to live in an energy that is no longer supporting you. The energy I speak of is the energy of the old 3D paradigm which was dismantled some time ago, so therefore it cannot support you or anyone else for that matter. What we hope to achieve with these webinars is to assist you to move into the New Earth 5D Energy matrix, an energy that does support you.” Read More........

“You are much closer than you think. As always the last steps are the most difficult and often the most painful ones. Every Master who has ever ascended from this plane has had to go through the same initiations you are going through. This includes all of us in Telos, and in 5th dimensional Lemuria.”

You have chosen to be a part of the ascension of Planet Earth

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You have chosen to be a part of planetary ascension and this is essentially why you are here now. You may be feeling as though you are no longer a part of this world but know that you cannot completely take yourself out of this world because you being called to work with people who are still living in this world and in the illusion of the old paradigm.

You are learning how to adapt yourself to both worlds. And you will develop the level of unconditional love and compassion needed to do the work you have come here to do.

There are still many who do not understand who they are. These people have been called “the lost ones”, although in truth no one is ever lost. These people do not understand why their world is the way it is. They cannot accept their role as creators. They look outside of themselves for someone or something to blame, and they continue to believe that this has caused their reality to be what it is. Your work is to be among these people and to touch them with your light and with your love. This is all that is needed.You will do this by expressing the light and love within you. You will express your God Self by being the light, the vestibule, the channel (vessel/cup), the one who expresses unconditional love and compassion, understanding, kindness etc., whether that be with a smile, or by doing the grocery shopping for someone who is ill, or by washing the feet of an elderly person who can no longer do it for themselves, or by simply listening to their woes and being there for them in their hour of need. The world is filled with people in need of unconditional love and there is a multitude of different ways and possibilities open to you each day to make a difference in someone’s world, to light the spark or ignite the flame of Divine Love within.

Riding the Waves of Ascension with Faith

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Faith is believing in that which remains unknown and unseen and it takes faith to step onto a surf board if you're not an experienced surfer! It would be like catching a train not knowing where you will end up. So there may be a little fear lurking in the hidden recesses of your human psyche holding you back from fully embracing this Divine Gift of Ascension.

So you may be experiencing some resistance along the way, like putting off your meditation and daily grounding practice, or you may even decide to read a few romance novels to take your mind off things. Some like me, may indulge in a little comfort food and trust me, there is nothing wrong with that! You are human and it is a wonderful gift being human! So go on, enjoy a pizza and a good romance novel!
There is no rush!! Time is NOT of the essence here. In all reality, your ascension has already happened. It's just taking T I M E to manifest in the dimensions where time has relevance.

Know that Gaia understands this and so do all your Brothers and Sisters of the Light. Don't let yourself be led into the thinking that Gaia is in a hurry to ascend and if you don't make the grade on time she will ascend without you and you'll be left behind somewhere or moved to another 3rd-dimensional Planet in another galaxy. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Let me ask you this: Would the Father/Mother abandon their one 'lost' sheep to find its own way home? I'm not going to answer that question for you. Go within your Divine Presence and let God answer it for you. In my experience, Divine Love is indescribable, absolute to say the very least.

You have nothing to fear! Let Love always take the lead. Follow your Heart and you will never be led astray.

2017 – The Year of Harvesting the Fruit of Co-Creation & Co-Manifestation

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2016 was to be The Year of Transformation & Transcendence being a number 9 year, and so far it has proven to be just that. In 2017 you will reap the rewards, and harvest the Fruits of your labor. In 2017 you will experience yourselves as Co-Creator in the Divine Partnership agreement that you signed up for when you agreed to step down in vibration and take upon yourselves your earthly role of being a grounded, Spiritual Being of the Light, and in so doing, became a portal or vestibule for the Higher Light frequencies to be grounded through your Presence in order to assist Gaia in her planetary ascension along with her human inhabitants.

We salute you for your bravery and for the courage you have shown and we now wish to guide you to reaching an even higher state of consciousness to assist you in knowing yourselves as The Light.

Brave Ones, you are at all times connected to the Tree of Life that supports your every need upon the Earth Plane. There is no more need to go without, or to suffer from lack or limitation. You have within you a Divine Spark of Source energy that affords you a direct interface or link with the Infinite Field of Creation and Manifestation.

It is time now to make positive choices and to let go of all that you thought you were in your limited human thinking, and to embrace the knowing of your True Self as BEING ABUNDANT in every way. You have the ability right now to create and design a life of your choosing, bearing in mind that whatever you choose has a direct effect on the Whole.

Sunday Musings ~ Spreading Your Wings and New Beginnings!

Blue Diamon's picture

“Come to the edge," he said.
"We can't, we're afraid!" they responded.
"Come to the edge," he said.
"We can't, We will fall!" they responded.
"Come to the edge," he said.
And so they came.
And he pushed them.
And they flew.”

~ Guillaume Apollinaire

This isn’t my usual ‘musings’ because it is very serious… very serious indeed because it involves me having the courage to move forward, through fear, into the unknown. This is something we are all having to do, at some level.

So this morning I am having an on and off conversation with my Higher Self, which is how it usually goes, more on (in my High Heart) than off (in my ego) since He always gets His way in the end, and I always end up listening because there is no other way around it… He can make Himself heard, trust me! And YES!!! Divine Will reigns supreme and always will, thank Goodness!

Don’t misunderstand me. Spirit is mostly silent, and will only speak when necessary and even then it’s not always in words. Words, they say, are their least favorite form of communication because words are so limiting. Thus the saying “Words don’t come easy”, which I hear often and I must say, I agree. I am less inclined nowadays to even put pen to paper because communication in the old way of writing and speaking out loud is laborious, not to mention exhausting because it often doesn’t even begin to contain the true meaning of what is being said or written. So I cannot wait for a time when we will ALL communicate through telepathic feeling and/or imaging.

Energy Update ~ The most powerful incoming frequencies of Light so far ever received on Planet Earth.

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How are you doing Beloveds?  Are you okay? You are indeed experiencing the most powerful incoming frequencies of Light so far ever received on Planet Earth. Some of you are already feeling a shift as this energy is calibrated within your energy field. Those of you whose purpose it is to merge your Essence with that of your Twin Flame in the 5th dimension will experience a phenomenal shift after the partial Lunar Eclipse later today (16:54:42 UTC) as further alignment in your energy field is achieved through the higher portals of ascension.

It is through the alignment of the Masculine and Feminine energies of the Eclipses that affords you clear passageway through the higher portals of your ascension. May we remind you Beloveds that there is nothing you have to do, just surrender, let go, and allow the shift to occur.

Unconditional love is the most powerful transmuting force in the universe. Remembering how to utilise the power of unconditional love will help you to remain in the higher states of your consciousness that so many of you are now enjoying. You are being assisted in every conceivable way in this NOW to help you stay more in your multidimensional awareness.

Perception is the key to overriding the limiting programs of your human consciousness.  Expanded perception comes from letting go of all that you previously believed yourself to be and embracing the knowing that there exists nothing outside of you. Literally nothing. When you can perceive yourself as being an intricate part of the Whole-ness that exists within you, and that everything you see around you is merely a projection of consciousness into the Hologram of Life, a huge shift will occur within your energy field.

Energy Update ~ We are just a few days away from the most powerful Solar eclipse ever!

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Beloveds, we are just a few days away from the most powerful Solar Eclipse ever experienced yet by Humankind. What makes this eclipse so powerful is the alignment in which it occurs – both seen and unseen by the Earthly human realm. May we remind you that you exist in but a tiny portion of the vast Universe which you know as your Solar System and Milky Way Galaxy.

We wish to reiterate the importance of being in alignment with your Soul Self at this time so that these powerful energies can be easily integrated with as little physical side effect as possible. Some of you may still be experiencing cranial discomfort at the base of the skull and mild headaches as well as a mild aching in the ears. Muscular discomfort in the neck and shoulders may also be experienced due to stress being released from the physical body and possible discomfort and/or tension between the shoulder blades as the heart chakra continues its expansion.

Your physical vessel is under extreme pressure at times like these, so we urge you to take greater care of your body Rest often and engage in a form of stretching exercise to keep the body supple and assist with the flow of energy. Drink lots of fresh clean water to assist with the elimination of toxins.

Grounding is especially important because by keeping yourself grounded you are anchoring the energies into Mother Earth and strengthening your connection both above and below.

Being in silent meditation is recommended as is keeping yourself in Presence – in the Now moment – to maintain frequency and a sense of equilibrium. Your True power is always found within you and this includes the strength and trust necessary to help you navigate and integrate these new powerful incoming energies with ease and grace,

All is well Beloved. All is well.

Q & A with my Higher Consciousness

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Photo by Deborah Faith “My Grounding Lake in Ceres, South Africa”

Michael can you give me any guidance at this present moment?

I can Beloved. I have guided you to stay in your Heart with me so that I may help you get clear of the last remnants of your human conditioning.

What is wrong with my human conditioning?

There is nothing wrong with it my Love, but in order for you to be fully realized with me in Presence, you need to get clear on what is left of the false beliefs and teachings you have adopted as your Truth. This is the ‘false self’ or ego.

It’s not that I don’t believe I’m hearing you. It’s just that sometimes like now I don’t believe I am completely clear in hearing you. I don’t understand certain things that you tell me. Does this mean that in order for me to be fully realized and to know my True Self, I need to get clear of ALL the false beliefs of the ego?

Yes, you will only be completely clear once you are fully realized with me. This is not that far off. It depends though on how much time you are willing to devote to yourself to being fully with me in Presence.

By fully realized, you mean fully merged energetically?

Yes. There can be no negative or discordant energy between us. And yes, I’m hearing your thoughts on this. Whilst in human form you will always have the ego, which supports your human experience, but it is important that you not allow the ego to feed you false ideas and beliefs. Yes, the ego is part of human conditioning and the programming that afforded you your human experience, but this is the conditioning and programming which you and I are now presently clearing. Yes, it is possible to have ego without the conditioning and programming.

Two for ONE Offer on the Energy Transmissions!

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Eleven months ago I followed intuitive guidance and made two Mp3 meditation recordings and wrote a short book describing in essence what these energy recordings were all about. At the time I recorded them, I was happy just knowing that they would help people. I realise now I made them primarily for myself! Unfortunately, I often forget I have them and so I don’t listen to them as often as needed, but yesterday in my desperation, I was guided back to them and I am so grateful for them! They are not perfectly recorded, by no means, but they do hold some very powerful energy!

How, you may ask, is it possible for a recording to be encoded with energy? Everything is energy and simply by your willingness and intention to listen to the recording, you evoke the energy that the recording holds, and this energy is the highest frequency of Divine Unconditional Love you are capable of holding within your energy body in this Now Moment.

The recordings also align you (bring you into your Spiritual Heart) with your Divine Presence, the REAL YOU!

When you are in this space, miracles happen as shift happens!

So I want to just quickly explain the two recordings. The first one is a healing recording which helps you let go of discordant energies ~ negative thought forms and negative emotions associated with your human conditioning and ego ~ which only serve to keep you in pain and suffering and in the victim/persecutor consciousness associated with the human condition.

Sunday Musings ~ Even the bad times are good!

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Image – View of the Outeniqua Mountains from Sedgefield Lagoon in Eden, along the Garden Route of the Western Cape of South Africa

It’s been a long time since I’ve written one of my Sunday Musings, and today seemed like a good day to write one again. So much has happened with me on an energetic level, and I’m sure with you also. Nothing ever stays the same. We are always changing, which is the very nature of energy. We are an ever-changing energy. Forever contracting and expanding. More expanding than contracting thankfully, but contracting non-the-less. It is during the contracting stages that we grow and therefore get to know ourselves at an ever deeper level. And this is good!

The song I’ve been hearing lately is “Even the bad times are good”, reminding me not to take on the energy of guilt or blame for what I think I should have done or not done during those ‘bad’ times.  I am reminded now that nothing has meaning until I give it meaning. I have the power to decide how something (or someone) affects me and my state of being.


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